The Striker does 150 damage, not 100 damage, get it right.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by trustedaid, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. trustedaid

    It does 50 indirect damage unless I have the new super secret special upgraded one that Higby felt ONLY I should get in my brand new test dummy.

    Indirect damage doesn't help against tanks, libs, gals, or sundies but it helps a LOT against MAX's, infantry, ESF's, Valkyries and Flashes (since they all are non armor entities and effected by splash damage).

    5 rockets takes an unarmored MAX down to around 30-33% health. If you increase the damage at all, it'll end up being able to one clip the MAX, something even a Decimator can't do.

    All it really needs is a lower drop coefficient for the rockets and a slightly smaller CoF (not a lot or you'll turn it into an easy cheesy hip fire spam weapon with no requirement to aim).
  2. CactusLynx

    I'll stick with the ML-7.
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  3. Tommyp2006

    I'll stick with my repeater.
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  4. Ronin Oni

    Oh you mean all the IMPORTANT targets????

    That's a PROBLEM M8.

    Remove the effing splash, make it all direct damage then.

    even @ 150 damage per round against an MBT that's STILL less damage per reload than the default... takes longer to fire, & more exposure time.

    That's LOWER damage, with MORE risk. (and that's considering making it all direct damage which it isn't)

    For what???

    Some 50m ESF AA capabilities?
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  5. GhostAvatar

    Sorry, but nope. The only vehicle that takes splash damage from a RL is the flash. Also the splash against a Flash is not tuned with resists. Which means that 50 damage does not amount to much. In fact, if you just got splash damage alone, it would be in the region of 30 shots to kill.

    So yeah, that 50 damage means nothing in the terms of what people are complaining about with its effectiveness against vehicles.
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  6. Matt879

    33% of a non-flak max's health with an entire clip. You're forced to expose yourself for several seconds and you do less damage than any other dumbfire would in one shot. If someone manages to land the whole 5 shots of a striker on you, it should do more damage in total than a decimator, otherwise there's absolutely 0 reason to use it.
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  7. DatVanuMan

    5*150= 750. LESS THAN EVERYTHING ELSE in the game. Of course, if you are willing to INCREASE the magazine size by five more rounds, then it would deal a good amount of damage.
  8. Ransurian

    Oh, dear. My spleen. You almost had me, but I know a troll when I see one. Ah, hah. Hah. Ahem.
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  9. Geneaux

    Can we get some more meaningful threads now?
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  10. Fellgnome


    we are in full whine mode.

    To be fair, striker has been useless piece of garbage for a long time. When you give people hope for a long dead weapon, only to have it immediately dissipate when they actually get their hands on it, this kind of reaction(forum flooded with complains) is to be expect.
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  11. Dieter Perras

    I played for an hour today attempting to get a kill with the striker, got close once when I emptied an entire clip intot he back of an afk heavy. Then he turned an gibbed me in about half a second.

    thanks but I think I'd prefer anything else to kill those targets with.
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  12. Kumaro

    I want that automatic rocket gun from Titanfall instead can i haz for tr plese?? :p
  13. S7rudL

  14. NXR1

    i think damage should be buffed to 250 base 50 splash 4 rockets kill 1 infantry if he stands there long enough for 4 rockets to damage him he deserved to die
  15. Brenold

    i personally have not tried shooting an esf with it but noones complaining about that aspect so I guess thats good
    i believe all the striker needs is to be a little more effective against vehicles (either increase damage a bit, or make it do the heat seeking thing for ground as well, or increase the velocity so it can be more accurate)

    as of the moment the small damage does not make it worth trying to land 5 rockets on a ground vehicle when you do so much more with a single rocket landed with something else.

    I understand the problem would be it would be too easy to spam on infantry if these changes were made. maybe just give it a horrible bloom when hipfired and a slight delay for the rocket to launch after pulling the trigger like the railjack? or just remove splash altogether and make it sort of like AP.
  16. Krokozor

    oh thats a huuuge difference. no.
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  17. Archiadus

    Because they're all using the Grounder for AA, or the Decimator / ML7 :p
  18. EGuardian1

    I jumped on my TR to try the new striker out. It's hilariously bad, but you're almost guaranteed a rage tell if you kill an infantry with it. (Mine was something along the lines of "Broken OP TR weapons.")

    LOL It barely dents harassers now. That used to be one of it's few saving graces.

    I'm sorry TR, I really thought they'd give you something cool like a rapid fire spam rocket launcher that'd be actually cool. This is just painful.
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  19. Tycoh

    Keep the damage 100
    Increase the fire rate to 0.2 chamber time
    Make the trigger full auto
    Increase mag size to 6-8
    Let it auto target land vehicles

    Bam! Fixed it.
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  20. AdmiralArcher

    oh my god that video.....

    "Im very cut!"

    dear god.....had to get back onto my chair after that one XD
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