This game is pretty much just 1 shot explosives everywhere

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AFK1, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. gary the sewer hobo

    You'll be pleased to know the rocket rifle is making a comeback!
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  2. Morti

    I still think flak armor should be the cheapest and first suit for all players to maximize with the final rank being 300 certs.
  3. Imperial Sect

    You clearly never played Strike at Karkand in Battlefield 2..the amount of grenade spam in this game is child's plays.
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  4. Pikachu

    Are you sure you arnt fighting a 48 battle on a base that is built for 24? Lasher is a rare weapon. Most tankers use AP cannon with insignificant splash. Grenades alone rarely kills people.
  5. vanu123

    Flak Armor, explosives have been nerfed since release.
  6. Pikachu

    Even further back when explosion area was 4x the current and p2 heat had 1000 damage.
  7. OldMaster80

    It used to be much worse. And if you get flak armor problem is almost solved.
  8. KiakoLalene

    Oh? In what capacity? Can it hurt infantry, or only infantry?
  9. z1967

  10. gary the sewer hobo

    We don't know yet, all we know is that the model is done and they are working on it.
  11. omni2

    might hurt both?
    maby it´ll make the same damage as the funny lasher.
    so we would have an upgraded NS AOE weapon for everyone yeeeey! :D
  12. OminousZ

    Last time i checked, this is a massive WAR game. Unless i'm mistaken. This definitely isn't COD....
  13. Targanwolf

    This game is not growing.
    In fact its dieing a lingering death

    Could it be ?
    -new players are forced to compete against players who are far more experienced...far better equipped......far more knowledgeable.....far better organized......far better coordinated with the mechanics of this game

    AND you wonder why after repeatedly getting shot and killed instantly....over and over.......having to grind for certs that make little difference to the noobs game experience

    that this game hasn't died even faster than it is.
  14. DramaticExit

    For a tank to kill you with one shot, it needs to hit directly. You will not get killed in one shot by splash damage from any tank's main gun. Therefore it cannot be these "no aim" tanks who are "spinning in circles" that are OHKing you. For a tank to one hit kill you it needs to either run you over, or take an aimed shot.
  15. iller

    Didn't work against all the C4-on-Infantry spam.
    I swear there's fulltime Fairies who actually play this game like it's dungeon keeper... They only fight people they can get a top-down view of, and just turtle / AFK way behind the front line until they've built up max resources again.
  16. Leftconsin

    Omaha Beach from Battlefield 1942. There were spots in bunkers next to ammo boxes where an Allied player could get into and throw constant grenades. And grenades in that game had a larger splash radius and more damage.
  17. lothbrook

    Well, HE on the mag, van, and lightning will still kill you with AOE, but its gotta be within 1m, so you still have to aim pretty damn well to kill something with splash, especially with 175 m/s velocity, lol.
  18. DramaticExit

    Why would anyone in their right mind run HE on anything but a Prowler?
  19. Axehilt

    1. Flak armor.
    2. +1 to the long list of players saying "Where on earth are you playing? My server isn't like that."
    3. Fight in better-pop-balanced battles.
    4. Use vehicles more.
    (The latter two aren't necessarily direct solutions to your problems, it's just that players who continually whine about the game tend to be playing it poorly (as infantry, fighting at doomed battles) which causes them to do much worse than they should.)
  20. patrykK1028

    You should play some Sims. I think there are no explosives