Thoughts on K/D

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Turiel =RL=, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. Turiel =RL=

    If you get a rez, your death doesn't count. Also it is much easier to keep your K/D up on defense than it is on offense. So basically you can manipulate your K/D by just picking the right spots. Defend Bio Labs as AI MAX and you will be king...

    Honestly, the only real stat that matters is accuracy! Weapon accuracy and vehicle accuracy tell a lot about talent. K/D can potentially tell us a little bit about the quality of decision making, but usually the numbers do not reflect the truth, especially with a medic around. Once you realize that, you shouldn't waste a single thought on K/D anymore.
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  2. SerasVic

    KD means nothing

    Only good for your e-pénis
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  3. Degenatron

    The devs could go a long way in minimizing K/D as the "go to" stat if they'd update the API to have more robust reporting of XP events. So many things are NOT tracked by the API that it is impossible to get a real sense of a players usefulness on the battlefield.

    Basically they need to track and make availible through the API every single XP event for any given player. Then you could see exactly how they play.
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  4. LibertyRevolution

    Accuracy can also be skewed...if you want high accuracy you can only shoot at targets you know you will hit..
    And don't forget about the greatest enemy on all of auraxis, Terminals..
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  5. NC_agent00kevin

    Not even accuracy in this game.,.i shoot at ESFs a LOT with a AP Lightning and kill them often, but still miss a lot. I rarely miss other tanks when fighting them. To be able to reliably hit ESFs is incredible, even if you miss 2/3 shots. So my DA stats look poopy in a AP Lightning but they are about the opposite of reality. It's the only vehicle I'm good at, but im really freaking good at it.

    Then you have suppression fire and times when you dump a mag at a fleeting ESFS that's on fire, missing half of it in the air but enough connecting to either get the kill of force a bail.

    I used to think stats mattered in this game and to a certain extent, they do. But there are so many ways to fabricate a KDR that it's not really a big deal if you have a 12 KDR or a 3.6. The 12 is likely spending time in an Infantry farming ESF or Lib but may still be a good Infantry player. I usually view it as anything from 1.75 to 4ish are good players who may do a fair amount of vehicles but don't actually farm all the time, while KDRs of greater than 10 are obviously people intentionally doing things that fabricate a high number. I've come across dudes with a 1.25 that are extremely good in a 1v1 and others with a 4 that aren't very good outside of vehicles.

    On the other hand, you could be a good shooter that plays a lot of support roles too and dedicates him or herself to the objective, playing a major role in the battle but not actually killing people a lot - because you are dedicated to that role to the death, not a part timer who whips out a gun at every opportunity, leaving your teammates lacking in their support department.

    I suppose it matters to an extent but nothing like other games where you are a serious liability to your team when you are rocking a .5 KDR.
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  6. FieldMarshall

    It doesent really mean anything, because any fresh player can deploy to and sit in spawns, redeploy at 11seconds and get infinite KD.
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  7. SerasVic

    One stat alone means nothing
    Combined stats starts to be meaningfull

    you could do
    score/h without boosts
    vehicule kills/h

    and so on
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  8. current1y

    KD without being able to compare it in similar situations doesn't matter but speaking generally it does matter. Your not doing your team any favors if all you are is a meat shield and die. A Medic with 2.0 KD are better for their team then ones with a .5 kd if both are fighting the same fight. Accuracy matters as well but it isn't as clear cut as you may think. The distances you attempt to take shots plays a huge role. For example If I try to purposely increase my accuracy it goes up by about 7% as opposed to playing normally and pretty much try to shoot anything I think I can hit it drops to the numbers I have now.

    A better statistic would be score per minute and kills per min. Both also can be manipulated as well from boosts and running with medkit out. Either way looking at a single stat is never a good idea..gotta look at em all if you are trying to improve. If you aren't and are just here to shoot things, run over people in your harasser or do whatever then no reason to give a **** about any of the stats. Everyone has fun different ways ;)
  9. Tyrant103

    Alot of people play Planetside 2 and other FPS games with their goal being to achieve a high KDR, it's just how people want to play the game nothing to do with ego.
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  10. SerasVic

    No, it has EVERYTHING to do with ego

    You want high KD because you think it shows that you are good.

    ex :Auraxium every weapons doesn't show quality , only the timed played. so no ego here

    KD is only for e-pénis
  11. MonnyMoony

    K/D means nothing in this game as it's too easy to pad. You can have a massive K/D and be a useless player - or have a very low K/D but be crucial to your team.

    Number of saves would be a good stat to indicate your usefulness. The game already detects these - so it should be easy to track.

    I also think the ratio between kill types may help indicate your usefulness. Again the game tracks these (e.g. spawn kills, high threat, extreme menace etc) .

    These two together would mean you should be able to tell somebody who is in the thick of a fight as opposed to a spawn camper/farmer.
  12. MonnyMoony

    In some games - K/D may indicate a level of skill. For example - being dumped in an arena for a team death match where all players are more or less equal in terms of cover, weapons etc - K/D would be THE statistic indication your skill as a player.

    For a game with spawn rooms that you can shoot out of, vehicles that can shell HEAT from range, lolpods, snipers, engineers, medics etc - it's pretty meaningless.

    That's not to say people won't try and place meaning on it - but then again, humans place meaning on lots of stuff that is kinda irrelevant or pointless. It is of course up to the individual how they wish to play the game.
  13. LibertyRevolution

    Yes, we know, we pass them on our way out the spawn all the time, they are the ones cheesing kills out the one way window..
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  14. stalkish

    2 things.
    1. I spend alot of time just randomly shooting at 'environmental stuff' you know corals, rocks, trees. Sometimes just for the hell of it, sometimes to practice my aim. In the latter case im actualy improving my 'skills' by practicing, but the game says my skill level is decreasing since it says my accuracy % has gone down.
    2. When a medic revives you while it removes the death on your current session stats 'tab' it does not remove it from your overall stats on planetside players.
    Players stats tell me one thing, how long they spend online, its the only reliable metric on there, everything else can be manipulated.
    The only way of guaging how 'good' some1 is imo is by playing along side them and seeing what they can do.

    On a related note who cares how 'good' some1 is, if you have fun playing along side them then why does it matter?

    EDIT: Didnt read entire thread, if this has been posted b4 my apologies.
  15. LibertyRevolution

    Nope, it removes the death from your KD on playersite, and from PSU like the sigs you see in my sig.
    Only sites that don't remove the death are DAstats and recursions stat tracker.
  16. NightEngine

    What other purpose does a high KDR serve if not ego?
  17. stalkish

    Im sure soe said otherwise :confused:.

    Kinda pathetic that it is removed at all tbh, if i get killed i get killed, whether im rezd or not doesnt change that i made a poor decision and got killed.
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  18. MykeMichail

    I've always stated that K/D isn't really a measure of skill, but a measure of risk aversion. Its very easy for low-skill players to go 10-1 by being extremely risk averse and only playing the edges of a conflict, picking off weak enemies and only engaging when they have the upper hand.

    On the other hand, its very easy for a high skilled player to have a 1-1.5 KDR if they're constantly pushing the objective, going for those entry frags when trying to retake a captured point, and aggressively persueing enemy spawn points.

    I generally tend to hover between 1.5 and 5 KDR in individual play sessions. Does that mean I'm terrible at one point and brilliant at another? No. It just means I adjust my play style on a regular basis and change the role I play quite a bit.

    If I feel like taking a LA with nanoweave and a GD-7F and push hard, I'm probably going to have a low KDR. If I decide to sit back with an EM6 with 3.6x scope and HVA, I'm probably going to have a mid-range KDR, and if I take a Longshot with a long scope and pick of enemies I'm probably going to have a high KDR.

    KDR can only really be interpreted or compared with reference to what the player was doing during a particular period to gain that KDR. If you're someone who's constantly pushing the point, never 'farming', always in CQC and always aiming for number-matched engagements (as opposed to zerging), then your KDR is probably going to be low.

    If your KDR is seriously low (the <1 end of the scale) then yes you might need to look at your aim/positioning/paths your taking to objectives, but if you're sitting about 1.5 or above and you assist with getting your team-mates onto objectives then you're probably doing just fine.

    If your KDR is seriously high, then there's a good chance you're not contributing to your team at all. This isn't Battlefield 4 and killing people contributes very little to actually capturing the objective unless those people happen to between your people and the point. Those people that stand up to 200 m out with a sniper rifle and snipe people who are no where near the objective who almost instantly get revived do very little but increase their KDR's.

    Finally, KDR will also be altered by how well you're working with your team. If you're closely working with a squad, constantly resupplying ammo and constantly topping up health, then your KDR is going to be a lot higher. I don't know how many times I've come down to my pistol with a barely visible slither of health and only my shields really keeping me alive. If you're flying solo you'll probably get that a lot. Playing with a squad means getting healed up and resupplied and getting back into the fight sooner without ever dying, whereas solo play lends itself more to a fight until you die mentality.

    In short, KDR really doesn't matter, its how you got to that KDR that does.
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  19. LibertyRevolution

    It shows as a death on your killboard, but it does not effect your KD ratio.
    Recursion and DA both say my KD are worse than playersite or PSU.

    Someone should tell those 2 sites that are improperly tracking the stats and to remove the deaths.
    This change was a long time ago now and they are still using the old way of calculation K/d.
  20. TraatAdmiral

    It was like that for a while, but they changed it a while ago.