Ever shank a MAX?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Schizomatic, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. Schizomatic

    I'm curious to see if anyone's ever successfully killed a MAX with their knife before? I've tried it numerous times after running out of ammo shooting a MAX in the back, kinda hoping I'd get the last hit in, but so far I've been unsuccessful. I imagine myself yelling BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! as I take my last suicidal gesture with this life. David and Goliath-like.
  2. Covah

    Happened to me 1 or 2 times since i play.

    It's 100% luck, because i think that the dmg is VERY small.
    • Up x 1
  3. Danath

    Once in nearly 2 years playing.
  4. _itg

    I did it once as a noob, which unfortunately gave me the impression I had a chance of doing it a second time.
  5. IamDH

    I saw Chuck Norris kill a MAX by just staring at him. The MAX died of fear
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  6. Xasapis

    I killed both an NC and TR MAX with knife kills ... once in the two years I've been playing the game.
  7. FieldMarshall

    Never knifed a MAX, but did Beamer one to death in PS1 as Infil. That has to count for something.
  8. Taemien

    About 2 or 3 times at the most. Sometimes you just knife one out of habit and get lucky. It feels pretty awesome when you get the knife kill on one though.
  9. DramaticExit

    Never EVER pass up an opportunity to knife a MAX. I've got the kill by doing it a couple of times, and died maybe a couple of dozen times attempting it. But trying to stab a MAX to death is still a classy move.
  10. Zotamedu

    If I'm close enough and out of bullets, I always reach for the knife. I'm dead anyway so might as well go down swinging.
  11. Kanil

    I've got 3. Two were just one last attack instead of reloading, but one time I Q-spotted a MAX and saw how little HP it had and went for it -- two slashes later and he was down.
  12. DrPapaPenguin

  13. gary the sewer hobo

    I've killed a retreating NC MAX with the slasher, I've also been TKed as a MAX by someone with a knife, it was very amusing, we were both incredibly close to each other with a TR in the center, Ikilled the TR just before the other guy knifed, it ended up hitting me.
  14. BillHaverchuck

    Once I emptied SMG clip and pistol clip on a MAX and then I saw from the Target implant that the MAX was low on health. So i knifed it 2-3 times. noob max though.
  15. QQlazors

    BR100 Burster MAX. Snuck up behind him and started swinging. He just kept shooting the burster a at me uselessly. Don't know why he didn't just run or punch me, but whatever. Just kept swinging, took like 12 swings to down him. First knifed MAX.
  16. z1967

    Random ZOE MAX was nearly dead (probably retreating from the fight) and I shot it once with a BASR and knifed it. Got the kill on the knife. Pretty rare imo, and hard to pull off.
  17. KenDelta

    Concussion grenade > Rocketlauncher > 20 shots from smg > Concussion grenade#2 > knife
  18. day ofm one


    (I once knifed an AFK MAX, getting him from 100% health down to 0% took a while ;D)
  19. WindBomb

    KenDelta:Better way:
    0.Go to a VS controlled hex
    1.concussion/flash grenade, and then your faction fully-automatic shotfun.
    3.Pull shotgun
    4.Aim for head
    5.Hold button
    Guarranted 1-mag MAX kill.
  20. EGuardian1

    I knifed Mercid in his MAX one time. We literally rounded corners and both panicked. I was out of ammo, he had two MErcys'.

    Somehow I managed to get the first hit and wham - he drops and I promptly lose my **** and send him a friendly "Wow, that escalated quickly" tell. :p

    what's awesome is knifing a burning scythe in mid-air, then getting the kill from being the last one to do 'damage' :D