[Suggestion] In memory of fallen player Jay-993 rename J-908 Crater to J-993

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NinjaTurtle, Sep 17, 2014.

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  1. WarmasterRaptor

    I'll be waiting for a base named CorrupteData then, the IGN of the friend who got me into Planetside 2, played since beta, who died after a painful failed hearth transplant. He was like a brother to me.
    He was one that would've like a real working nanites powered medgun.

    But real-life is an outdated server.

    Back on topic, I'm very... sensitive over things like this.
    It really saddens me for the family and his friend. I understand the pain. I can totally imagine it.

    I think that We all do.

    The gesture of putting him to BR100 is already symbolic enough.
    He reached the end game.

    Cool from the devs, I tip my hat to that.

    But renaming bases? Already based on the lore?

    Sorry, but I don't want to play on a digital cemetary, thank you.

    Again, my hearth-warm respect to the guy, his family and his friends, thank you for the devs for the kind gesture, now, let it go.
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  2. DaninTexas

    So when I die of a heart attack will a base be named DaninTexas? Just wondering. I mean I have near 1000 hours played and have dropped prob the same in dollars on the game. Why him and not me?

    What about my buddy Chris who died in a motorcycle accident. He played PS2 . Now granted he only got to about BR 10. Is there a BR cutoff? Do I need to stop weapon switching and get some medals on a few weapons? This this only open to infiltrator players? What about us heavy assults?

    TLDR: no
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  3. Prudentia

    If i remember correctly People where annoyed that they had to compensate for the lacking help of the US gov for veterans, even if they were not living in the US.
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  4. a-koo-chee-moya

    Even a small change could be noticed and snowball, especially with the creation of this thread. There's not difference between a small or big change. Its still a change, and would set a bad precedent.
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  5. Kolbax

    I agree and It amuses me that more people dont speak just speak their mind. Hiding instead behind the anonymity of the internet, showing a lack backbone.

    It was never about 'precedent', or about the concern about 'starting a trend.' but a heartless bunch of pricks showing just how little moral character they actually have.

    You didn't know him? big deal. Most of us military vets will never get to know half the people we fought for over the years but that never stopped me for caring for every single one.

    I would never be so heartless about a gesture to mouth 'I dont care.' Not just because its a disgusting attitude towards fellow mankind but because I believe it to be morally wrong. You can also bet that I wont hold back on saying so.

    Setting a trend is the biggest load of crap I've ever seen. If it was my friend, you can bet I'd go further than a simple rename. Why? Because nothing matters more than true friendship. Those folks are like family.

    So you ignore my post just as much as you like. But dont for one second think that anyone of good conscience buys into your 'justifications' crap.

    I've lost a good many friends, disease, war, old age. And for every last one I would do the same.

    Hang your heads. You should be ******* ashamed.
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  6. WarmasterRaptor

    Because I don't want a base rename I'm a turd and should feel ashamed?

    Well, I'll politely tell you to go and eat a car full of my yesterday's food, sir.

    I'm not ashamed to speak my mind and I won't ever feel so about this.

    I spoke my mind with my heartfelt feelings, I sympathize deeply with the situation but it still doesn't call for a base rename.

    I also lost friends and family to age and disease and I'm not whoring on forums about it.
    It's private matters, of all things.

    Pay your respects and honor to them and people that had links to the deceased, but don't involve random third parties in that :\

    Ok, so it happens. The rename.

    Do you know the amounts of fks people will give ??
    How will that feel when concerned people will talk about the guy in that base and most of the people go and " dunno dun care dude". Because they don't know the story since they don't go on the forum NOR twitter NOR reddit.
    How much frustration will that provoke when trolls decide to dirty the memory of the fallen?

    I can already imagine it.
  7. ZomboWTF

    My dog died last year, she was called Snoopy (yeah, i know snoopy was actually male)
    can we rename "Vanu Sovereignty" to "The Snoopys"?
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  8. maktub

    If you/"the community" havent asked what his family and loved ones think about eternally memorializing someone in a video game then you are just doing this to make yourself feel better. I'm not saying he wasn't a great guy or a good player, but not only does this put SOE in, at best, an awkward position outside of the whole "we make a game you play the game" relationship; but then it becomes a pity party of who has the most depressing story "worthy" of being memorialized.
    Don't make this about you. It was about him, what if that base name will haunt his family? Or they may not want to see their loved one's name be used as a signifier for gratuitous amounts of carnage and death?

    TL;DR As a member of the community I mourn his loss and my condolences go out to his friends and family. I have no motivation to intrude or trample on a family's grief when all they're focused on is mourning and simply getting through the day.
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  9. siiix

    i say cool idea .. but just to point out this game has quite large community, there is probably a player dies every other day, at least 1 a week

    world stats :
    1 out of every 113 people in the world died last year
    1.78 deaths per second. 107 deaths per minute.
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  10. DQCraze

    This is not a topic for the forums. People have many personal tragedies, if we start anywhere i would look to our military first. When you start placing memorials for one person and not another it turns into a slippery slope real fast. My advice, keep it on the low down in the future or stay away from it all together.
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  11. SpcFarlen

    Even the renaming of Esamir Munitions and The Octagon being called what they are now doesn't seem right for the community as a whole.

    I'm sure he was a great guy to know. But just as above, its something/someone not that whole community nor a majority knew or was a part of so it does not represent the community. If anything it makes it worse since someone who has no idea may just say "oh it was renamed after some dead guy", which is a terrible way to remember someone especially after reading all the Reddit posts. He seemed like a great guy to know.

    Its a terrible loss, but i don't think its a good idea.
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  12. RadarX

    I'm going to go ahead and close this up as we've had to do a pretty sizable amount of moderation. In general for both legal and business reasons we are not able to create monuments or name things after players in a memorialized fashion. We obviously sympathize with anyone who knew this individual and would encourage you to carry on their memory in your hearts.
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