Epic striker nerf incoming

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ol' Brownfists, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. Leftconsin

    1. No. Go back and recount. That scythe was smoking after 4-5 hits.
    2. I guess you just could argue that with perfect aim the gun would be ok.
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  2. Chrispin

    That Scythe was already damaged and no that is about as accurate as you can be with that rocket velocity and inability to fly close to the target. Also the scope blocked off too much on the sides of the screen.
  3. Zotamedu

    The strength is heavily outweighed by the current damage and velocity. 20 heavies spamming Strikers would be less effective than the same Heavies spamming Decimators.

    VS trades damage for range and one of the highest projectile velocities in the game. You have the option of a spammy low damage mode or a charged slow fire mode with decent damage. What TR get now is the spammy low damage mode but with much lower velocity and no range or possibility to increase damage.

    You failed to give a en example of a niche where it would be more useful than any other launcher in the game. All dumb fires are effective when used en mass. What makes the Striker better than the other ones when spamming them? More rockets is not helpful when damage per reload is low.
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  4. Cyrek

    underrated comment.
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  5. Longasc

    The "NEW" Striker is ********.

    Now let that sink in: This was supposed to make it better.

    If the wouldn't have touched the Striker it would have been better off.

    -> Now let's hope they won't push that live as it is?!
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  6. libbmaster

    TR 'fits on emerald are ether coordinated enough to pull this off, or large enough for coordination not to matter.

    striker might need a small direct damage buff, but it's much better to release it UP and adjust it up latter.
  7. Canaris

    100% correct, I see VS lancer teams up on cliff sides, knocking out vehicles at max render range all the time on Miller. There's no way in hell the Striker can be applied as a similar weapon to it and who was it that compared the Lancer to the Striker in damage because you need to go back and check your results the Lancer does more damage across the board.

    I'm not sure which is worse the changes or the fact the TR have gotten used to making lemonade with every change.
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  8. Flag

    By all means, do feel free to mention other noteworthy and -tr exclusive- lemonade-worthy changes.
  9. Beltway

    In the words of the great Angry Joe:

    "Ya done F#$%^ed it up!"
  10. Aeravic

    Just like how the Spiker going to be adjusted? Oh wait.

    Also, why are the people defending the new Striker mostly not TR? Comparing the new Striker to the Lancer.... Pfft simply ridiculous. One is very accurate and fires a very fast round able to deal damage at super long distances with decent damage.

    The other is not as accurate, fires a slow projectile, has significant drop and does terrible damage.

    Use them as a group you say? If they all equipped any other launcher, they would be a hundred times more effective AND have the privilege of not being looked upon as a joke.
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  11. Chris Bingley

    So, according to Drathamus, there's a hidden damage multiplier against aircraft. It takes 10 rockets to critically damage an ESF and 12 to kill it. This isn't that far off from current Striker damage. IIRC you need two and a bit G2A rockets to kill an ESF anyways so it's roughly the same DPM. Also, from his video you don't have to be super accurate to get a lock. Check it out.

    The big problem as I see it, is that the missiles lock on to whatever aircraft is closest. So if you and a couple of mates want to take down an ESF, great. If a mass of troops consisting of 2-3 platoons want to take down a swarm of ESFs/libs etc then you're not going to be able to focus your fire and you'll end up slightly damaging all the targets and not getting any kills. End result: the pilots fly off, repair, and come back again to have another go.

    My next two pruchases on my Briggs character will definitely be the Grounder and SKEP.
  12. Huishe

    Will you ever stop your bias? Here's the simple example: deployment bug.
  13. D.C.V.

    Waaaait a second. My main is NC and i honestly can't remember the last time i saw a striker(notice how the use of the word "saw" indicates that i've NEVER died to it). Did they.....nerf it?!?!?
  14. Flag

    Are you really going to list a bug as a "targeted nerf to TR"?
  15. pnkdth

    2 HAs with strikers can destroy an ESF in a single volley..
    5 HAs with strikers can destroy a liberator in a single volley.
    11 HAs with striker scan destroy a Galaxy with a single volley.

    ...and flares are useless.

    Add in a burster max in the mix, and most ESFs won't even know what hit them. Even libs will have to be extremely careful.

    Welcome to the state of the other ESRLs. Kinda meh on your own, but powerful in a group.
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  16. Huishe

    The way it was fixed, yeah. I don't see the real fix removing the deployment problems anywhere on the roadmap or bug tracker. Or we're talking about intended nerfs? And you really honestly can't remember a single update that nerfed tr most of all or only? Prowler's lockdown, striker nerf (i mean the first one), lynx... that's just 5 seconds of thinking. Sure you can do the same.
  17. Huishe

    Lancer is powerful against vehicles in group, up to render range. Phoenix is powerful against vehicles a group, in medium range but good against cover. Striker is not useful against vehicles in group.

    That's the problem. ESFs and Libs and Gals are not worthy of whole ESRL to shoot them. There are other options. There needs to be a niche, like what phoenix and lancer have.
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  18. Tuco

    divide those numbers in half when using decimators.
  19. Flag

    I am talking about intended nerfs, yes.
    As for things like Anchor, that nerf was needed. By all means, do try and convince me otherwise.
    In the same time span, what happened to VS? Surprise, we got nerfs too.
    Our LMGs got hit (some got hit twice), our ARs got hit. ZOE was ruined. PPA got nerfed (Marauder got buffed, if just).

    The point wasn't that TR never had nerfs, you did. But that said, TR wasn't alone in getting nerfs. I don't have past patch logs at hand, but by all means, go find a major one that mostly/only nerfed TR.
  20. Huishe

    Are you seriously trying to convince me to prove or disapprove your statement myself? Because as for now, all i see is:

    - TR never had nerfs aimed specifically at them
    - But what about x, y and z?
    - X was ok because i think so, y had nerfs against vs too around this time, etc. etc. I don't have logs that prove my point, so you do it yourself while i state something else without any proof in a thread that's not really relevant to it. So, TR never had nerfs aimed specifically at them!