The new new striker

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by McMan, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. McMan

    So the new striker was buffed. It fires 50% faster and automaticly, does more damage (200 per shot) and more. My question is how good is it now as a jack of all trades rocket launcher like lancer for example. :)
  2. Villanuk

    Its not. I still dont see any reason to use it over other launchers.
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  3. Yeahy

    Lancer is jack of all trades?
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  4. Octoknight

    The "more" damage you speak of was against infantry only. It does the same exact damage as before to everything else ;)
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  5. McMan

    Well with lancer you can shot at MAXes, tanks and planes more or less effective
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  6. Ztiller

    Planes? How many times have you actually used a Lancer? I mean, i caan shoot a ESF with my beamer too, it doesn't mean it's actually going to be good at it.

    The Striker now is not bad. Not good, but it has its charm as a CQC AA deterrent. Get a few together and no air will be able to come within 100m of your position. It's niched, just like a lot of ES weapons are.

    It will only need very minor buffs to be considered a good ESRL. You will see a lot of complaints about it, but they are mostly from people who want it to be able to do everything with no drawbacks, or people who don't get the concept off a Teamwork oriented weapon.

    So if you plan on buying the Striker, i would recommend it. It's pretty fun to use, and while it's not the strongest launcher it still have its uses.
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  7. Ransurian

    I'll be happy with the Striker once it receives a velocity buff alongside a CoF buff in full auto. It's too inaccurate, and its rockets are too slow to be useful as an air deterrent. Its cone of fire in particular is shockingly bad when holding the trigger down, and tapping the trigger to reset the CoF causes the weapon's DPS to plummet to horrific, abysmal levels. Can we settle for that?

    I'm fine with the Striker being more or less a flat downgrade from the Lancer against ground targets, which is where it's at right now, but it needs to meaningfully make up for that in terms of AA capabilities and hit consistency in full auto mode.
  8. SenEvason

    Tried out full auto against a tank in VR at less than 25m. 3 shots missed. I'll stick with my default launcher for now.
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  9. OldCuban

    That still cracks me up when I read the patch notes.

    Who in their right mind made the call to buff an anti-vehicle weapon's damage against infantry? Especially after they nerfed rocket launchers in order to prevent rocket primary players from farming other players. It's like the right hand isn't talking to the left hand.

    In essence, the Striker is still poop when compared to ANY of the other AV launchers.

    It was nerfed into oblivion due to all the, " it's OP " whiners and won't be a viable AV weapon without some serious buffs.
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  10. Ztiller

    They did it to stop the 24/7 spam of "OMG ITS ONLY 100 DMG PER ROCKET" on the forums.

    It was nerfed into oblivion because it was OP as ****. I could say that the ZOE was nerfed ""Because of all the whiners" that doesn't make it less OP.
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  11. Hegeteus

    :( There goes NC's chance to airhammer a bunch of TR heavies
  12. Keiichi58

    I tried the new Striker under live fire conditions... I'm still a little on the 'needs work' side of it. For Close range engagement of vehicles, the accuracy is somewhat ok, but for ranged at moving targets... Could use a little work. I won't advocate a better CoF because it can still be ridiculously used against infantry which it shouldn't be.

    Damagewise, may still be in the 'determination' round, as you don't want to be 'better' than the ES AA RL. But I feel there is still the need for it to have a similar coyote method on the ground vehicles unless the damage for in close engagement is raised to justify it over using a Skep, Decimator or Annihilator.
  13. Peasnriz

    Nope we had a whole squad using them and we shot down one ESF, I know this argument is going to be sited a lot and well I have a problem with it. If the argument is that its niche is CQC it is implying that there is not enough time to get a lock-on with a G2A launcher however for that to happen the pilot usually has to be flying at a somewhat decent rate of speed and as ESFs fly faster than 200m/s it would be relatively easy for them to evade the rockets but that does still make it the best rocket launcher in those situations but what is the competition? Other dumbfires, the Lancer? I question whether this team of people that would have to be using the Striker to take down one ESF would be better served using their LMGs on it and then they can carry around a Decimator to kill MAX units which are far more likely to kill you during a fight anyway.

    Comparing its effectiveness to a Lancer is wrong because there is no way to call for a Striker squad to do anything, you can setup a Lancer Squad on a hill and wreck an armor push.

    The small niche it is best at (relative to other launchers) it requires a team effort to be of any use, but in that niche it is questionable how effective it is, I certainly couldn't hit a damn thing the other night at Quartz Ridge when Scythes were strafing the spawn areas. In addition to this the niche is so hard to plan for, air units are the most mobile on the battle field and they can just skirt around the angry blob shooting red flares harmlessly into the air and still attack targets at will. I can see no occasion as a platoon lead where I can pro-actively say 'Everyone pull Strikers'.

    I am a fan of the mechanic and wish I could use it but it looks set to join the Trap-M1 gathering dust in my weapons cabinet.
  14. TheKhopesh


    It has literally the highest velocity of any conventional launcher in the game (When I say conventional, I say this because I am not counting the anti armor laser gun the VS call a " rocket launcher". ;)) by a whopping +56.5% more than the highest of velocity conventional launchers.
    (Highest velocity is the lancer. Not counting the faction trait that goes with their one and only true light based energy weapon to date, the highest launcher velocity is the Striker at 180 m/s. Next are the AG/AA lockons every faction gets, at 115 m/s.)

    Welcome to how the NC feel when we're told "HUUUURRR, UR S'POSED 2 BURST IT! HUR!" when we talk about the strafing accuracy on some of our "ranged" weapons.
    (Granted, our weapons have become FAR less useless at range since the changes back in march to the present day.)

    Long story short, you don't need increased velocity on the striker (considering low velocity is a TR trait, after all!) as much as you need less bloom for automatic fire.

    You tried an AA weapon against a heavy armor ground target.
    No wonder you're disappointed.
    (That's not to say that the striker doesn't need more adjustment to account for lower accuracy. But that's like saying you tried the bursters out as an anti infantry ranged weapon and won't be using them because it didn't do well...)
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  15. SenEvason

    I was not aware they wanted the Striker to be an AA weapon. Just one more reason to stick with the others then.
  16. sternn58

    After using the T2 Striker extensively in both the VR and in actual combat, I have to agree with the general consensus. It's novel, could be cool, but as it stands right now, there is no situation where I would ever choose it over the other launchers. It provides mediocre performance even at close range, largely due to the inaccuracy and long exposure time which is made worse by the fact that you are launching bright red "shoot me" flairs the whole time. Even if you manage to hit with it the damage is too low to warrant the risk.
  17. Flag

    Except, you know, the Lancer isn't a jack of all trades weapon. Nor is the Phoenix.

    That's a very good point. SOE haven't claimed that it should be, not to my knowledge at least.
    In fact, they've more or less avoided that question, having focused on wanting to make it more interesting and unique rather than a different annihilator.
  18. zaspacer

    You keep posting about how perfectly fine the Striker is. Even before this most recent buff you posted that you thought it was fine as is. Have you used the new Striker? If you have, why don't you make a video showing how good it is? You used to make videos.

    I have used the new, and new new Striker in the field. I still have no idea what the current one is useful for. It is not useful vs. enemy ESFs, I have tried that. I would much rather use a Lockon for far ESFs and a OHK dumfire for close ESFs.
  19. Paperlamp

    Lol, a dumb fire can be a CQC AA deterrent as well. This is not an acceptable "niche" for an ESRL.

    No one should be buying the Striker right now, you don't know what's going to happen to it yet. It's literally the worst SC purchase I ever made, luckily I can console myself that I didn't spend money on my SC directly since it game with GPU deal.
  20. Einharjar


    Listening to feedback on the Forums?
