What do you listen when playing PS2?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Moonheart, Oct 23, 2014.

  1. Degenatron

    War Ensemble
    Fight 'Til Death
    Chemical Warfare
    The Final Command

    Set on repeat. Amirite?
  2. patrykK1028

  3. GlobeMaster

    Well for me the sounds I listen to the most while playing are the following:

    1) Buzzing sound from the Liberator engines
    2) Cas30 Tank Buster Sounds
    3) 150mm Dalton Sounds
    4) Voices on TeamSpeak calling out Targets
    5) Explosion Sounds
    6) Flak Explosion Sounds
    7) ESF Nose Gun Sounds
    Then it is back to Buzzing sound (Liberator engines) ….And this can go on for hours!
  4. BetAstraal

    The game with no music.
    But sometimes i crank up some speedy Neurofunk and selected Nightcore when flying (and a few other speedy stuff) :p
  5. sL360

    I have a host of songs I listen to when I play different factions. Here are some of my playlists.


    Shadow of the Colossus OST
    Helghan Forever - Killzone 2
    Radec's Theme - Killzone 2
    Dawn of War OST
    Tracks off Company of Heroes OST, specifically "Month of Valiant Effort", "Counterattack", and "Breaking Out"
    Certain tracks from the Command & Conquer 3: Red Alert OST
    Blitzkrieg - Audiomachine
    The End Begins - God of War 2


    Ace of Spades - Motorhead
    Hell March Remixes and other tracks from the Red Alert OST
    Abandon All - Killing Floor OST
    Borderlands 2 Combat Tracks
    Phalanx (Brutal Mix) - Audiomachine
    The End Begins (to rock) - God of War 2 Mix (sometimes)

    I don't listen to much anything playing VS. Maybe a few Mass Effect tracks. Nothing worth posting about. I actually prefer hearing the in-game VS tracks :p
  6. DaMann22

    Dubstep and melbourne bounce get my chubby chubby!
  7. DatVanuMan

    NC: , when I feel we're winning (My favorite TF2 song that has lyrics).
    TR: , when the fight is constant. This is single-handedly the greatest musical piece of any war game in history.
    VS: , when the fight is large and includes plenty of destruction. My favorite music that might be dubstep or semi-techno. I also loved S:TW a lot, so... yeah:D

    Usually in-game sounds but I do every once in a while throw on some Futuristic Sex Robotz & jam out whilst I'm playing.
  9. sL360

    AAAGH! How could I forget Medal of Honor: Frontline!?

    You just gave me a new playlist for my TR playtime :D
  10. Yuukikun

    I listen to my ego which tells me to kill more and more people with the Spiker.. [IMG]
  11. The Rogue Wolf

    I listen to the pitter-patter of little Infiltrator feet until their blurry little heads wander into my reflex sight.
  12. tf2hero

    perfect when mowing down vanus
  13. MisterSlim

    Normally, I don't listen to music whilst playing because when I do, it reduces in-game awareness. But when I do listen to music, I normally turn on Pandora and have an incredibly broad range of channels shuffled together. I do recall though, at one point, I had an amazing battle on Esamir, and I heard the song Badass by Saliva for the first time. It synced up so perfectly with the battle that it inspired this: (Sorry if you're in Germany or on a mobile device. Copyright laws.)

    Never since then have I experienced such a beautiful sync of gameplay and music.

    *And please don't judge too harshly if you decide to watch the video. I'm still learning!
  14. dstock

    Harassers: classic rock. I prefer CCR, my buddy has a penchant for Foghat.

    Planes: Whatever I want, as long as it is quiet enough to hear my gunners.

    Infantry: Nothing. It's too hard to hear footsteps in CS:GO or Insurgency w/ music on.
  15. P3STILENCE1973

    It's rare that I listen to music when playing (even in-game music is off ALL the time) for obvious situational awareness reasons, but when I do it's Nine Inch Nails.
  16. Jokul

    Usually Two Steps From Hell. But when I was playing for the scumbag VS before converting to TR, I was listening to Adventure Time by Rogue. Everytime I listen to this song it reminds me of VS. www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSvn0rp0kz0
  17. ajma

    Papa Vanu
    • Up x 1
  18. andy_m

    Surprise! :p (I'm a metal head by the way, at least to an extent... Meshuggah is on my play list a lot lately along with Opeth and Mastadon. I saw Slayer at Sonisphere in 2011 and I suppose they were okay......... Slipknot were better :D )

    As for in-game, I'm will the guys that only listen to the in-game sound effects.
  19. Inex

    Buff Libs plz. ;)
  20. Masterofm

    T.V. shows. I tend to watch Hulu while I play this game.