Will Emerald Inherite Mattherson's Plague?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tycoh, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. Fortress

    After spending a few hours on Emmy NC, I have decided that they need a 20% HP boost. Normally I'd be in favor of improving their AI, but that's a bit unrealistic at this stage of the game's development.
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  2. LibertyRevolution

    You got a good lol out of me on that one.
  3. Stargazer86

    Really, the TR and NC should just declare a truce and stomp VS in the face with twice their pop for a few weeks. Whenever TR and NC decide to stop screwing with each other and concentrate on shelling purple spandex into the dirt, they do actually lose alerts.

    The issue is that TR (and probably NC) command chat is awful. It's one giant derpfest of horrible decisions and tactics that often cost us. What's that? Abandon the Eisa tech plant in the middle of an Esamir alert! Brilliant idea! Oh, wait, now the VS are pulling Magriders and oh we lose. Wait! If we hold this base over here, we might stand a chance! What's that? Oh, you want to abandon this fight entirely and go to Indar. That's cool. No really. Okay, if we concentrate all our firepower on the VS, we can stop them from winning! ...or you could go fight the NC some more. Great.

    Come on guys. I'm not saying to completely stop fighting each other. Just do it when it actually counts.
  4. Vertabrae

    Why not simply do what me and most of my friends now do. Leave the VS to farm as they like while you play Destiny or Titanfall.
  5. TheShrapnelKing

    Because Destiny isn't worth it and I'm boycotting EA.
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  6. BurntDevil

    I logged in two separate times today and saw the same thing Ive been seeing. The NC and the TR desperate to fight each other so they can have some semblance of a fair fight, and the overpopped VS just facerolling thru everything. And its not hard to do, they are perfectly equipped for backstabbing fights and controlling lines.

    The NC and TR clearly dont want to have to deal with the VS, and the VS take advantage of it. Theres nothing you can do about it unless you start poplocking for general population or something, because if you can stack one empire so hard that the other two collectively fall apart, your game isnt going to work.

    Then you have a handful of idiots on the NC who give the most potato-pants-on-head-short-yellow-bus commands, then argue and belittle everyone on public command, which certainly doesnt help. And on the TR, I cant even make sense half the time I log into my TR toon what they are actually trying to do, because there is not inkling of a clue, a plan, hell I if I didnt know better, I would assume its an entire empire of BR 1's most the time. Whereas the VS have people with easy weapons and gear, who have master them fully, and know how to play, and command and organize.

    Anyway you cut the deck, its still stacked in the VS favor and I seriously would of rather Waterson still be its own server at this point. A truce wont happen for NC/TR and you cant dev out the stupid. Zzz...
  7. Exonis

    This also applies to Cobalt sometimes.

    I used to lead public Squads and Platoons, certed out everything in squad leadership, and did it for months,
    I thought I could turn the mindless masses of NC into something great, or at least something workable.
    I was so wrong, it chewed me up and spit me out, my mind was fried and I haven't truly led since.
    And the command chat was and is always dead silent.
  8. iller

    They do this on Connery all day long too. I never really understood it as anything but bad "conditioning".
    Almost every single night you'll find 75% of the NC and TR fighting eachother in 1 corner while the VS ghost the rest

    Naturally when a certain faction is much more of a PITA to fight than eachother, there might be considerable Risk-Aversion in that mental equation. But that only makes the situation worse in the long run. It's a wonderful sight when they DO sometimes 2v1 the hacknu, but it's pretty rare. Infact most of the time it's 2v1 against the NC just b/c they're the easiest kills. (and makes revive farming even easier for us medics ... mea culpa I guess)

    It's b/c this game puts way too much focus on just farming kills. You don't auraxium anything by trying to hold the most territory. You don't get bragging-stats for that. It actually hurts your stats and achievement a lot more to actually fight a worthy opponent.
  9. DQCraze

    Been more then a year since TE. Anyway i played VS on my main got it to lvl 100. Now im workin on my TR to 100 then ill go NC. I know all about hardship trust me.
  10. BaronVonVirtu

    So, I was just part of an early morning Esamir alert that started off with 35/32/33 populations that probably around 500 players involved. VS started with about ~45% territory percentage on the continent. It ended with about 65% as the majority of TR and NC spent the alert fighting for Eisa while VS were left to mostly ghost cap territory because NC didn't want to give up center Esamir. I mean the VS even took ******* Snowshear and we owned the NE warpgate. VS essentially ghostcapped Mattherson's Triumph while 96+ TR in the Eisa Mining hex tried to push Eisa itself. I don't even understand.

    Do you know what should happen to the faction that starts with lots of territory during an anywhere near even alert? They should be horribly curbstomped.
  11. Sunflash

    Ya know, all these comments about 'command is dumb and yadda yadda' for the various NC/TR players makes me cringe.

    Mainly because as a VS player on emerald I've only seen the command-channel light up with 'orders' (that everyone usually ignores?) maybe fifteen times a night? A couple extra 'you bleeping idiots leave X alone and come help Y' which is still ignored(usually makes me go help X even but I digress).
  12. LanceTR

    TR won an alert on Indar last night during prime time, so I'm not sure why people assume the VS has the best players or best outfits. The only time I really see the VS dominate is either when the TR and NC decide they don't want to fight the VS and just fight each other, leaving the VS to ghost cap everything, or after midnight when it's 40+% VS pop every single night. The one thing I have seen lately is that TR has <30% pop often, including during normal play hours.
  13. gibstorm

    Normally this is true but the issue is players enjoyment.

    VS have most of the high level players who want to stack into easily defendable positions and hallways. Now tactically this is correct and their is nothing wrong with it. However, TR and NC have players with less skill that want huge rolling battles that take place in more then a few door ways or choke points.

    TR and NC need these style of players to counter VSs, But they are gone they quit or are playing on VS now.

    It's simple more fun and easier to play against NC or TR. So people have give up on winning the alerts in favor of just having a fun battle.

    Personally I don't care who wins and who loses but they game can't go as anything more then a farm feast in it's current stat.
  14. Paragon Exile

    I play all three factions on Emerald, and with a few exceptions you can play the exact same way with little to no issue.




    Notice how I'm better with my two alts than my main (even accounting for my previous newbiness on my main), even though I can lean on my outfit and "tryhard" fellows harder than on the other two.

    Most Vanu players are just as stupid as their TR/NC counterparts, the only real difference is that a dozen or so VS outfits redeploy a lot and play to win in the way the others don't (as often). This is an important detail, but to say the TR and NC are constantly getting routed is at best an exaggeration and at worst deceptive.
  15. gibstorm

    HUH?? Your still a good player, Of course you can play well on any faction. Any one can.

    The problem is tons of those good players choose to play on VS most of the time. Meaning the other 2 factions get #wreckted by them.

    Are you saying that Emerald alerts have not been painted purple for the last month?? TR owned yesterday. Not sure why but I never saw the top VS units. Every time I log in I am shocked if it's not all purple.
  16. The Rogue Wolf

    All I know is that I don't play my VS character because it's boring, and I don't enjoy playing NC or TR because it's frustrating.

    This isn't even a game-mechanic thing; it's a player culture thing. Between factionalism and people looking for an easy win, this game is basically becoming Vanuside 2, and it seems that many of the people playing VS are okay with that. Do they think that they're going to "win" PS2 if everyone else quits?
  17. Shadowomega

    Gibstorm general most of the top VS outfits are mostly comprised of players above the age of 20 (Maturity not counted) so what do you expect most 20 somethings are going to be doing on Friday?

    Over all there does feel like there is less organized team players on the TR and NC or at least team minded. Alot of the TR and NC medics don't seem to like to res. Engineers not tossing ammo or repairing maxes. Maxs operating like they don't need support till their near death (the one man push). Selfishly placed motion darts/mention sensors from infiltrators. Not enough spawn Sundy support, or very very poorly placed sundies.

    While I am not saying this doesn't happen on the VS it tends to happen less. I also know several VS outfits besides AT actually have dedicated training nights for basic, and even have other enrichment methods to help improve certain team play aspects. Do you know if any of the TR or NC outfits that have a mandatory weekly training?
  18. gibstorm

    No, But honsetly. I am not a big outfit guy. I am a rambo, I get bored if battles are too easy. I find when I am in a great outfit I spend too much time stand outside a spawn wait for the base to flip.

    If you know some good TR units maybe I will join one to try and help our side but I don't know what our TOP tier ones are. I guess BWC or COOP??

    All the TOP VS plauers want to do is troll about how bad we are. Which doesn't bother me except for the fact that once this last EAST cost server hits medium population. I am done, I am not sticking around for a low population server again. I like this game and I don't see how average players will stay on join when it's just a massacre every day.

    The game is best when they teams are even. Tons of great fights in open fields with epic battles. It's at is absolute worst when they are not. Lots of straring at spawn with nothing to do
  19. LanceTR

    People that keep saying VS players are more skilled have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. The issue is purely about population.

    Population on a Saturday at 1pm.


    38% VS
    32% NC
    29% TR
  20. Wisdomcube2

    You're better on your alts because (i'm not going to even bother checking) they're newer. You're more experienced, you don't run out and get HE farmed etc etc. Anways. The NC would rather 96+ ghost cap TR than fight VS. Ty PHX,PXP,POTP etc etc ****** Waterson outfits.