JUST IN: PPA nerfed!

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by KO-tic, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. sindz

    Just tried PPA on PTS. Completely useless, 1-3 shots then it blooms to hell and you cant hit anything beyond 10 meters. Max ammo size is 18 shots. GG we got a contender for being the most useless thing in the game - ZoE or PPA.
  2. Champagon

    Well you won't hear it anymore since no VS in their right mind will use it. I wish SOE just saved us the embarrassment and removed PPA from the game entirely.
  3. Ixidron

    Maybe, I don't know, but there are too few to notice, they pick lone targets and then fly away, they don't camp, and AA is a good deterrence, I can barely notice air up there, sometimes I get killed by an ESF, but rocketpods are way more common than banshees.
  4. Rabbitz

    The resist value sheet is included in the reddit.
    It's a marauder type damage.
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  5. Paragon Exile

    I would sacrifice a starving orphan to Baal if it meant Scatmaxes would just cease to exist.
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  6. Haquim

  7. Xasapis

    Well, that doesn't explain why Banshee heavily outperforms both the L-PPA and the Air-Hammer now, does it?
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  8. Zotamedu

    That was a much larger change than I expected. They had only mentioned increasing the COF to reduce the effective range of it.
  9. Champagon

    Yo Xasapis, i understand where you are coming from. But it's time to do what most vanu do and just let it go. This is a sign of things to come, arguing about it on here won't change anything. Most of the vets left anyway so the CoD kids will win these buff/nerf arguments. It would be better if we put our energy into perfecting the use of the weapons that we still have left.
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  10. Paragon Exile

    I can't get over how badly they are ruining this weapon.


    I literally cannot wrap my mind around this ****.
  11. OminousZ

    Yep...all the QQing babies got their wishes. But do you really think that will stop us from using the PPA, lol...think again..let the QQing continue.
  12. Jac70

    Dunno what to tell ya, never used it. I know the Banshee is silly though so I guess that'll be next :)
  13. NoctD

    But they aren't that hard to deal with - just kite and keep your distance!
  14. Ripster

    Seems like an over-nerf. Sure, it's on the strong side on live, but I just don't know how someone could continence something like this.

    Although after the zoe and striker nerfs I'm not sure what I'm expecting. All of these nerfs together is crazy. Looking at it, I feel the same way about these nerfs as I felt about the VG shield nerf. I don't think there's any way it's going to happen, but I guess I don't know what I'm talking about.
  15. maxkeiser

    Don't think this will be much of an issue for Vanu, really. I remember when nobody used the PPA.

    The Vanu will just adapt and use other weapons. TR/NC need to get ready to face 80% MORE Magriders carrying anti-vehicle weapons. Most will opt for Halberd, so Magriders will be an even more lethal anti-vehicle platform when in numbers now. No more multiple magrides with PPA, running away from armour.

    Still not sure why we can't just have a little nerf as opposed to making the weapon completely unusable.
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  16. Spude

    You will that find keeping distance is pretty hard inside capture point room.
  17. dezusa

    I aint even mad about the nerf. They seem to be underused on Briggs VS(?) o_O
    Got the PPA on my mag / harasser but i almost never use em to care about the gun.
    (Though I'll sort of be mad if we dont get refunds)
  18. Klondor

    More VS need an attitude like yours. Hell, i was just fine with the new striker because it requires team play, no more lone wolf BS instagibbing ESFs, I just hope SOE does something to make the PPA a viable Anti-personnel weapon instead of the go-to weapon.

    But this change to the PPA is not only welcome by me, but has me thinking: Are they prepping to intruduce the new MBT secondary changes? If so, oh-boy-oh-boy-oh-boy i cant wait to see the new Anti-personnel vulcan!
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  19. maxkeiser

    As I said, TR/NC armour previously had it easy quite often, with numerous magriders carring PPA. Now all magriders will carry halberd. Life will be much more difficult for prowler/vanguard drivers.
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  20. Zotamedu

    Now VS will have to use the Halberd for AI work just like TR and NC does.