Feedback - No more free 12 certs, bad idea.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ragmon, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. jettblakk

    Reminding gamer friends to log in to get the passive certs was my way of trying to keep people active in the game. Now without that most of them will go a few weeks without logging in for the certs, forget the game and never come back. The removal of the passive certs is alienating to casual players and will hurt the player base.
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  2. FBVanu

    I even thought it was a bug.. posted on the bug forum that I'm not getting my free certs..

    Yes, very bad idea. Even the paying members need something to shoot at, that's what free players are for.
    But without the tiniest of appreciation , gee whiz.. 12 certs.. oh no, that's too much.. SOE really missed the boat on this one.

    Instead we get free pumpkins .. o_O
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  3. Cest7

    Its 12 certs. I can get that in less than 5 minutes. I can acquire 1000 certs in a day (Easier with boost.. without it takes 8hrs).

    Loginside benefited no one except for the lazy instant-gratification generation. The entitled people that expect something for nothing in all walks of life. Again, its 12 certs. Think of all the people logging into characters and logging out just for 12 certs, The load on the login servers for nothing?

    SOE understands they must cater to the people that pay their bills while at the same time making the game environment BETTER for ALL players.
  4. Shatteredstar

    I think they should rework it. No passive certs but otherwise make the passive cert gain tied to how much you played.
    Each 30 min of play = 1 or 2 offline certs in a day!
    Bam, you encourage people to play and reward them for playing.
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  5. Hatesphere

    you might be able to get 1000 certs in 8 hours, but the average player hits 1 cert a minute. thats about 16.7 hours for 1000 certs, or twice the time, just saying.
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  6. siiix

    and ? you do need cannon fodders or not ?!
  7. Munq

    None of the weapons should be buyable in the market in the first place. Not because it's "p2w" (it's not) but because the greedy people at SOE just fill it with useless, uninspired guns that have slight differences in their attributes but are essentially the same guns. Goal is to make as much money as possible. Unfortunately it kills the game and any chance of gameplay element improvement.

    Also, yes. Removing the free cert for logging back in is stupid idea. The free certs were there to keep people logging in. Why are you removing reasons for people to log in for? Are you deliberatery trying to kill the game? You realized there is no hope for this game, so it's best to let it die and not waste money, time and reputation on it?

  8. xDesideratus

    Hmmm yes I agree this game I enjoy should have no buyable guns so that SOE can get much less money for the work they did, a brilliant suggestion by forums poster "Munq"

    also lol @ "pay2win" when almost every gun is a sidegrade and generally no better/worse than others, and the defaults are often the best choice. How do people actually still believe this
  9. Munq

    Doesn't matter if you can get 12 certs in 5 minutes. That is besides the point. The whole point of giving people free certs whenever they relog into the game is to keep them doing that. Granted, SOE should give people even more reasons to log in and play their game, but apparently they haven't come up with anything better (like meaningful, deep, engaging and complex gameplay).

    This change will reflect negatively on population of the game. Not that I care. No. Actually I do. I have fond memories of PS1. If I didn't, I probably would not have spent a penny on this game. Frustrating how they are just doing stupid and pointless decisions and changes.
  10. xDesideratus

    If you log on only to get 12 certs, then leave, you're doing nothing but wasting your time and SOEs bandwidth; If you log in to play, 12 certs really should be irrelevant. The real "log-on incentive" is daily ribbons, which you can get in 15 minutes and give far more than 12 certs. Nobody is going to stop playing over removal of welfare certs, don't be dramatic.
  11. Hatesphere

    replace the 12 certs with a minor XP boost apon your first log in every 24 hours, then it might make people play the game instead of just log in and then out again.
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  12. Ixidron

    Removing daily incentives is a bad idea, marketing wise, especially for F2P games:

    Think about World of Warcraft (I know it's not f2p...yet), it has tons of daily quests, it has lots of things with a daily cooldown, that makes people log in every day, just to do that, but they end up playing a bit more than they expect, it's a good feature to keep people addicted to the game.

    World of Tanks/Airplanes have a daily xp boost and daily quests.
    Hearthstone has daily quests

    Many F2Ps have some daily X stuff to do, something you can do relatively quickly, it's a way to force people to play daily, so they don't forget about the game.

    I think SOE should make their marketing guys take an active part in the developing process, maybe hire a psychologist/sociologist.

    In fact, not only those daily certs should come back, the daily incentive to come back and play should be improved.

    I'm talking about 12 certs a day (capped) for F2Pers, and a daily 25% 30min xp boost (not an item, you get the boost automatically for the first 30 minutes of gameplay).

    For premium users, 24 certs a day, non-capped, so if you don't log on for an entire month you get 720 certs, and 50% 30min xp boost (non cumulative).

    Add random daily quests:

    Every character can complete 3 daily quests, which are reseted every day with new random quests, F2Pers can decline one daily quest (similar to Hearthsone) and get a new random quest once a day, meanwhile premiums can decline up to 3 per day.

    Those random quests can be something like:
      • Overload 3 generators
      • Cap one Biolab/Amp station/techplant
      • Cap 3 bases
      • Kill 20 infantry
      • Destroy 3 tanks
      • Etc.
    They award some xp, and an small discount voucher (10-25%) for premium stuff if you complete all daily quests, for example:
      • 10% discount voucher for medic items
      • 15% discount voucher for cammos
      • 25% discount voucher for weapons bought with SC
      • Etc.
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  13. FBVanu

    That's a pretty good idea... even when some people just stand around in the warpgate.. they'll see all the other players leaving the warpgate to go to battle.. that's kind of enticing.. Mesa Like it.
  14. gibstorm

    You still have your 5 dailies for a reason to log in everyday
  15. JudgeNu

    Pay the 15 a month and shut up.
  16. Dr. Curiosity

    That speaks more to the poor architecture of the login servers than anything. Especially considering that characters are only ever played on a single server, so there's no need for them to be transferring a whole bunch of sync data from a centralised database every time you log in.
  17. KnightCole

    LOL, they removed that 12 free certs? Dayum...SoE is trying to kill PS2 arent they?

    Making the new player experience even worse.....hoorah!
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  18. P1GG

    Even when I was getting 48 certs a day, I didn't bother to log in unless I actually wanted to play. I don't see this as being a huge issue.
  19. SerialNumber1221

    i've been a member for 2 years (will let it lapse in Dec this year) but i never bothered to collect the daily certs

    on my main slots I have thousands of unused certs...on my TR Connery slot i think i am over 11k in the cert bank...

    i don't really know what to spend them on anyway

    so when my membership lapses, i won't care about the daily bonuses, i don't even care about them as a member...

    personally, i think its pay-to-win - all players should either get the same bonus or none at all.

    most of my certs are earned the hard way - by doing things in the game.
  20. Movoza

    You still have the daily bonuses. These are well worth your time.
    On the other hand, I think the 12 certs should be given back to all BR up to 10 or 20 or so. This will give incentive for them to keep logging in, and especially players that cannot play often will get a boost up to that level. If you reach that level, what are you going to do? Not fight and stay lower to still gain those certs? My guess is that they will keep playing. Maybe give an extra bonus if they do get to that level.