TR in a good spot?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TotalFan, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. david06

    Well you said that "There is nothing like what the VS have" and the VS get 0.75 ADS light machine guns. The orion is still the best LMG and probably the best gun in the game and it should be because it has the rate of fire and damage of the CARV but is more mobile and against a skilled opponent it comes down to scoring head shots while avoiding head shots.

    Anyway the vulcan isn't getting a huge buff, if the buff works then it will actually be used once in awhile instead of the halberd. The MCG is a joke weapon good only for dumping on bad players, it's even less useful since concs were nerfed. If you ever think about taking the MCG grab the skillhawk instead. At least the lasher is a great weapon for holding down choke points. Also the best pistol in the game is the commissioner, I don't know what you're talking about.

    TR guns can feel great for new players because of magazine sizes and bullet spam in large fights but if you have good aim their weaknesses really jump out at you.
  2. MostlySilent

    I actually really like the MCG. I legitimately think it's a great weapon and its effective in surprising ranges.. (That said, as you reach higher levels of skill the MSW-R and/or CARV will outperform it because it only gets a 1.5x headshot multiplier.)
  3. Takoita

    I have no real complaints in regards to the AR weapon category. Carbines are in a good place, IMHO - however much I might dislike T5 AMC, there are people that like the gun and get good results out of it; maybe it could be said that they are a bit too alike, but Cougar, Jaguar and Lynx are there to offer players different 'feel'.

    LMG category, in my opinion, needs some love. CARV and MSW-R are very nice and Rhino sometimes make me wanna mount a scope with higher zoom than x2 despite its shakiness, but everything else... TMG-50 was previously a very fine gun to shoot with, but from what my compatriots tell me, it has lost in the accuracy department in the recent months and is now an exercise in frustration. CARV-S lacks both in damage per shot / rate of fire model and accuracy and is thus a 'master of none' kind of deal. Bull has a nice and short reload and good bullet velocity, but I am hesitant to pay the maximum price just for that.

    MCG is... fun, but is oftentimes less than effective. Mag size is nice, the 'feel' is nice, effective TTK... not so much.

    SMG are effective at what they do, but everytime I run into an enemy SMG my face is violently ground into the fact that they do this job better.

    Stiker is effective only against enemy aircraft at very close range. Against everything else, in my experience, you might as well not even bother: required exposure time and user accuracy outweigh the meagre increase in DPM by a too hefty margin.

    MAX AI guns spray shots everywhere. Sometimes, you get lotsa headshots in a row and are amazed at how quickly people go down. Most of the time, you miss at least half of them and give the enemy plenty of time to either run away or explode you with C4 / discharge a Decimator in your face. Enemy AI MAXes either have better accuracy or better damage output, so you are at a disadvantage here.

    MAX Pounders, thankfully, are effective against enemy MAXes. They can also kill one or two enemy infantry per reload if you have better accuracy than me (not that hard, from what I've seen in the game). As for anti-armor... you can dish out some nice damage if you manage to sneak up on the enemy (like on a bridge above them, for example). The drop arc kinda limits their usefulness outside of AMP station courtyards though.

    MAX Fractures, IMHO, need some love. The reason why is because they don't shoot where you point them most of the time. Some zoom would be pretty nice to have too (I'm not talking about the ADS functionality - just some plain zoom around the reticule).

    MAX Lockdown... I die quite often enough as it is, thank you.

    Vulcan is already discussed everywhere, so TLDR: damage dropoff formula + its accuracy makes for a sad TR; the reasons why are because a). you need to be really close to fully make use of the theoretical damage potential, b). the enemy really doesn't in order to do the same, c). even if you do catch them at close range, neither Saron nor Enforcer lose a yota of their effectiveness - the same cannot be said for you if your Prowler is caught outside your ideal engagement range, d). both Saron and Enforcer can kill infantry better than this gun too.

    Marauder... I've seen people wreck some serious stuff with it, so it appears to be a case of L2P, but, personally, I find its projectile arc really awkward to use.

    Prowler Anchor mode offers some very nice accuracy and RPM boosts at longer ranges. When nobody is shooting at you, that is.

    I don't have enough experience with using aircraft weaponry to say much of anything on that front. (Although Banshee did cause some tableflips when I got shot by it on my alt characters - drat thing is way too quiet, so most people don't even notice when a Mosquito picks off their comrades wholesale right next to them.)
  4. sindz

    0.75x ADS is overrated, yes its a benefit but far from what forumside wants to believe. Especially when you factor in the HA shield. And I actually think the MSW-R is just as good seeing it has SPA, faster reload etc. And funny you brought up the 1 good weapon VS have, its no secret that VS currently have the weakest arsenal when it comes to choices. Every AR the VS have is garbage, and is the faction with the most 652 & 698 lack luster weapons while having the worst pistol ingame. Funny enough this isnt considered, but since they have a good LMG the whole faction is OP. The TMG-50 is better than the flare and ursa, MSW-R & Carv is comparable to the orion (yes the buff to carv recoil is noticable).

    And the vulcan is getting a huge buff, if the current PTS carries over, it alone can 1 clip a MBT. Add to that the highest dps main cannon in the game and its down right game breaking. MCG is the best performing heavy weapon in the game and thats a fact. And the lasher cant hold down anything unless you get 4-10 people also spamming it. But then the MCG would be even better if you get 4-10 people coordinated. Also the splash dmg and dmg the lasher can provide is so low, that unless you are pants on head ******** you will just run right through it or back off. Lastly, there isnt any chokepoints in PS2. Every place have 23123 alternative routes, in form of teleports, elevation, underground, etc.

    Its called balance, since you have a bigger mag size and generally high ROF there has to be some downsides and it has nothing to do with new players.
  5. Revel

    TR (and our little brother NC) need a .75 ADS faction specific LMG
    TR Max needs long range AV love
    TR HA needs long range AV love
  6. JediNinja

    The Prowler is actually a very capable vehicle... as long as you use it as artillery and not a MBT. It can't go toe to toe with other MBT, but at a distance with lockdown it can out DPS them no problems. The lockdown buff allows us to hit targets at farther ranges, fire faster, hit harder than our opponents. Just stay at a distance and avoid close combat and the Prowler is a beast.
  7. Goretzu

    When you look at the stats it is hard to make a case for any faction being in a bad spot these days really.
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  8. Cavadus

    Yeah, like I said, if you want a tank pull a Lightning.
  9. MostlySilent

    The Jackhammer consistently outperforms the MCG in KPH, so I don't know where you're getting, "Best performing heavy weapon in the game and thats a fact" from.

    Also the Vulcan nerf doesn't fix the Vulcan's problem. Sure it can one clip a Vanguard to the rear, if that Vanguard lets you shoot it in the back close enough for every bullet to hit for max damage for 7-8 straight seconds. (Something that would get a Harasser killed and a Prowler shouldn't ever be able to get in a situation to do) and this is also assuming the Vanguard doesn't use its shield.

    (It's even less likely to happen to Magriders)

    Not to mention the new fixed COF is only slightly better than its old max COF, so it's still going to be a terrible choice at range.

    I do enjoy the MSW-R though. I'm not sure it's quite Orion/Betelgeuse level, but it's definitely good.
  10. sindz

    Based mine on KPU and KPU4. Anyway, take a look at the uniques, the MCG is widely used since its not niche weapon (lasher most niche weapon in the game). And still doesnt change the fact that the MCG is the only heavy weapon that got some love in form of attachment. Granted jackhammer can switch firemodes - the lasher is just meh. - uniques

    If you cant see how a secondary gun being able to 1 clip MBT's is downright gamebreaking when you also have the highest dps main cannon of all 3 factions, then we have nothing more to discuss. Its not like the other factions secondaries even come close to this nor will TR MBT's just sit there and take it. Even though the TTK is way higher for saron and enforcer.
  11. MostlySilent

    Woh now.

    The Enforcer, from what I've heard, is fully capable of one clipping a Prowler to the rear. The Vulcan does this to a Vanguard faster, but the Vulcan also has some extreme issues with scaling with range, unlike the Enforcer. The Harasser Vulcan is getting a solid buff, the Prowler Vulcan is still pretty awful because the Vulcan just doesn't do what the Prowler wants it to, which is be capable of engaging targets at extreme distances, where Anchor matters.

    I don't understand how you think this is going to propel the Vulcan from awful to suddenly god tier. The COF doesn't really fix anything and adding ammo to a magazine will really only be beneficial to the Harasser because it will still be a terrible weapon on Prowlers. (Unless you honestly expect people to be ramming Vanguards with 120 AP and a Vulcan.)

    As for the MCG vs Jackhammer vs Lasher.

    The MCG is usually very slightly ahead in KPU and KPU Q4, but only very slightly and any other argument is dishonest. In KPU the MCG edges out the Jackhammer by a little bit most days, but in KPU Q4, they're very similar. The Lasher isn't trailing by much either, which is pretty freaking good considering it's a squad support/suppressive weapon.
  12. Pikachu

    A TR who doesn't complain? Who finds his faction fine!? What is this, madness? :eek:
  13. Ownasaurusrex

    Get on those 200 kills bro
  14. david06

    Prowlers scale with repair sunderers better than other tanks because a rep sundy allows them to better use their DPS instead of repair/retreating once they start to get hit. 2-3 prowlers and 2 rep sundys is actually pretty economical despite looking light on firepower because the prowlers that can anchor and fire 100% of the time put out great DPS.

    The prowler is really a contrast from TR's infantry weapons because it rewards good aim and experience while it's special ability is usually a death sentence for new players.
  15. Squirreli

    Someone praising MCG? What for? Please tell me what it is useful for? Out of HA weapons I've auraxiumed (MCG, T9 CARV, T9 CARV S, MSW-R, TMG-50, Bull and NS-15 AE), the MCG was the worst. It is not even a decent generalist weapon and there is no special situation where the gun would excel over the alternatives. Also, claiming it is somehow special for requiring an unique attachment to be even remotely effective is just mental gymnastics and intellectual dishonesty. Also, bear in mind that Jackhammer is a good shotgun, lasher is a unique infantry based suppression tool and MCG is a bad LMG. They can not be directly compared.

    In my experience (which is of course subjective, with a heavily mained TR), my view is, that in all non-identical infantry weapon categories (except possibly the medic), the best option for a skilled player is not TR specific. GD-7F > Jaguar, Orion and many NC LMGs > TR LMGs, Cyclone & ?Eridani? > Armistice, Underboss > TR pistols, Slug Mattocks > any TR MAX AI, Ravens > Fractures or Pounders for AT. Pounders however are a nice mix of AI/AT and could be considered the best generalist MAX weapons. I guess the thing TR infantry weaponry has going for it is ease of use with the big mag size, but from where I'm standing, I'd rather use non-TR weapons in almost all categories. However, to claim that TR is seriously lacking and somehow a hardmode faction, well, that is just propaganda. TR can make do pretty nicely.
  16. SpectreGhostWTR

    i don't get it. why would you compare the stats of ES heavy weapons? they are completely different types of weapons and won't have comparable results. jackhammer is a shotgun, MCG some mutant LMG like thing and the lasher is unique. ofc they won't "perform" equally, but that doesn't mean one is better or worse just based on the stats. i've never seen an NC heavy with a jackhammer randomly spamming shots at a doorway. with the lasher many people do it, get tons of assists but few kills. while effectively suppressing your enemy, that's also equip time without getting kills -> lower KPH. and that is why i don't think the stats will be viable here.

    another point that cought my eye is that "vulcan can 1 clip vanguard". that statement is meaningless, i mean you can reduce the RoF to 5rpm and keep everything else as it is, the vulcan would still be able to kill the vanguard with the same amount of hits. the time it needs to kill it is what matters, not the number of clips (actually magazines). so please argue about the TTK and not the number of magazines.

    the prowler needs to land all shots to reach it's theoretical DPS, which doesn't happen in an actual fight. you also need to factor the magriders mobility and the vanguards shield ability into this. tbh i'm not a huge fan of the "vulcan buff", as it does - at least in my eyes - not address the vulcans real problem: heavily limited range. personally i would have prefered a very accurate but lower damage vulcan that performs equally to the saron and enforcer at all ranges. but i know not every TR wants that, as some like their CQC-vulcan better. let's hope SOE gives us a second, long range ESAV some day.
  17. Demigan

    The betelguse performs much better than the TR and NC equivalents of the Aurax LMG. So you are right that it's outperforming the others.

    Most people think the grass is greener on another faction. It's refreshing to find a TR player that can actually enjoy his own faction.
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  18. ATRA_Wampa-One

    You can have that when the VS has the following:
    1. Pistols that aren't garbage
    2. More than one AR that isn't garbage
    3. A MBT gun that doesn't have insane drop & crap velocity
    4. At least one 167/600 gun
    5. A good selection of balanced guns instead of 1-2 great choices since the rest of them are crap
    6. A COF buff to the PPA since it was overnerfed
    7. More damage per magazine since we have the lowest overall and no our faster reload time in no way makes up for that
    8. A useful faction trait since non bullet drop has been stripped from anything that actually made it useful
    Stop and think about it for a second. When was the last time you were killed by a VS that wasn't using either an NS weapon/Orion(Betelgeuse)/SVA-88/VX6-7/Pulsar-C/Terminus/Lancer? The problem isn't that those guns are OP, the problem is that those are the only good ones we have.
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