Which LMG has the best best TTK?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Tyrant103, Sep 6, 2014.

  1. DatVanuMan

    WHAT? That totally goes against the Terran way...
    Shoot first, aim later, is it not?
  2. Bankrotas

    I think, DasAnfall would want to hunt you down and skin you, if it ever happened. There is no point in 155 damage when you add/remove SPA, do manual changes for max damage range (PDW has 15m max dmg range, Eridani and MKV 10 meter compared to other SMGs)
  3. NCstandsforNukaCola

    SAW, CARV, and Orion shares same TTK of 0.48s
  4. DatVanuMan

    Those guys are MLG professionals who ALL use Orions all the time. They don't count... Right?
    Anyways, I know you need 167 damage to kill someone in 6 shots, it's just that I want all VS weapons to be slightly more accurate, more controllable, have their RoFs reduced (for certain weapons), and damage models slightly increased.
  5. Sock

    Use a foregrip and a 1/2x sight. Issues with recoil in this game is a pretty good indicator that your mouse sensitivity is too high.
  6. Casterbridge

    the Horizontal recoil of the Orion makes it poor for longer range fights, but the gun can be monstrous at closer range, where the horizontal recoil is of limited hindrance, the vertical recoil is low, and if you can make use of the .75 modifier, especially against NC lower RoF weapons, where TTK is similar if all shots land, but hurt the NC more if shots start missing.
  7. Bankrotas

    I'm not MLG pro, and I find Orion be controlable enough, sure it's not newbie friendly and could be switched to something "more controlable. However, more controlable means less potential. Go play with NS-15M, if you want more controlable.
  8. DatVanuMan

    That is what I do. Thing is, I want MORE accuracy and controllability. The VS are all about that, right? Well, the Orion doesn't feel like ito_O
  9. DatVanuMan

    Nah, my Polaris does that:p I hate the NS-15, the recoil SUCKS on that thing. I want more VS weapons to be like the Polaris, with a smaller magazine and a faster reload. Of course, you'd have the Flare and Ursa, so those things can stay as they are or be buffed, I don't know.
  10. Bankrotas

    Except it's same amount of directional recoil as Polaris to left instead, with better moving accuracy, smaller drift and better recoil recovery.


    Sucks my ***. If NS-15M recoil sucks, Polaris is even worse, due to bigger recoil drift and worse CoF!
  11. Xamir

    I do play with the NS-15M, because I hate the Orion :-(

    I want something that feels like my AR for CQC.
  12. Littleman

    I hate how people refer to data sheets like they're the end all, be all of a weapons balance argument. Average player performance is the real important statistic, what's on those weapon sheets is an educated guess towards balance at best.

    I find all manner of weapons more accurate if I fire while strafing. If I'm moving right, then I'm always going to be pulling my aim to the left regardless of the recoil pattern. For weapons like the Carv or Orion, stepping to the right might as well give this thing a left recoil bias in my experience.

    Second, while the Carv does have a pretty crappy CoF from the hip the RoF and the average distance I hip fire from with any weapon makes this aspect mostly negligible. Still, it's better to have a tighter CoF, as that means longer, more accurate bursts. The NS-15m, MSW-R, T32 Bull, Anchor, GD-22s, Polaris, and Orion are all pretty boss in my book for hip fire. But why them low RPM weapons?

    Because finally - TTK is theoretical and thus it's a $#!% point to fall back on. Positioning or more specifically, minimizing the enemy's angles of attack, having solid aim, and shooting first are the primary winning factors. It's why a dude with an NS-15m can trump a guy with the Orion. Even in a stand off where both start shooting at roughly the same time, the guy with the better aim usually wins, though admittedly the Orion user, in an equal skill scenario, should win (this scenario doesn't crop up too terribly often.)
  13. Nakar

    Does that... really make sense, from a balance perspective? The hard stats of a weapon are the only things that can be adjusted, and a weapon shouldn't be adjusted up or down solely because of whether it's being utilized well. Reading performance is important to see if a weapon is too far outside the standard of performance for its class, but to fix that SOE still has to alter the "data sheet" statistics of the weapon. But it's entirely possible that a weapon is fine statistically and underperforming for unknown other reasons; there's variance in average performance among the NS guns between all three factions, or between the knives, and obviously no one would say "the NC knife is underperforming, so we need to buff it."