Why not show the Tr and VS in more positive light?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RemingtonV, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. LodeTria

    I wonder if they Vanu one will get a different continent too, since this one is on Esamir, although the NC one is "nowhere" so who knows.
  2. LT_Latency

    Yeah, that is when crap got real.

    You can't go home
    You haven't got enough supplies.
    There is a terrorist faction that is unaccounted for.
    1/3 of you fleet is going Vanu crazy ready for war.
    They NC are thinking about power grabs.

    Your army is going to tightening things up real fast under these conditions. They went with the need of the many out weight the needs of the few. Vanu and NC should have fallen in line.
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  3. TorigomaSET

    Because the TR and Commie Scum, and the VS are Human experimenting Spandex worshipers.

    And Nanites.
  4. Serialkillerwhale


    You didn't even bother to have an argument, you just said I was wrong without providing any proof it was or any counterargument at all.
    Once again, you manage to reverse cause correlation. The needs of the many outweigh those of the few, yes, but you seem to think the few are the many. The TR outright imprisoned NC officials without even a trial, as I have said so many times before and you have ignored just as many times before. The TR started this war when they started gunning down protesters, and the survivors rallied under the banner of the NC. And yes, the reason exists.

    The reason being that the TR don't want to let go of the power they shouldn't of had in the first place.
  5. LT_Latency

    Though forced, the security and stability the Republic provided did help to bring peace and prosperity to the fledgling Auraxian colony

    Before ships were blowing up, people were stealing and looting. The Vanu attacked cause they got pinned inbetween the war. Had nothign to do with the just the TR.

    Then in comes down to opinion.....If you we happen with the current system and the peace and posperity it brought, You are TR. If you feel you needed to go to war to change it, You are NC
  6. Cuban

  7. Makora

    Oh... THIS again.

    I am all for more advertisement for the other faction (loading screens, possibly a cinematic trailer or two)

    But the argument of who's "the good guy" in this is... tiring. There simply isn't enough lore to really flesh out the factions. We got almost NOTHING on the VS. Only conspiracy and "iron fist" stuff on TR. And a board meeting transcript for the NC. What, I'm supposed to make a choice off of that? Yeah this paints the TR as the The Empire but half as competent, VS as something out of Hubbard's wet dream and NC as having "valid excuses".

    Where are the stories of NC slave camps? What, you think the fine print at the bottom of the contract said something else? Where are the cases of uncovering unethical and inhuman research/experimentation by the VS? You got to break a few eggs to make an omelette but does the VS know where to draw the line?
    The NC brass is after freedom from regulation. That's what the TR did on earth (where the NC probably doesn't exist as a separate entity). They regulated corporations to make it all fair for the people, but that made business difficult and more costly. What with fair wages and all that.
    Can you blame the TR for feeling animosity for the NC on Auraxis? Sure the security measures on board of a space ship might seem ham-handed and draconian. And in a way I agree. But you're on a SPACE SHIP. In an unknown part of space and you just survived a major catastrophe! Who cares what the original mission was! You need security and a clear vision to survive.
    And then once you find a spot, the big portion of the man force who were supposed to establish a colony decide to up and leave. Leaving rest to fend for themselves on an unexplored, uninhabited world. It's like two people get to a place they need to dig a ditch at, and the guy with the shovels goes "Screw you!" and walks away. I'd be damn mad at that guy too. Especially if he's been an ******* the whole drive there.

    And as I said, there's not nearly enough backstory on the VS to make a valid "gray side" argument. All we know is that they make use of alien archeotech, likely with little to no proper research if it's even safe. Driven by the muddled story and memory of a guy who voluntarily chewed down on a gun barrel shortly after landfall.
  8. ColonelChingles

    I dunno... the TR still seem awfully mean and angry in this one. The NC one has them saving one of their own, which is pretty noble. But I just feel sorry for that lil' guy with the iPad. No one likes getting yelled at. :(

    Also you'd think the TR, being professional military types, would have better trigger discipline.

    Of course, you do forget that it was the TR who blew up the ship and blamed it on the NC...

    So it'd be like if during the ride over the other guy eats all the snacks and then pins the blame on the guy with the shovel. And in general hogs the radio, forbids guy with shovel from calling his friends, and sets up other really annoying rules.

    And then when they get there, the other guy goes back on his promise to pay the guy with the shovels for digging the hole. In addition to keeping all the draconian rules in place.

    I mean if I were that guy with the shovel I'd still be tempted to dig the hole... after knocking out the other guy and getting him ready for burial. :p
  9. Serialkillerwhale

    What "Security?" Both sides were beheaded, and countless other people killed, Brent was put in charge, and people voted him dictator just like they did to Caesar.

    We all know how that went.

    But did you know Brent was the one who killed Tom Connery, the TR leadership, and the NC leadership in the first place and was put incharge of the investigation to find who was guilty for his own crimes?

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  10. LT_Latency

    Though forced, the security and stability the Republic provided did help to bring peace and prosperity to the fledgling Auraxian colony

    That was a DIRECT quote from wiki lore page.

    With hope restored to the crew, spirits lifted and people began drifting more into cliques. Those individuals that valued law and order and who feared the rise in violence and crime gravitated to the Terran Republic gatherings. The TR continued to give speeches, promising safety and security, and they drew a lot of the frightened folk in with their message of protection and equal treatment.

    The group of businessmen, the New Conglomerate, surprisingly began to draw in a lot of younger individuals. The NC’s rallying cry for freedom from government intervention was something that hired mercenaries, businessmen, and youth alike all seemed to favor. The conglomerate group, fed up with the increasingly harsh government regulations, decided to stand together against a common enemy despite their diverse backgrounds.
  11. Amrok1

    We're talking about two different things. You're using that abomination of a rewrite of the lore, while I'm sticking to the original lore from PS1. As I said, in PS1 it was clear that there wasn't a good guy empire. Whoever rewrote the lore didn't really care about the game, he just wanted to write a story. So, for me, NC will always be the hired thugs or lackeys, VS will always be the scientists determined to force technological advancement on humans, and TR will always be the government trying desperately to retain in power. And that's how it should have stayed. No good guys.

    Now go show me a good deal on a LCD tv! :p
  12. Amrok1

    Replace corrupt Church with Forced Cybernetic/Genetic Alteration and you've got it. VS aren't religious, they're more like "We're going to force this on you because we believe it'll make you better."
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  13. TheKhopesh

    Technically, the NC are a "Corporatocracy", which is a subset of Oligarchy.

    They actually act as a private contractor, training their own and/or hire mercenaries.
    These are people who would be out and about getting shot at -and yes, getting killed- anyway.

    Who pays them to do so doesn't really matter all that much to those who are dying, as long as the pay is good.
    (And yes, the American government does on occasion use private contractors!)

    Actually, in Planetside lore, the New Conglomerate had it's own weapons manufacturing subnet.
    They were even one of the (Earth) Terran Republic's favored high powered weapons producers!

    The NC's weapons have more history than most real life manufacturers like H&K, Smith & Wesson, Colt, etc.

    There are four known daughter companies to the combine efforts of the New Conglomerate's weapon manufacturing efforts. While the NC do make a fair number of their weapons under the weapons manufacturing title of "New Conglomerate";
    There are the daughter companies Genudine Dynamics and Liberty Arsenal that were originally founded on Earth, and then there are Auraxis Firearms and Esamir Munitions Company which were created after the stranding event for the representatives of the New Conglomerate who went to Auraxis.

    ++++Side Note++++
    Here are a few weapons that mention the daughter company names in their description:
    LA39 Bruiser - Liberty Arsenal
    GD-22S - Genudine Dynamics
    AF-19 Mercenary - Auraxis Firearms
    EM1 - Esamir Munitions Company

    If you click each link and read the weapon's description (The descriptions are taken straight from PS2) you can clearly read each company name.
    (Come to think of it, I would like it if they had a manufacturer tag for each weapon, both on the Wiki and the in-game description. That would be a nice little piece of side-flavor for immersion.)

    ++++Personal Note++++

    It's my suspicion that Nanite Systems is another (Albeit, very well disguised) New Conglomerate daughter company designed to be a backup plan to aid them in the war.

    Either it goes as planned and the NC win by simply sapping all the TR/VS resources as they pay again and again to purchase NS weapons to the point where the NC simply "holds all the cards".
    Or (at the very least) should the VS or TR win, there will always be a place for Nanite Systems to exist in the resulting military of the winning side.
    At that point, all the New Conglomerate (the ones on Auraxis that is) need do is change names on the hush-hush to the already well established and loved "Nanite Systems".

    (Pretty good backup plan if you ask me! ;))
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  14. Bellawynn

    Honestly I think Nanite Systems is looking out for it's own interests, think about it they created all human bases on auraxis they provide most of the vehicles and they manufacture their own weapons.All 3 factions are at their mercy If I were Nanite Systems I would install a fail safe in every base, every vehicle and weapon that would allow me to remotely decontruct anything we create in case any faction got any ideas of attacking us for an advantage or they simply refused to pay.

    Imagine losing every spawn tube and base all at once, you would be forced to rebirth only at alien facilities such as the warpgate.Not to mention the means for NS to supply it's own merc army.
  15. DatVanuMan

  16. Scudmungus

    How has that Valkyrie not exploded?!
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  17. ColonelChingles

    Makes me wonder about who made the AC-X11. What corporation could possibly be "AC", or does it simply stand for something silly like "advanced carbine"?

    And of course all the no-name weapons like the Mauler or SAS-R. Maybe those are just generic brands. :p
  18. Pelojian

    The real question is why the TR heavy is wearing the dreadnaught helmet when every other soldier has the default?

    Perhaps the developers thought it didn't scream "don't pick TR go for NC instead" enough.
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  19. Serialkillerwhale

    In a move directly planned to keep the New Conglomerate from resisting Terran Republic control, all political gatherings were banned. Groups of more than three, unless they were a family, were not permitted the right of assembly. Refusal to follow T.R. laws were punishable by imprisonment, and in some cases death. N.C. officers were rounded up and imprisoned without proof of wrongdoing or even a trial.

    Just because the TR's propaganda bull managed to draw people in doesn't mean much. The fact that they literally imprison people without trial, because they fear any organization that might challenge them, such as the NC (Which, as a result of their laws against the NC challenging them, did just that).

    Tom Connery, Henry Briggs, Terrance Mattherson, the original "Faction Leaders" were good men. They are not here now. Only those who follow their ideals, and in the case of the TR and connery, not even that.

    Simply quoting the wiki without a source from which the wiki is based on is nothing.

    Anyone can edit the wiki.
  20. Kociboss

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