[Emerald] I tried TR, I tried...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chaingunner, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. MisterSlim

    You deserve a handshake for that, I couldn't agree more. Arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are at chess, the pigeon will always squawk, knock the pieces over, and fly away.
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  2. LT_Latency

    That is not even an original quote.
  3. ajma

    Most or just the ones who talk in /yell chat? I find it hard to believe that you talk with every single person you fight. Just saying, generalizing is always bad.
  4. Whatupwidat

    To think, this'd all be a total non-problem for everyone if we could - I dunno - take our main characters to other servers?

    I've been trying to get TheRoofus to the other EU server for about a year.
  5. ATRA_Wampa-One

    If he can understand it since it's all in the glorious language of our native Nippon.

    Triggering so hard right now...
  6. Makora

    Why does TR fight on all fronts (Miller here, same thing)

    "We're surrounded! Good. We can shoot in all directions!"

    It's kind of stupid but to be honest, the fact that we TRY and keep trying shows that the one of the most important parts of TR mentality has rubbed off on the players. Stubborn tenacity. Determination to go out again and again with the belief that the enemy will crack at some point if you keep throwing yourself at it long enough.

    It's a bit stupid. But kind of admirable when you see a TR soldier going "Yup, I can take this." when three MAX's round the corner.
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  7. DatVanuMan

    YOU LIE!
    I... I know that's not true! :(
  8. MasterDemoman

    Summing my comment up as a generalization is your problem, not mine.
  9. ajma

    Ok. So what did you actually mean? Because if you meant how it reads, then you are in fact generalizing, which is a real problem and not some subjective nitpicking.
  10. Arghy

    AOD needs to disband into 3-4 outfits with active leads but continue vacuuming newbies up but training them in the right way. Outfits like AT/GOTR/AJA/BWC/903 love doing training stuff and if AOD broke up they'd prolly jump at the chance for mass cross faction training with interested outfits. Just ask nicely and remember that some training is better then none.

    The reason why GOKU doesn't run open platoons is because you need to have a certain mindset to play with GOKU. Everyone in GOKU accepts the PL as god and does what he says, if you don't like playing this way you simply leave. You get random people who don't care and won't redeploy and what you have is a platoon with only 1 squad listening. I see our job on FRZA weeks as encouraging and giving support to those TR leaders who have the right idea not spoon feeding all of TR.

    The point is training TR how to fish not giving them fish.
  11. Chaingunner

    I just want to say to all the 96+ TR idiots that were fighting at Mani Biolab for two hours, I hope you burn in hell. Leave Emerald, you are a pos and don't deserve to be here. If you don't want to work with everyone just leave. I am sick of losing every alert because of stupid *** people like you.

    Edit: Thank you GOKU for the help tonight, but even it was not enough. Sad day for these pos TR.
  12. Schizomatic

    The backdoor to VS bases were wide open tonight. Unfortunately, it seems like TR couldn't get people to make the longer trip around. Everyone was still trying to go hi-diddle-diddle straight up the middle, which was failing spectacularly.
  13. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Only not?

    Mattersons Triumph is probably the most defensible base on Esimir yet TR was determined to push it for almost the entire 2 hours and every time the VS would do an external re-secure and kill all of our suderers with tanks to reset the fight.

    The TR at Mani held off almost the entire population of NC on Esimir while outnumbered at minimum 60/40 because NC refused to push VS for 2 hours and instead let them push all the way to the rink. I would say that the TR finally realized that pushing Triumph was idiotic and instead moved to Jaegers Fist... good job on the cap and then re-secure before the alert ended.

    Tonight TR was screwed by VS winning the alert before it even started by having both Mattersons Triumph and Eisa, TR command that kept insisting on pushing Mattersons Triumph when it clearly wasn't falling, and NC being the complete and utterly incompetent faction we've come to expect on Emerald.

    And just to hammer home that last point, GOKU actually kind of enjoys helping TR out since you'll actually be open and friendly to us in orders while NC is flat out openly hostile to us in orders chat... well they're openly hostile to anyone in orders chat but especially us. So cheer up TR... you're might think you're bad but in our eyes you're 10 times better than NC on this server.
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  14. Bazmatties

  15. Chaingunner

    We just ended up with horrible bases to attack also. We had watersons or matthersons and you can defend those bases easily. We had two or three platoons working together, but it was never enough. Command channel was also not working half of the alert so we could not coordinate much of anything.
  16. Snoozzzer

    Seriously. All the TR hate we used to have in the NC is now being directed towards teh vanu
  17. Chaingunner

    We got Jeagers fist yes, but even if we could have capped it at the start of the alert we would of had to fight at the VS warp gate. That is as bad as attacking mattersons and Watersons. The force at Mani could have been used elsewhere even if it meant giving up the Biolab to the NC. I have lost all faith in the TR, I guess it's time for me to put on spandex and remember how winning feels.

    I was serious GOKU tried to help us and I greatly appreciate it. They were some good guys it's just no one wants to listen.
  18. Schizomatic

    I was at that last Waterson's. Everyone was attacking off the slightly southwest hill with the longest trip to the inside of the base. There were Sundies set up on the south side under the rocks, but very few people were spawning off it, even though it had the shortest trip into the base with actual cover on the way and an energy elevator to get to the sparser second floor. We pushed pretty good initially when we came around the northwest side, but that had little reinforcement and no Sundies to spawn off of, even though it was a fairly good shot into the base. Alas.
  19. Bazmatties

    At least you guys have somebody giving orders that make sense. NC is still mass gathering at the warpgate because they haven't figured out that you can respawn in gals. We stay on points even when we are outpopped 4 to 1. Platoon leads drop a waypoint and basically say good luck.. Trying to play the game competitively on the NC side is beyond mind numbing.
  20. Bazmatties