[Suggestion] In memory of fallen player Jay-993 rename J-908 Crater to J-993

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NinjaTurtle, Sep 17, 2014.

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  1. TheKhopesh

    It's quite odd to say this, but a comment by 7 Drunk Midgets made me think that it would be cool if they did put it's status as permanently "online" (Not accruing hours or lowering his SPM or anything, but just if it would always show that he's online on the player site :)).

    He made it to BR 93 on his own, so he certainly wasn't just a "once in a while when I feel like it" player passing through.
    He had nearly 1,150 hours put into this game.
    He in all likelihood had the same love/hate relationship with Planetside 2 that -virtually- all of us reach at some point or another.
    That's a commonality that we all share, and something I feel is worth remembering.

    Side notes~

    ~This is the only -known- "Average Joe" player to date who has reached BR 100 with less than 15,000,000 experience.
    ~His last action was being shot in the head (That one kinda hurt to see on his killboard, and I didn't even know the guy existed til 15 minutes ago :( ).
    ~And to end on a happy note; His last kill was with his knife (His most used weapon by over 500 kills).

    I will end this by saying:
    Jay Lived Free in the NC!
    (Rest in peace, stranger. We hope you got your bonus checks.)
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  2. Halo572

    If most of you haven't noticed he was only 22.

    Very saddening.
  3. Ol' Brownfists

    I'll be blunt, I am not in favour of this, reason being is that I just don't care.

    To be kind to those who knew him i'll leave it at that.
  4. CNR4806

    Is he either:
    1. Significantly famous in the PS2 community (I'm talking about BuzzCutPsych-level fame/infamy at the very least)
    2. Heavily involved in the development of PS2 or made significant contribution to it

    If the answer is no to both, this would set a very, very bad precedent.
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  5. HadesR

    I disagree and don't think the bases name should be changed to fit one person ... As other have mentioned it set's a precedent ..


    What the Dev's could do is rename a base that fit's all , Such as " The Memorial " where EVERY player who has tragically lost their lives both past and in the future can be remember in game by their friends ..
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  6. kadney

    Was there an autopsy? Is the cause of death known? Circumstances?
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  7. TheKhopesh

    All in favor of renaming "Subterranean Nanite Analysis" to "NoobPwner69 #Cheeto"?
    All opposed?

    The voting has concluded.

    NoobPwner69 #Cheeto it is!

    (But seriously Motion, just let it be. It's a nice thing to do as a "one-time" thing.)
  8. TheKhopesh

    I like that idea.
    (A "not-so-hidden easter egg with a legible memorial speech to "the fallen" written on a wall or plaque somewhere within would be awesome as well. But maybe that'd be asking a bit too much?)
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  9. Ol' Brownfists

    I like this idea also. A very reasonable compromise.
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  10. DrPapaPenguin

    You know, I have mixed feelings about this. Since cancer is bound to put me in the coffin at some point in time, the idea to have something named after you is kind of ego-tickling, but on the other hand, I agree, the precedent will cause more trouble than its worth. IMO, there should be a line which separates the game from its community, and IMO this is kind of going past it. True, other games have done this, but it's usually someone who the devs knew or were close to. We are just players, we're part of the community, not the game. If the devs like the idea of commemorating passed away members, then maybe a tribute to the community as a whole, like an eternal flame or the monument of unknown soldier are in real life, would be a better idea.

    Also - to the guy who brough tup Robin Williams - he had a long history with Nintendo (I mean, he named his daughter Zelda for crying out loud :p ) so it's not exactly his popularity that got him in their game.
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  11. Noktaj

    Remember one to rember all.

    While we can't for sure change every name base after every guy who played PS2 and died in some way, we could do this for this one guy, without sounding weird in any way (just change two numbers in a base name... whoooo what a terrible thing to do /sarcasm)

    We have a monument in my country with the body of an unidentified soldier fallen during WWI, it stands as a memorial for every fallen soldier.

    Let's rename this base after this guy and let it be a memorial for everyone. I find it a nice idea.
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  12. Bonom Denej

    A memorial base is a pretty good idea.
    I'm not for the name change tho, all the arguments have already been made so I won't repeat any.
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  13. Taemien

    I really don't believe SOE is going to do this. If they do it once, they have to do it again. They can't play favorites. What they can do is make an unnamed memorial that commemorates all fallen players. This way favorites can be played.

    And you know what, I'm calling all of you out. SOE did do a memorial charity run and you all threw a god damned fit about it because you hate what real veterans stand for. If this Jay993 was a real soldier who died in real combat, then yes lets give him a memorial. But if he's some random kid that just played video games, then no.

    Fair is fair. If you don't support your veterans, we're not going to support you. We did that already by serving your ungrateful hides.
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  14. Maphreal

    Wha? I guess I was on a break from PS2 when this happened. People really got upset about a charity for those with the stones to go out and fight for the country? I know this is the internet and it's full of children, but that's a damn shame.
  15. Villanuk

    Its a terrible shame when someone young passes away and its not the first time and im sure its not the last time I will hear of this but I would say no. Not because im insensitive but im sure he is not and will not be the last person to die who plays Ps2 and once you start down this path where do you end?

    What do SOE do if they yes to some but No to others, they will be bombarded with hate mail as every persons life is important to those around them.

    So I think those around him should remember him in there own way, but I don't think its fair to SOE to be put in a very difficult position and one they cant do right for doing wrong.
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  16. Aaren


    Combined with this:

    Would seem the most reasonable 'solution'. Some sort of momument for all fallen PS2 players, past and future.
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  17. Taemien

    Sure did, I tried to find the thread but it was bad enough to actually be deleted. Basically SOE ran a charity event where an item was purchasable and when you bought it, they donated the amount spent to the charity. In addition for the weekend SC sales had a percentage going to the charity as well.

    What the community did there is posted a thread about how they were against giving to the charity because it "supported the war". And I don't believe for a minute that the community is so naive to believe that a charity to help wounded troops and their families is 'supporting a war'. They're smart enough to know taxes do that. So.. yeah it was just jealousy, anger, and hate towards vets that sparked that.

    So yeah, the community didn't support the vets, so I don't understand why I should support the community. Nothing personal against Jay993, sure he was a great kid. But I've already explained why I don't support the idea before I took this other stance. I was just reminded how the community kinda crapped on everything that I've done and been through.
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  18. Yuukikun

    The part you all seem to forget is that considering the amount of poeple who played the game and the death rate, there are already more people who played the game who died than the amount of bases on all continents together.



    This is the rate for every 100 000 youngsters in the US, which is one of the lowest around the world, so using it as an average is an underestimation of the games rate. Considering SOE officially counts over 6 million players ( ), and if we are very generous and say that the rate has gone down to 40 per 100 000 from 2012 to 2014, we'll count 2 years of game existence, (6 000 000 / 100 000) * 40 * 2 = 4800

    This means that statistically, 4800 people who played Planetside 2 have died since the start of the game. In other words, every day a few people who play planetside 2 die in real life. If SOE would start changing the name of bases everytime someone died, it would never end, and then would have to make many more continents for the extra bases.

    Yes a friend's death is sad, it happened to me, but asking for his name to be used in the game looks to me more like someone trying to get attention using that person's death, which disgusts me.
  19. Jad

    "The community"? Or "a few (insert-the-word-you-want)"? :(

    While I can understand your anger over this it's probably not the best way to express it and the next time a charity event comes up you can bet somebody will have your post book marked and start quoteing it for all the wrong reasons. :mad:

    Back to the OP...

    I’d also have to go with a no on the renaming the base idea. As others have said it would open a flood gate or such requests. Once you say yes to one person how do you say no to the next without making it seem like the person was less important than those before?

    As has already been suggested a base called The Memorial would on the other hand cover them all and could even be taken a step further to feature some kind of ingame object that would bear a more personal tribute to the lost. Anything from a simple mark on a wall (Each added for a specific person) to their actual name (IGN or RL)

    So yes to a tribute that can be opened equally to all. :cool:
  20. uhlan

    I sympathize with the idea if your friend was especially devoted to the game and its community.

    Though I doubt the devs would like to set such a precedent without some unusually strong evidence to the above.

    Some of the responses in this thread are some of the most back-handedly insensitive I've read in a while on this forum, so kudos to those who felt they needed to be a true PS2 forum turd.

    You have lived "down" to my expectations.
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