I beseech thee Emerald NC and TR

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paragon Exile, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. Shanther

    It really wouldn't be all that hard for the NC and TR to get a DA / AC / ZAPS of their own. They are honestly part way there. TIW and COOP are a decent starting place. Or you can do what ZAPS did and try to poach all the top players from their specific faction.

    You are honestly part of the problem. By your own admission you don't like fighting good opponents. So what, you want every fight to be a cake walk? You only want to fight bad players? You get into a fight against people who are really good and you run away. Hell I love fighting TIW and COOP, it is a nice change from farming bad players all day.
  2. Sebastien

    What are you, ********? All those Outfits have deadweight in the form of low BR players with **** stats.
    The Alt Outfits are comprised of Veterans that are experienced at the game and have other people to play with, they don't have the dead weight of the other Outfits.
  3. DamageKing

    I like fighting good opponents. But when there's 10 of them in a square and only me who pose a challenge... There's a difference between fighting and being farmed. I don't want to be farmed, and that's what playing against VS is - being farmed. Also funny coming from VS. You've chosen the easy faction and now are trying to blame me? The situation deteriorated way before me.

    TIW and CooP are mediocre, they don't come even close to DA/AC/ZAPS.
  4. Shanther

    10? You draw the line at 10 people? So baiscally if there are 10 DA / AC / ZAPS in any fight you leave? Stop 4th factioning just because you think fighting against VS is being farmed. I used to fight against NUC daily until they stopped playing, those were great fights. I knew I wasn't going to win but I loved having the challenge. I never quit VS just because I didn't want to fight NUC. I chose the "easy faction" yeah okay the VS are OP got it.

    I never said TIW and COOP were as good as DA / AC / ZAPS, I said they are a good start.

    You should really link your stats if you believe you are the only people who poses a challenge.
  5. Flavo

    I don't even play on Emerald, but it sounds like you lot are no fun to play with so the other kids don't play with you. VS on my server aren't subject to this, so it's probably not a balance thing, it's probably you.
  6. Gammit

    OP is right. From what I've seen, heard, or read in chat (99.9% as NC), the biggest reason we avoid fighting Vanu is because they have great teamwork, coordinate to protect each other and their Sunderers, and work for the advancement of the purple.

    Outside of playing with my outfit, I can't tell you how many /headdesk moments I've had yelling for the NC to do any of the following, so much so that I often joke about it in chat:
    • heal or rez somebody
    • repair a max or vehicle that is not your own
    • throw down ammo
    • pull and use a repair Sunderer
    • pull and park a well-placed Sunderer even when playing alone
    • coordinate against the ONE flanking TR tank that just blew up 4 of the 8 Vanguards in a push
    • repair a base turret
    • organize in chat
    • coordinate grenade throws
    • coordinate breaching a room
    • not be a dick in /orders
    • shoot the enemy who is shooting at your teammate
    It's gotten to the point that I now /yell anybody's name and a thank you when any of these things happen. It's seriously that rare; maybe 2-3 times a night.

    The good news is that the past few days were the exact opposite of this, and it was awesome. Please keep that **** up, NC Emerald. :)
  7. DamageKing

    Don't tell me what to do. You enjoyed easy game for all this time, so don't complain when others decide to join in on the fun. Also the number was arbitrary, and the point was that they outnumber you, always. So stop trying to deflect by concentrating on one number instead of the point of the message.
  8. Sardaukar

    If you don't think every faction doesn't do this you are pretty misguided, man. There's always a couple platoons at least of VS, NC, and TR overpopulating at some fight using "cheese," whether you're there to see it or not. You just think the enemy does it more because if you're a good player, you redeploy out of fights where your team has the freedom to do it,

    The entire thread, and every thread like it, boils down to one thing: There is a growing group of vocal players who want to blame their perceived death of the server on other players for playing the game as it is designed, and every day the hysteria and myths about what is killing the game grows with them. Chill, encourage allies to fight where it matters, and quit believing in boogeymen.
  9. Shanther

    Easy game? Hardly, I am used to fight against TIW and NUC back when they were EXTREMELY good. I learned to play back when VS at 25% or less population on Waterson all the time. I learned to fight while being horribly outnumbered. I learned to fight against good opponents. I'm not trying to deflect anything. Your entire point is you don't like fighting people who are going to kick your *** so you 4th faction to avoid it.
  10. StillMostlyClueless

    Hate to be the bearer of common sense, but the OP's chart fails to take into account that Night Time Alerts are pretty much guaranteed VS wins since they'll have 40%+ of the pop and that's going to skew the graph pretty bad.
  11. nightbird

    Not much reward for winning alerts so people don't participate. Friends without membership can't get in etc... (NC)

    Any stats on KDR and EXP/hr for the 3 factions? If those are equal and VS wins more alerts, I think it shows that NC and TR just don't care for the metagame at all.
  12. LibertyRevolution

    TIW was actually never really good at infantry. They had a couple god likes, but most were just above average.
    Hell, for a time my NC was sporting a [TIW] tag, yes the one with the .5KD and 70SPM. LOL

    NUC were tryhards, just like DA. When NUC stopped running op, some when to ZAPS, can't beat them, join them ya know..
  13. Kentucky Windage

    I made my leap into Emerald NC last night. Got home about 11:30PM and got right into the battle at Red Ridge. It was awesome. I played mainly a supporting role with laying down suppressive fire and burster max but it was still pretty cool. I had a great time and am looking forward to whatever tonight holds for me. I'm hopeful I will meet up with Higby's Hero's. Maybe they'll run an open squad or two. Who knows. Anything is possible I guess. See you guys out there.
  14. DamageKing

    Sure. I'm chill and will encourage my new VS allies to fight where it matters.

    You equate incomparable things. Mattherson TR is not Waterson VS.
  15. LibertyRevolution

    Guy plays NC for night as support, and using and using a burster max, and seemed fine to him.
    Ok guys, we can close this thread up now, all points made here are invalid now. :rolleyes:

    NC guys playing were probably like.. This a blue ammo pack? Wow you can make those? You are awesome bro!
  16. Epic High Five

    We're all gay athiests in foxholes in PS2

    Now excuse me while I iron my solid gold armor and tend to my solid gold cowboy hat

    On the NC side I've been noticing COOP doing this to deadly effect, and yeah AOD too which is just really really strange and a bit frightening considering the numbers they can bring. Personally, I prefer the Sunderer ball metagame, but if I must redeploy then I shall. Suffer not a tech plant to fall, or a biolab to be free of ScatMAXes!
  17. Kentucky Windage

    I'm confused. Are you insulting me? I didn't say I played support. I played a supporting role in defending Red Ridge and supporting the push into Tarwich by laying down suppressive fire and helping clear out enemy air for the ground guys. Or am I just a moron.
  18. LibertyRevolution

    I just misread you, my bad man, I thought you were running around using NS stuff saying NC is fine.
  19. Kentucky Windage

    No biggie. I'm not above being a moron though. My wife makes that abundantly clear to me just about every day.:D
  20. BIllyGG

    TIW is non exsistent, I never see a organized platoon of them anywhere, just some randoms with the tag here and there.

    I thought VCO was our "decent" outfit, but then again I don't see them run anymore either.