[Suggestion] Pull Heavy Assaults in line with other classes.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SmallSpoiledBrat, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. Disconsented

    Add windup to Crutch shield or move launcher over to engineer. Bam problem solved
  2. Verviedi

    Read the fluff.
    Launchers should always stay with HA. They are designed to be the best AV class, as said in the fluff. Giving a wind up to the "Crutch shield" (LOL) is illogical. A good player can kill a Heavy after getting the drop on them by using skill at aiming for the head.
    LMGs are nowhere near as powerful as Carbines or even Assault Rifles. Might as well give Light Assault jetpack a wind up. I mean, jetpacking can make people miss shots! Oh, and infil shield! Cloaking can let you escape people with Low Graphics!
    Oh, and Medic! It can HEAL people! And Engineer, because it can give Ammo!
    Do you see? It is the class specific ability. No better or worse than any other ability. Useful in different situations, but not less or more powerful.
  3. LodeTria

    Whilst I disagree with the OP, the heavy shield is totally more powerful than most other class abilities. Cloak is only decent at medium range and beyond now, Medic AoE heal is almost useless due to Regeneration implants/Medikits & Ammo is okay but not mandatory to take a base.

    The only ones that come close to the power of HA shields is the LA jetpack, however the jetpack needs much more awareness and "skill" to use to get the best effectiveness out of it. To say that the HA shield is equal to the others is just wrong.
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  4. Posse

    32% accuracy with a 143/750 weapon and you can't kill a heavy when you get the jump on hit, seems like a l2p issue, I don't have that problem even with some Carbines with which my accuracy is in the upper 20s, if I get the jump on you at a relatively close range, you're dead, unless you're a MAX of course.

    That's bullsh*t, once you're above a certain level of skill, you can be equally deadly as HA or LA
  5. CNR4806

  6. Ahmida

    I don't think people are correct in saying HA shields are balanced as are, but I do think just nerfing the numbers is the wrong way to balance them. As someone suggested they are front line fighters and need to be strong at it.

    My suggested is revamping all the shields entirely.

    NMG: Make it 90% dmg immunity to small arms, 50% explosive. Both stack respective to flak/nanoweave. In exchange for such high small arms defense the HA cannot fire their primary weapon and launcher.
    I feel this lets the HA still be that front line pushing power, but makes shield use alot more tactical. This has the secondary effect of bringing infls into squads for counters to HA.

    Resist: a passive dmg reduction vs small arms that stacks with nanoweave, also gives a flat HP increase. HA does not have a shield and only takes "life hp" dmg. Prevents the use of medpacks, but like nano armors self regens after 30sec of no dmg.
    The mini-max. More dependent on another class to sustain. This would make them subject to 1 shots by grenades, but extremely durable to infantry.

    3rd shield: The opposite of the resist. Passive dmg reduction to explosives, no reduction to small arms. This case it would still be a shield. This would also have the effect of absorbing the "area" of explosions.

    I feel this gives 3 very distinct and situational class abilities that amplify the front line fighter aspect of the HA. NMG would be great to push against entrenched defensive areas. It brings more infls to fights for the emp nades too. Resist is like the mini max. The 3rd shield is the counter to offensive nade spam.
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  7. Syphers

    yaa dawg HA role is to blow n00bs up with their mlg arsenal
  8. Hatesphere

    because the "noob" wasnt going to get wrecked in head on combat anyways right? he has perfect aim and ADAD skills as well as awareness of cover options....
  9. Gibstormv2

    I play LA, HA and INF and I don't get this.

    They are all really good classes. The LA and INF have the ability to attack a HA with the battle heavily titled in their favor and the ability to escape battles with HA that are not in their favor. The trade off for this is that you will sometimes lose if you are caught in close combat face to face with them.

    I don't see how that is not balance.

    The INF has the advantage at long range with with sniper rifles and at close range you can ambush them with SMGs and retreat with smart mine placement.

    LA, Can ambush from roof tops basically picking when to attack and when not to attack because HA can't catch them on the roof tops and you can rain C4 down on them.

    You just have to think more when you play LA and INF about how you can use the ability to fly or stealth to catch the HA with his pants around his ankles.
  10. Arsonix

    Maybe this will clear things up for the people who still think everything is sunshine and rainbows with the HA (skip to 1:00:20)

    So please if you are one of the people unable to see what the developers obviously see and the rest of the community is tired of seeing then come to terms with it. It is probably a good idea for you to learn to play without relying on your crutch all the time now rather than later. I don't want to see all the people who didn't come into the forums when the change does come and start crying because they can't kill anyone anymore.
  11. EIMR

    When did I said that I went toe to toe with a HA? What I'm saying is that thanks to the shield my ambushes are innefective, because I shoot him and he just uses the shield, turns and kills me. If I'm using the autoscout I empty my mag before killing Also, do you even play Infil? There are basically two modes: glass statue and deep cloak, and staying still doesn't work with Hunter cloak, which only lasts 12 seconds. That's why so many infils use it only while running, there isn't enough time to do anything else.
  12. Fatal_Finn

    Agree with this post.
    HA also offers the easiest way to dominate, which is what many people like. Hovever, it hurts the game balance.

    In this game that is a long time meaning you have really high chance killing the guy even if he started shooting at you first. Something needs to be done with HA, that's clear.
  13. tahn1000

    ... well you got your wish
  14. KnightCole

    HA shield isnt **** lol. Its hit detect and other lag issues. This last week, I played as a HA for 20 some BRs. In almost every instance, shield or not, I was mowed through and sometimes had guys beating me, despite my shield being up, firing first and having NWA4.

    So, everyone can get off this notion of HA Shield is SOooOoOo00000O00ooo0 op...its not. It gives a slight edge, its lag and other performance issues making the shield look so amazing.

    ****, you can experience the same kind of insane TTK on a person who flies up a grav lift while your sitting on top of the tower. Note how the person on the tower almost always looses that fight.......

    Or when someone runs around a corner at you, and you werent moving much, the guy moving wins......yeah, its more lag and hit detect and how the game decides to render our hitboxes that is the issue. Its as if the HA Shield doesnt actually work in real time, its like there is a moment from the time the HA powers on his shield to the moment you start firing, as if there is a delay of invulnerability while the game figures out the calculations and then does them. Note how sometime an HA will come around a corner with his Shield on and you will unload into his head and when he kills you, the health meter will read as though you did 0 dmg to him.....

    Again....its not the HA shield......
  15. Xasapis

    I've started playing BF4 recently (yay recent sales). It came as a hilarious surprise to see me dying at the exact second I kill somebody else. It was like playing a miniature in scale game of PS2 with pretty much the exact same problems.
  16. Copasetic

    Hit detection plagues everyone equally. If anything my hit detection against an HA should be better than his because the shield is making him move even more slowly. So no, it's not lag, the shield is in fact just that good. Almost doubling your effective HP at the push of a button is not a "slight edge".

    Combined with NW5 the NMG will give you around 2040 effective HP (IIRC). That's 15 rounds from a 143 damage weapon. Most of these weapons have 30 round magazines which means you need 50% accuracy. 30% is the norm. Now factor in a few head shots and you just might bring the required accuracy down to that 30%, but it still means emptying your entire magazine which takes time.

    Meanwhile the HA needs to land 7 hits, factor in a couple headshots and it's even less. That takes far less time which is why a good HA can still turn around and mow you down before you can drop him, especially if he adds a little bunny hop in there to throw off hit detection while he turns to face you.

    Does it need a nerf? I don't know. It's incredibly frustrating to fight against because it feels cheesy, that's the worst part of it, but it doesn't deserve a sledgehammer nerf.
  17. CMDante

    Add a wind-up to the noobshield(players that claim it isn't a crutch are deluding themselves). Make it so the shield takes some thought to ise rather than a simple "lol I win" button. If a heavy pops his shield and you still kill him, congratulations you found yourself a bad shot. There's nothing a player can do besides OHKilling a heavy to circumvent that shield.
  18. Posse

    Must be weird that I can get really similar stats as LA and HA then!!!!!!!!!!!111


    If you are playing as HA and some LA or infil gets the jump on you thanks to the jetpacks or the cloak and you still kill him, congratulations, you found yourself a terrible shot.

    And if you're playing as HA and a LA comes straight at you instead of using his tools to flank, then congratulations again, you found a LA that doesn't know how to play the damn class.

    Flanking maybe? That's what the jetpack and the cloak are for. I hope you don't pretend to be able to go toe to toe with a HA as medic or engineer unless you outskill him, because if a class that can revive infinite soldiers can also go toe to toe with a killing class, then you have the worst balance ever.
  19. dstock

  20. HadesR

    HA are not restricted to only using LMG's, any discussion has to take into account their ability to also use SMG's , shotguns etc ...

    Cloak has been normalized across the settings and is now extremely easy to see on even low settings