Official Emerald TR/NC Alert Truce Documentation

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EGuardian1, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Motion seconded... is there a third?
  2. Roland2TowerCame

    The Vanu are a race of aliens, presumably deceased
  3. Roland2TowerCame

    I would like to add TIW, and PREY if they're still active.
  4. ajma

    Sometimes I wish there was a command to ignore /yell chat altogether. In several fights I've had against TR or NC, if they're losing they will start complaining about Vanu OP and if they're winning, they will just insult us. Yell is very annoying most of the time.

    Edit: Of course, Vanu is no better.
  5. Hatesphere

    no. because some of us dont like ghost towns... am I the only person who knows how /ignore works in game?
  6. Hatesphere

    there is, its called switch the chat tab so it does not display /yell anymore.
  7. TriumphantJelly

    Emememememememememem EMERALD!!!

    EDIT: VS are often Underpop I think, but I was referring to Emerald :p
  8. munglay

    Coming from a VS perspective, we keep using this thing called "teamwork" and "having a command chat that gives a ****" which results in the majority of alert victories going to VS.
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  9. Shatteredstar

    Tactics and good command and teamwork are definitely the things.

    NC and TR could've really crunched on VS a few times, problem being they don't keep pressure where they should and get bogged down majorly.

    During alerts I've often seen NC or TR get bogged down in Biolab fights, where I've heard VS command tell people to IGNORE the enemy biolabs in favor of other targets, why? Tactically and territory wise unless it is WAY EARLY in the alert, it is a bad idea to get bogged down. This is just one key difference.

    Heck we even won the last Server Smash by bogging a bunch of their people down at an Amp Station. When numbers are even, you can't afford to just waste pop on long drawn out fights unless you're also tying up most of their team too. I've seen VS do this right, but not TR or NC often. (TR more than NC...NC pushing on Mani on Esamir last night was a great example, tactically that was a horrible idea since it took TR pop from the VS front and kept NC people busy from pushing the VS front.)
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  10. MagnumOpus

    Emerald NC and TR consider moving forces around to advantage to be poor sportsmanship. All fights must be equal percentage, Sunderers must not be touched or you are "ruining the fight".

    If only anyone ever made any FPS games where both teams had the same number of people and only fought at one place at a time, then I assume these players would be satisfied. But alas, no games of this type exist.
  11. EGuardian1

    My god NC command is terrible nowadays. Have any of you heard it?

    "Jesus christ dude, turn your mic down."
    "Someone tell this **** *** to stop blowing his mic like he owes it money."
    "Guys, come on, calm it down."
    "Such and such Outfit has three squads we're ready to push Dahaka Amp Station!"
    "Don't push Dahaka. push Scarred Mesa - VS are winning and pissing off the TR is just going to give VS the pop they need to defend scarred mesa."
    "Copy, will anyone join us at Dahaka?"
    "You guys are so ******** it hurts MY brain."

    That's how it sounds when it's more or less TAME.

    Everybody hates NC, ESPECIALLY the NC. TR hates the NC for rebelling, VS hates the NC, hell, NC hates the NC the most because NC ruined the NC! DAMN THOSE NC!
  12. Shatteredstar

    I love to play NC when I can (I like the Gauss SAW and GD10) but ya, it always feels like NC is either just in an open mob just taking over barely defended bases, or hitting the targets with the worst tactical change with no communication.

    Or of course just getting Redeployside mobbed by TR or VS, either or.
  13. Ceiu

    You, and many players like you, oversimplify, overgeneralize and then taunt people on the opposing side of the argument. I know I'm likely wasting my time, but I'll give it the ol' college try anyhow:

    "Moving forces around" in and of itself is not a problem in the eyes of many of those which share my opinion on the matter. It's the method used to do so.
    - If <insert faction here> rolls up to a battle with three galaxies and tactically drops people in to take the base, they get a high-five from me. Not only is it awesome to see, but it means they actively took the time -- and all associated in-game risks -- to organize and employ said tactics.
    - If <insert faction here> instantly materializes in a spawn room in insane 2:1 or 3:1 numbers, floods out, takes the base back then mashes their 'U' key to repeat the process, **** them. That's to tactics as a nuke is to "precision strikes." Not only is it abuse of a mechanic, it completely marginalizes the whole transportation/logistics portion of the game. Why bother organizing and traversing the massive world when you can treat the entire game like an team-based arena shooter with a fancy map selection screen and no player cap?

    It certainly doesn't help that players employing the latter tend to be arrogant ***** about their "superior tactics," either. People like this have a tendency to use any and every method possible to win -- even if that method is arguably poor sportsmanship, blatant abuse of game mechanics or just generally bad for the game as a whole. This hyper-competitiveness chases off more casual players who would rather lose while having fun than win while repeating the same mindless "tactic."
  14. Shatteredstar

    Ceiu, problem is the mechanics of redeploy allow that. You cannot expect in any game for mechanics to be ignored for 'fairness' to players. You see it in every MMO out there, heck even single player games. When players find a glitch or even an intended mechanic they will use it to the greatest extent they can. WoW being a prime example and even EQ, where you can probably google old mechanics that got used in ways devs didn't expect and eventually got changed.

    It is up to the devs to break the 'redeployside' gameplay. Be it a longer timer on redeploy, or a cooldown (I would like to see maybe a 2-5 minute 'cooldown' on redeploy since it would encourage people to get rides and move together more..and allow for things like air raids to counter a tank/sundy column).

    Sadly unless we as a player base consistently push back on the redeploy mechanic in some fashion, we have only ourselves to blame for not trying to get the change we want.
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  15. MagnumOpus

    Hold on a second let me tie my hands behind my back am I playing appropriately now?

    EDIT: Guys I can't see through this blindfodl am I tpying this corrently?
  16. Ceiu

    While I strongly disagree with that mentality, I understand where you're coming from. However, you guys* need to realize that there's a huge part of the population who finds that method (and other blatant abuses of game mechanics) incredibly dull to employ and overwhelmingly frustrating to battle. I also believe that this behavior is bad for the overall health of the game, due to how the more casual players tend to respond.

    * The more irrational people on your side of the argument; not necessarily you.

    And replies like that are why you're a ****.
  17. MagnumOpus

    It's why I'm a catch? My mom says the same thing!
  18. Canno

    Depends on when really. I generally play around 9 or 10pm east. The past month+, in general, the VS are 8-14% higher world pop than TR, NC are around 4-6% higher. Been a little closer the last week or so, but VS still enjoy a very healthy overpop around that time.

    I'll sign that agreement in urine though. VS really aren't that good, they have numbers and some 'tech' advantages that could be reigned in a little or the other factions brought up a little. All well documented, no point in rehashing them.

    They like to call it 'teamwork' - I guess technically it's true, they have more team to work with.
  19. EGuardian1

    Wow, this escalated quickly.

    Yes the redeploy mechanic needs to be looked at. They DID look at it for a bit with only allowing 50% pop to redeploy before it wouldn't let you spawn there - whatever happened to that?

    I detest having 200 enemies spawn in to defend a base because there's no cost to it, there's no logistics. All you need is one person watching th emap and saying on command "Such and such base is falling"

    Ther'es no mad rush to get galaxies and libs and ESFs to drive off an attacking force, you just show up, pull 30 MAXs and grenade spam the much smaller force off the capture point.

    You know what's epic? HUGE battles that combine all aspects of the game, not just redeploying. Here's an example.

  20. Shatteredstar

    Ceiu, true it is a problem as we seem to agree, however expecting the majority of the players to stop using it is just plain wishful thinking. A LARGE number of people play any game to win by any means necessary. Look at any competitive game, heck look at other MMOs where the PvE portion isn't really competitive, people MAKE it competitive, people use any means they can find to get ahead.

    We can lament the state all we like and wish the nature of people would change but all that gets us is a large bar tab.

    We CAN be the change though by being friendly players, and give devs feedback and encourage them to try to change things.
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