The Striker does 150 damage, not 100 damage, get it right.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by trustedaid, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. Bankrotas

    The OP stated down to 30-33%, so it's 67-70% of damage with entire clip.
  2. Nakor

    Honestly, if they want to make this thing perform better they need to make the trigger full auto and dramatically increase the fire rate AND reload time. That way you can step out, unload and return to cover. Having to stand out in the open to unload is a horrible disadvantage and the weapon offers nothing to counter it.

    The striker's damage per clip needs better tuning. The fact that you have to reload to kill a flash is just ridiculous. As if it won't be hard enough to hit a moving flash SIX times with a dumb fire launcher. Increasing the projectile speed of the striker slightly would also be a good change.

    The damage versus infantry is pathetically low as well AND the cone fire makes it even worse. This thing is completely out of line with the other launchers in anti-infantry capability. Versus MAXs I feel like it does the right amount of damage per clip, it just takes too long to do it.
  3. Ranik

    Was actually thinking similar.

    Add ground homing.
    Add auto.
    Cut fire time for 5-6 rockets from 3s to 1.5s (aka double fire rate)
    Change mag size to 6.

    You now have a low damage "front loaded" auto homing vs everything spam cannon.
  4. trustedaid

    I'd be happy if they made it all direct damage and removed the splash entirely (indirect damage). Then give it a massive CoF, and increase the RoF, forcing you to use the sights.

    However, we've had AV's for two years now and they have refused to remove splash damage from ANY of them even though it made them massively broken (such as with the Fractures) and didn't serve a purpose in AV, just in AI.

    I just don't want them to jack up the numbers on the gun then watch the TR (of whom, most have the Striker), use it as a "Jack of all situations" launcher. Phoenix isn't good enough to use all the time. Lancer is really only better in a small portion of Auraxis (Northern Half of Indar, or anywhere with a massive elevation advantage like the Skydock). On top of that, the Lancer and Phoenix are awful at AI, on the whole. This could easily become super broken and wipe infantry (and Maxes) off the map (the way Fractures did).

    Remember, what you have to worry about is people using weapons for what they're NOT suppose to be used for. Pounders aren't OP against vehicles. They're quite balance. However they're stupidly OP against infantry (not their intended use), massively outperforming the Ravens and Comets.
  5. Xasapis

    Congratulations, you've been trying to kill infantry with ESRL, you know, the ones that can't really kill infantry in any empire. Even the dumpfire ones can't kill infantry when in full flak armor these days.
  6. Kunavi

    This is all so complicated so why don't they just give us our Certs back, then see who'll buy it again and act on that number? :p Because obviously asking, suggesting or implying ANYTHING other than that they are OP, makes SOE turn TR stuff into April 1st material. Permanently.
  7. Dieter Perras

    I was using it exclusively so I was trying to kill anything and everything with it.
  8. Xasapis

    I'm sure it will be looked at. Remember how Lancer launched at a really sorry state, only to receive multiple improvement passes up to the point where it is today.
  9. DoomFruit

    Frankly, I think the Striker should have been turned into a man-portable Itano Circus. Fires the entire clip in one burst with ~0.5s between each rocket, missiles follow a "drunken" path and the missile swarm is guided like an engineer AV turret (though with much weaker steering) so long as the HA is looking down the scope. If the missiles get close enough to an enemy vehicle, they acquire Coyote-type homing abilities, but with MASSIVELY slower turn rate (so no instant 270 degree turns) and lose the manual guidance ability. Flares/smoke will halt auto-tracking on affected missiles as normal - if possible, affected missiles should go wild and fly in a random direction for a second or so before exploding once they lose their lock (so if you're unlucky, a decoyed missile might whack you in the face).

    It's possible to dodge the missiles by having them slam into terrain because of their drunken flight path and slow turn speed when locked.

    This will require some tweaking to balance it against the other factions' launchers (eg. drunken wiggle amplitude, effectiveness of manual guidance, size of initial launch cone of fire, coyote homing distance), but it's very unique and offers the TR a long-range weapon. It would also look utterly badass.