Was TR supposed to be the high accuracy faction?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Brineskald, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. Paperlamp

    - Person who doesn't understand CoF bloom

    (It's based on damage - the worst CoF bloom : damage ratio is actually on the 125 tier guns which are TR's "special" ES primaries now)
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  2. Lord_Avatar

    Maintaining fire on the target just so happens to be the point of opening fire on said target (unless it's OHK)...

    (very) remotely plausible. Alas - we don't so...
  3. Lord_Avatar

    Yep. 125 damage weapons ought to have their COF bloom reduced below 147 tier levels. It only makes sense.
  4. zombielores

    I believed it was confirmed by Higby somewhere to reduce the 125 bloom rate, don't take my word for it though because I can't seem to find my source.

    As for CoF bloom, currently 143 has the best tier for CoF bloom, standard CoF ADS Bloom is 0.35 + initial CoF including all the damage tiers [143,167,200] assuming 100% accuracy but for every shot each of the gun misses, the gap is increased by 0.01 [143vs167] or 0.02 [143vs200].

    So assuming recoil increases at the same per second, a 143 is statistically superior then a 167 against a non-nanoweave targets.

    So the logical way of balancing CoF bloom would be to increase recoil slightly more for the 143 tier as that is something a player has some ability to directly influence without sacrificing damage output.

    So in order to balance the 125 tier, they would have to decrease its bloom rate to 0.45 [0.45*8 BTK = 0.36 bloom] but at the second shot, its CoF would be superior to even the 143 tier, so in order to balance this it would be to increase its recoil by a very slight amount as its current recoil is very smooth and very to control.

    Disclaimers : Of course this is against non nano-weave targets for simplicity.
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  5. Lord_Avatar

    Well written, thank you.

    Not many of those... Nanoweave is still the go-to slot although I agree it has been brought in line with the other options.
  6. Bankrotas

    Nanoweave requires same amount of extra bullets from all dmg tiers, so RoF is way more important then and high dmg suffers even more.
  7. Lord_Avatar

    How does this relate to 125 damage weapons being somewhat handicapped when it comes to COF bloom?
  8. Canaris

    because after they took the nerf bat to the knee's of the TR, the dev's turned their attention to crotch shots....:(
  9. Bankrotas

    In two ways. 125 dmg tier suffers less than 143 for hitting nanoweave, while retaining same bonus for hitting heads. That's not enough to have 0.05 bloom, but enough not to have as good of a bloom as 143 golden standart damage tier.

    Though I have to say, bloom is used wrong and should be focused to balance out CQC to long range weaponarry, where CQC has higher bloom, while higher DPS and longest range having lowest bloom and lowest DPS.
  10. Axehilt

    Neither Luperza's comment nor the magazine image seems very accurate regarding faction accuracy.

    Sustained CoF accuracy is basically balanced across factions, with all guns more or less using an identical formula to balance sustained accuracy vs. DPS. Initial CoF is similarly based on caliber, which results in NC having the only perfect-accuracy carbine/LMG, which is a slight advantage. VS no-drop is a very slight advantage at range too. TR don't really have a unique advantage, but larger mag capacity helps at all ranges (and is perhaps most valuable at long range where the number of bullets required to kill someone (including shots you'll inevitably miss) increases considerably.)
  11. DatVanuMan

    Gents, gents, let's not forget.
    Spandex+Plasma+Frozen fish= Accuracy.
    We all know that!
  12. FocusLight

    "HEY YOU GUYS, GUESS WHAT! I've gotten you the weapons with the highest rate of fire in the game as per your faction trait! (Blatant lie, but let's roll with it.) However, if you want to use this ROF, be prepared to not hit anything at all, you will have to fire in short controlled bursts if you wish to hit anything! So now, you can have the highest ROF in the game, only if you want to have the worst accuracy! Ain't this grand you guys!?"

    Not really.

    I'd rather have a weapon with lower rate of fire but more damage and more accuracy... oh wait, I can, if I play NC or VS...

    Meeh, F that. I'll stick to TR. One day though, one day I will be a GOD with these guns and know how to shoot them perfectly at all times.

    That day you folks are all screwed. Until then, it's gonna be more of the same. By the way, did I tell you folks about all those times when an NC or VS with a mid range gun would out-shoot me in CQB while I have a CQB gun? Or those times a VS has out-gunned me at mid range with a CQB gun while my mid-range gun don't have enough damage to compensate for it's terrible ROF? Yeah, those times were GREAT.
  13. FocusLight

    SUPPOSED being the key-word here.
  14. zombielores

    Actually the 125 tier suffers the most for nanoweave the moment you exit outside of its Max damage tier as it'll become 3 additional shots compared to the traditional 2 extra bullets of the 143 and up until they reach the 124 damage mark where it then becomes an additional of 3 bullets against Nanoweave 5 targets.

    Generally speaking.
    125> 143> 167 against Nanoweave 1 [effective health of 1100]
    143> 167> 125 against Nanoweave 2 [effective health of 1125]
    167> 125> 143 against Nanoweave 3 [effective health of 1150]
    125> 143> 167 against Nanoweave 4 [effective health of 1200]
    143> 167> 125 against Nanoweave 5 [effective health of 1250]

    So by the probability of equally bumping into players with each tier of Nanoweave, 143 is the best tier against nanoweave targets as there is the most likely chance of you winning and the least likely chance of losing while 167 and 125 are heavily dependent on which level of nanoweave your target is using.

    So 143 is the best damage for bloom and against nanoweave targets.

    Disclaimers, assuming my math is right and my nanoweave numbers are correct, feel free to check it as I'm not 100% sure.
  15. y3ivan

    wait, NC has flak based weaponry?

    So does this mean FLAK CANNON

  16. Fellgnome

    Max rank nano is 20% resist, so effective health goes up to 1200.

    It goes
    r1 7.5 % resist
    r2 10 %
    r3 12.5 %
    r4 15 %
    r5 20 %

    @r5 it takes 125 tier 10 bullets to kill, 143 takes 9, 167 takes 8 - at their max damage range of course

    But most of that is irrelevant for people who aim for the head or go for the general area anyway, a single headshot will throw things off and HS aren't mitigated by nano at all.
  17. Bankrotas

    As Fellgnome wrote, it's not really an increase in effective health as a negative to effective damage. Target still has 1000 health, but 125 dmg bullet does 100 damage, 143 bullet does 114.6 damage, 167 damage does 133.6 damage, 200 dmg tier does 160 damage. It's increasing the bullets required by 2 in all 4 instances, if not all of them.
    And since getting those 2 bullets will always be faster with faster fire rate, higher damage tiers suffer more from NW than lower and faster firing ones
  18. Bankrotas

    Oh **** you SOE, I spent 45 minutes expanding my reply in edit and lose all of the stuff, because "30 minutes have passed me me me me me me " At least don't ******* delete all the stuff that was in the edit :/
  19. zombielores

    Yes I know it's a resistance so that's why I wrote "effective health" but my numbers seem to be wrong as I am unaware of a nanoweave nerf after the change from HP increase to resistance. I'll just redo the math then.

    ●125> 143> 167> 200 Nanoweave 1
    [effective health of 1075]
    ●125> 143> 167> 200 Nanoweave 2
    [effective health of 1100]
    ●143= 167> 200> 125 Nanoweave 3
    [effective health of 1125]
    ●200> 167= 143> 125 Nanoweave 4
    [effective health of 1150]
    ●125> 143> 167> 200 Nanoweave 5
    [effective health of 1200]

    @Fellgnome, head shots are sort of a hit or miss thing, most average players won't be able to make head shots on their own and take advantage of it, even skilled players will start with body shots and end with a head shot. Just find it odd how people seem to claim head shots are something easy to pull off.
  20. Bankrotas

    Wonder what math did you use? And why and what is you table showing.
    I'll try to do quick whip up of what I was doing in my edit as a new post.