This game is pretty much just 1 shot explosives everywhere

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AFK1, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. Auzor

    There is an implant to detect explosivec (F you SoE for the moronfriendly anti-mine device)
    Against grenades, you often get a warning indicator.
    You can take flak armor on all classes, including the max.

    I wonder how often I died to frags in my last gameplay... last gameplay, I think I died about even to friendly and enemy frags.../facepalm
    Even so, it was very rarely.
    When I did get killed by em, I had made a mistake.

    SoE has just nerfed AV grenade. And IMO, it is quite nerfed for AI, but the 'stick' effect vs vehicles means it has an AV role. Grenade bandolier is now tempting for me as a heavy: toss out AV grenades onto a sundy/whatever to deliver higher dps than the RL.

    Consider a game without grenades... taking a room with a few medics inside to rezz, a few engineers with some turrets becomes nigh impossible. In terms of bodyshots, against a nano-weave armor target, the Orion of OPness needs 9 hits..

    If your enemies are tossing/spamming grenades;
    -they have grenade bandolier, which can be great I suppose, but means they don't have.. flak armor to survive themselves
    -it is costing them resources. Toss 4 grenades eh? That is one sundy worth of nanites expended.

    Rocket primary: I sometimes do it myself.
    an engineer or so playing ablative armor for his vehicle: LOL.
    an enemy jumping in front of his max..
    or simply dumping a missile into a group of enemies clustered in a medics glow-bubble, adressed: to whom it may concern :p
    Those rocket-primary heavy assaults better have some cover at their disposal, because most LMG's have long equip times.
    Even with the shield, you can kill them before they switch weapon.
    Would you be happier if it was someone with an underbarrel grenade launcher?
  2. Frostiken

    Or the Radiator. An AOE DOT that went through walls. Pretty much the worst idea to ever be put in an FPS game ever.
  3. Kubin

    Still no idea what's this thread really about. Today I was doing a killing spree in a Biolab as a MAX, standing in the middle of a doorway, unleashing both my Cosmos(es?) at our Red commiesbrothers TR (anyway - good fight, guys! If you remember black ogre MAX at one of Esamir Biolabs [Cobalt] - I'm sending kind regards!) in constant fire and I was barely forced to move. Some lazy "ADAD" was enough to dodge dumbfired rockets and my rank 4 Flak (not even rank 5!) was shrugging Striker (because some missiles still missed) and grenades off. I obviously had 1 or 2 engies beside me, I sometimes died but with all the explosives TR were throwing and shooting at me I can honestly say - it's not that lethal.
  4. Pokushocus

    I feel you. I haven't logged in for 2 days because of C-4.

    It's like you are doing ANYTHING in the game and BAMN!! - insta death because some guy is flying around unchecked like superman & throwing down the most OP thing in the game, one shotting anything even near it.

    Something needs to be done about this...