[Suggestion] Improve Deep Cloak

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by vanu123, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. Syphers

    Hunter cloak is fine imo taking weapons into consideration but the stalker cloak could use some tweaks like decreased visibility and no energy loss while crouch walking.

    I think that the devs are a bit afraid of giving some love to the infiltrator: cloak sound that can be heard from 200m away, the one class that has natural lumifiber for TR and NC and both with bad camo coverage ( fix NC pants ). Obvious cloak while moving as we know and relatively short duration. Silenced pistols are peashooters pass 10meters.

    Meanwhile heavies stomp with their shields, 100 bullets mag lmgs, beast Orion, conq nades and rockets. After awhile most non organized players probably ponder "Why would I play X or bother for excellence when I can just mow down other classes with my lmgs and shield crutch." I used to play smg inf and light assault quite a bit averaging 5.00 - 7.00 kd but now It's like I can't be bothered to I just pick HA most the time and avg betwen 7 and 20 on most sessions.
    • Up x 2
  2. Bennybones

    That's funny, 'cause I am almost never spotted when I'm in deep cloak. The only time I'm spotted is if I run straight at someone. That's pretty much it.
  3. TheKhopesh

    I agree. Deep cloak should be nigh impossible to detect (If you know what it looks like, you can spot them at ranges up to 15m just in passing by them), and crouch walking should be difficult to detect.
    As is, crouch walking might as well be full on sprinting as far as the visibility right now.
  4. TheKhopesh

    Eh, half the energy use for crouch-walking for stalkers.
    No loss would be too much IMO.

    Fix NC pants?
    First let's have them ditch the bra!

    Yeah, HA shields shouldn't protect against non-max small arms.
    HA LMG's are plenty enough for a minor infantry advantage, and the shield should be strictly anti-armor, anti-air, and anti max use.
    I wouldn't mind if they acted as flak armor against infantry explosives, but otherwise they shouldn't just be an I win button crutch mode.
  5. iller

    I don't think we need to go that far.... But ... the crouch walk definitely needs to atleast be somewhere in between.
    Right now it's just as easy to see while crawling as it is while sprinting and that's recent, Sept patch did that and then didn't even fix all the bugs they claimed it would :( ....then pile on the NC bra & stockings, and yeah, that's why I'm not even playing this game anymore. Can't sneak around cloaked without drawing attention, can't run around unlcoaked without drawing cat calls.... almost makes me sympathize with the feminists :eek:
  6. Drasilov

    Been playing with Stalker. I find that your mileage may vary - I have literally sat IN THE MIDDLE of a group of enemy who are goofing around without anyone seeing me. Then I've been sniped from 50m+ while in deep cloak and motionless. I've also been OHK'd by a mosquito while in deep cloak and motionless. I've had guys literally walk 20-30m directly toward my postion and knife me while in deep cloak. To some players they can see you plain as day - others you seem to be completely invisible.

    It seems to be to be completely random whether you are ACTUALLY invisible or just think you are.

    If you move - even turn you will die if you are in the field of vision because it is BLINDINGLY obvious.

    My first encounter with the Stalker cloak I was an Engy going to rep a turret after a battle - it was some time after, maybe 10 mins. I shimmy up the elevator, turns out the gun was almost fully repped so I finished it off and was about to shimmy back down when I kid you not - it was STRAIGHT out of predator, a guy turned and his silhouette popped right out. I even did the old "aaaaaaahhhhhh" whle emptying my mag. Was really awesome experience. One of the few times I've crapped myself playing a game :D
  7. Nihil

    Cloaking was one of the many things done better in PS1.

    i ran as infil 95% of the time in PS1. In PoS2, almost never. The suit hardly does its job and breaks the mouse buttons and several keys.
  8. Syphers

    Something must be done.
  9. Meeka

    Cloaking isn't supposed to make you "invisible" it's supposed to make you less visible.

    There's a difference.

    If you're going to run around in the open all willy nilly with your cloak engaged, you deserve to get shot. :p
  10. vanu123

    If they have no idea I am there, they don't see me, they never spotted me, and i pick a very inconspicuous spot, I should not be seen by someone w/o a flashlight.
  11. LibertyRevolution

    Yep, that is how deep cloak works for me.
    Unless I pick an obvious spot to camp, or if someone sees me getting into postilion, then I don't get found without a flashlight.

    I got me one getting into position last night, noticed it when cutting up kills for my next killstreak montage.

    A lot of times infiltrators think they are deep cloaked, but they don't notice there mag is not in deep cloak.. bugs..

    Watch at like 15-26secs in that video, after I kill that guy and I reload, my mag is not in deep cloak...
    This bug is still on live, I had it happen to me on 10-28-2014 in the making of my last video while crouched on the amp station point.