[Suggestion] Make the infiltrator a REAL Threat.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by TouristZ, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. TraatAdmiral

    Nope! As of the Higby Pls 2 (3?) weeks ago. The drones are no longer planned for Infiltrators. They're gonna be a consumable item available to all classes. Everything they told us before the Infiltrator update was just a lie.
  2. Foxirus

    Once you Auraxium that MKV- Suppressed, You will have reached into infiltrator adult hood and your new title will be updated to "Tot".

    But in all seriousness, Are you really telling me that you have done all that and yet never tested another faction? You know that is the best way to learn their weaknesses and strengths right? Stops you from being surprised. Also ignore what I said about the drone.. According to another poster, Higby said thats going to be a consumable for all classes. This changes everything because its effectively giving out the infiltrators job to everyone...
  3. Foxirus

    This is also not good... It was bad enough when all classes were giving sensor darts
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  4. Vaphell

    I'm Space but thanks ;-)

    But in all seriousness, Are you really telling me that you have done all that and yet never tested another faction? You know that is the best way to learn their weaknesses and strengths right? Stops you from being surprised.

    given that new chars without certs are simply painful to play (no weapons unlocked, 1780c for maxed out dart? i think not) and i don't have infinite amount of time to blow, i am sticking to my guns.
    Btw, your example of vanguards is an argument against bothering with turret hacking because they will use shields when pressured, just as swagriders will swag when pressured. Not only MBTs are tough enough to tank multiple shots by default, once you add their toys, things get even worse.
    Turrets are maybe decent against lightnings, who are not going to pull ace from their sleeve at the drop of the hat, but that would be it, and that's before you consider how often you die trying eg because the turret hacking 'bug' with the delayed rendering of the enemy bites you in the *** or because somebody just saw your sad water elemental silhouette.

    yeah, whatever. When that drone was in the works and this subforum was more active, concensus was it's very meh. This game is not deep enough to require seeing things with your own eyes. There are no nuclear silos buried under the mountain that you really need to find or whatever. Want to find sundy? It's not rocket science - just follow the ant trail, drop few darts if you must.
  5. Mechwolf

    I think the no-rez headshot thing with infiltrators is good enough... you might be able to repair a skull fracture, but a clean shot through the head shouldn't be revivable.
  6. Mechwolf

    This too, but only with the rocket.
  7. Halkesh

    If you get headshoted by a sniper, you have to relog and wait 5 minute while doing 1 capchat and singing "trololo" before be able to respawn, but only to the warpgate.
    No, seriously.

    I agree in PS2 medic should be abe to revive a bit less in some situation (medic ball), but not if you get killed by OHK weapons : you have already no chance to escape from death and you need to be punished for that ? No thanks.

    Just do that :
    -If you knife a corpse, it disappear and can't be revived. (also work on people in revived stance)
    -You can use a special grenade to destroy corpse at distance. (no effect on alive people)
    -Destroy a corpse don't give XP.
    -A corpse can't be destroyed by any other weapon.
    -If somebody die by knife, he can still be revived (until his corpse get knifed again).
  8. TouristZ

    Okay really?
    We shouldn't need to spend what might be several hundred certs, or even a thousand, just to be able to silently spot, I don't know why the infiltrator yells "ENEMY HEAVY SPOTTED" By default, you should be able to spot people as an infiltrator without screaming it. If you have to spend certs on a drone, that's cheap, just plain cheap.
    The quality of the game in general just appears to be slowly decreasing.
  9. SupaFlea

    As an Cloaker of old(Infiltrator), I enjoyed the class design it originally had from PS1, I know I know ppl are sick of hearing about PS1 but there is a reason you hear about it a lot and its because it didn't have EVERYthing wrong with it, some things were done rather well for the time it was released and the engine.Originally the Cloaker had the following abilities and restrictions

    * No main weapon, only a Pistol slot.
    * Cloaking indefinitely, No energy cost, but also no Armour/Shield, just a Health bar
    * Advanced/Expert Hacking(95% of cloakers would have it) Allowing them to hack Terminals a lot faster than regular troops and the Control Console which had to be hacked inside a base to begin the 15min capture count down. Would have to be rehacked by defending Empire to stop it.
    * Hacking of enemy vehicles, A cloaker was not so bare when it came to removing threats, They could sneak in and hack an enemy Sunderer and De-construct it in the vehicle menu. same as all other vehicles. (Must remain motionless to hack also require to equip the Hack tool which also made a hacking noise that ppl around could hear if paying attention)
    *Completely invisible while motionless, More visible the faster they moved.

    Cloakers were invisible light assault troops as they are in this running around with smg's then cloaking and running off again, They were probably one of the hardest classes to play since they require a lot more patience and skill to master, especially if going old school and only having a knife to defend yourself with the Melee booster implant and alt mode on your knife.
    Infils/Cloakers were a valuable and tactical asset and very deadly if left unchecked and that was with nothing but a Hack tool.

    My Primary is LA in PS2 but i occasionally go Infil for the Sniper option close quarters and long range and my opinion is based on both sides of the argument, fighting as one and fighting against one. The issue you will now though is after a lot of Infils go the class for the invisible quick assault with SMG's, taking the Primary weapons away would cause uproar in a similar way it did when they took back shotguns from them. I just think the Infil class with the sniper and smg side of things is more of a fighter prob even better at LA than LA is because it has talents to lend to a squad, rather than it being an "Infiltrator",

    So I would say expand the hacking to include vehicles in a balanced way, and make them dangerous enough without the need for killing but more of a serious menace if left unchecked.
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  10. iller

    While I find that a gross exaggeration of what it would "do to the game balance" ... I will say currently in the actual game environment, that if you position yourself just right, your first medic pick will act as a nice little piece of bait to attract another medic pick. Eventually they wise up or you only end up bodyshotting them. But as someone who mains medic for capping, I'll say even a bodyshot is a serious deterrent when I'm already having to watch the Radar for other dead allies, plus LA's behind me and HA's in front of me, while juggling between the medgun and my AR. A real information overload tends to occur there once I have to guess where a Parallax camper might also be in that particular situation and so I'll usually fall back.
  11. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    It's called "Infiltrator", not sniper, so I'd like to share my disagreement.
    SupaFlea put it better than I could. Besides, if I hit someone on the head with a decimator, he doesn't stay dead, either.
  12. QuantumSerpent

    I've found Infiltrator to be rather potent as-is--and this from a new guy (3 months playing). It's just much more difficult to be useful. If you are useful, however, you're very useful.

    Things an Infiltrator can do to be useful:
    • A sniper might not have a huge impact in terms of killing, but for your squad to know where all the enemies are long before they reach combat range? Invaluable. I've turned a couple squad-vs-squad battles around by sitting on a hill with my RAMS .50M and never taking a shot, but just watching.
    • Scout Rifle infiltrators can be an extremely formidable force as well. They can recon like a sniper, in addition to popping up where they're not expected and killing a couple people just to distract the enemy. Distraction is useful.
    • As a Stalker Infiltrator--admittedly partially due to the incompetence of the enemy, but said incompetence is widespread--I've been able to hold a capture point for a minute or two alone, and once that time period ends, distract three or four enemies looking for me, wasting ammo shooting the walls, etc. This means they're easier prey when my squad arrives. And then I can nail a couple in the head during the battle.
    • One Infiltrator who's paying attention, in an uncontested base, can draw off an entire squad of enemies trying to find him. The result? That base being fought over nearby has 12 fewer defenders.
    • I don't know what you've been doing with turrets, but I generally find myself to be very effective anti-armor. Not to mention taking out the Sunderers on the way out of the base.
    Thing is, it's not useful in the direct sense of killing enemies. That's not why an Infiltrator exists. Sniping to kill is more of an amusement than anything useful, as is doing anything as an Infiltrator with the sole intent of killing. You distract, you sabotage, and you recon. That's why an Infiltrator exists.
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  13. Weterman

    Solution: Shoot the medic that's about to revive the other medic. If you're not quick enough, you need to get better. I've played against snipers that can kill almost everyone in a few minutes. You can shoot a few shots until you have to reload. Shoot one guy, then shoot the next guy. Simple as that.
  14. RykerStruvian

    Infiltrators are pretty good. Hacking base terms before/during a hack can guarantee victory. Also, sniping is a means of suppression. Nobody wants to run out into the open if a sniper is taking potshots at them. And some of the best skirmishers have been infiltrators with SMGs.
  15. Rift23

    Learn to snipe engineers when they hop out to repair their vehicles and mana turrets out in the middle of Butt**** Nowhere. Even the ones who think they're being cute by dancing around tend to move in predictable patterns. Medics aren't going to go out that far to rez them and you've just eliminated a heavy weapons platform with one bullet.
  16. LordDethir

    What I would say is this:

    -Inf cloak stinks, if that was the tech IRL, we wouldn't use it as it is way to easy to spot, Heck, it's easier to go LA and not get detected then w/ the INF class. For the cloak we lose
    -100 health
    For a cloak that
    -Makes a sound so loud that it goes to render distance
    -Makes you look like a glass statue.
    -Becomes a Christmas tree when shot

    -Another thing is that the INF class can only kill infantry, and has no direct AV option.

    Infiltrators should be feared, but not OP. I think infs cloak should be changed in this way:
    Complete invisibility when stationary.
    Crouch walking should be = to Crouch stationary now.
    Walking should be = to 1 layer of glass
    Sprinting should be = to 2 layers of glass.

    Decloaking and Cloaking sound should be reduced to 50-25 meters.

    Cloaking and Decloaking time should be decressed by .5 seconds.

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  17. vanu123

    Infils need to be much less visible.
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