[Suggestion] Make the Attacker have to secure there Spawn

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Livefire, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. Livefire

    Please get rid of PAIN FIELDS! Just like cool down times we don't need them! They are just another un-fun mechanic left over from the beta game "before 2 way spawn rooms" that gets in the way of fights.

    Make the attackers have to clear out and secure there spawn buildings after every facility cap. This will also make a very fun Last Alamo type game play for the defenders as they try to hold down the spawn room as long as they can before they are overwhelmed and flushed out of the base by the attacking zerg - once the base cap goes through and the spawn shields turn.

    Put a Spawn Control Unit in every spawn building, so it can't be taken out by the attackers until door shields change color or are powered down. And once the base gets capped any defenders left in the spawn building can destroy it and prevent the new facility owners from using there spawn building. Forcing the new facility owners to clear out the spawn and repair it.

    And if the attacker's are not being held back by a significant defending force then to speed things up like the SCU does now, they can attack the spawn buildings Shield Generator. This new "Spawn Building Shield Generator" would be where the SCU's are now but when this is destroyed it only takes down the door shields letting the attackers in the spawn building so they can then suppress the spawn while attempting to destroy the SCU, which if they are successful will then actually kill the spawn tubes. - Again making the attackers have to complete the base taking by clearing there spawn room before or after each facility cap and completely securing there new facility. Right now the pain fields boringly do it for you in 10 seconds or less, taking away VERY FUN game play from the attacking and defending players.
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  2. -Synapse-

    If the generator room had shields that were controlled by the capture point, then you could just about do away with timers.
  3. Livefire

    You mean the timers on the Gen's right?? Explain....
  4. Archiadus

    What will prevent players from camping just around the corner of / on top of the roof of the spawn room when there's no pain field anymore?
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  5. -Synapse-

    Timers for base capture; instead of waiting for the artificial base capture countdown flipping the point would disable the gen shields, then the attackers would go for the generator and overload it. Once it blows up they could push into the spawn.

    Just an idea that crossed my mind, not much thought put into it.
  6. HadesR

    Should also tweak no -deploy zones ..

    Attackers should not be able to deploy a sundy closer to the cap point ( s ) than the distance from the spawn room to said points ..

    So if it's 200m from the spawn > Cap .. That's what the no deploy zone should be for that base ..

    Since we want things fair and balanced for all parties :)
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  7. Livefire

    The players!!! Just like a player holds and defends there base you will need to hold a defend your spawn to when your being invaded. We don't need stupid NPC mechanics doing players jobs in are games......
  8. Livefire

    The one big problem is gen attacking is not only a parallel mechanic with base capping but is also something you do instead of base capping if for some reason you can't cap and hold the cap point. If they gave us hackable door shields like the hackable doors in PS1 then we could do this otherwise the gens need to only be defended by the players themselves.

    Also the reason the cap points need times is its because its suppose to be the base computers taking time to reset and change there "identification friend or foe function" so the base see's your faction as its new owner. And again that gives time for the defenders to mount a counter attack and attempt a retake and secure the Cap Point. As such the cap point timers should not be effected by anything no matter how many people stand next to them it should always take the same amount of time.
  9. Archiadus

    And how do you suggest the players defend the spawn when they get killed as soon as they leave said spawn?

    Do you want them to spawn at a different base so that they can walk / drive to their original base to shoot the players that are standing right next to the spawn room so that they can start spawning there to shoot the players camping 10m in front of it? o_O
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  10. Livefire

    You can shoot through the spawn building shields with impunity and they can not shoot back in. Maybe add some more windows so you can shoot out through the shields in 360 degrees around the spawn. That's the reason that shield mechanic exists in the first place, and they have just made a small change to make this even better. Now you can see out through the shield and the enemy standing on the other side but he can not see in from his side so he has no idea if you are standing there taking aim at him:)
  11. Revanmug

    I guess people have forgotten why they implemented pain field after release...

    Huh, that's not how the spawn shield works. Those shield are 1 way (if not at all), inside to outside. Anything from the outside is blocked, friendly or not.

    Maybe... I don't know... Play the game so you know the basic mechanic before commenting?
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  12. Ronin Oni

    Not to mention, it would only encourage people to hold out and hide and wait to try and farm more kills before being forced out.

    "OO LOOK! +40 Spawn KilL!!! HAHAHA They haven't got me yet! hahahahaha"

    No, just no. You want to make an entire game objective based around the worst mechanic in the game. Just... NO. Fall back and DEFEND RIGHT NEXT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I want you worthless defenders forced out of that bloody room SOONER, not LATER.
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  13. Livefire

    Ya I don't know what your trying to say because that's exactly how they work and are ment to, a spawner can shoot out with impunity and prevent him self from getting spawn camped and the attacker can not shoot back in and kill people in the spawn. So like I said make the spawn with more openings to shoot out and you can prevent spawn camping with out a pain field and that's how it should be, the player should be in control...
  14. Axehilt

    Clearing the spawn was degenerative gameplay mostly devoid of tactics. It was tiresome. We learned our lesson, and SOE implemented a fix (pain fields.) Let's not repeat the mistakes of the past.
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  15. iller

    this looks to me like a solution looking for problems where none existed in the first place...to then create more problems
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  16. Livefire

    Glad to see someone that remembers the days with no pain fields, your right it was a problem back then.... But not the fact that you could set up a turret and camp the tubes that's a legitimate strategy just as spawn camping is. That video you just showed was made in a tower spawn room and back when that video was made you could not get back into a spawn room once you left, you had to go in by spawning in and there for instantly killed by a spawn tube camper. You could not drop in from the top or come up from the bottom or through the balcony which was extremely stupid! Now that they fixed it and made the tower spawn full two way in and out this would not be a problem anymore. If some guys set up turrets in the spawn all you need to do now is swarm the spawn room from 3 entrances and clear it out and secure it after it's capped, something that again the players should be expected to do after taking a tower now.
  17. Axehilt

    I'm a play-to-win sorta guy. I use vehicles and MAXes extensively. Coyotes, C4, you name it if it's a powerful tool I'm gonna use it.

    So I consider all tactics (within the rules of the game) to be legit.

    But that doesn't mean I consider everything fun and balanced. MAXes being overpowered is genuinely bad for the game. Spawncamping being a legit tactic in beta was genuinely bad for the game. These things result in shallower, less fun gameplay, and should be abolished.
  18. Livefire

    That is not accurate, Pain fields were added because SOE stupidly designed the original tower spawn room with an exit only and later realized it and fixed it and made it the way it is now. Not because players didn't enjoy max crashing an Alamo'd spawn builder after every capture, in fact it was impossible to do that as again they were exit only at the time forcing you enter by spawning which if camped led to you getting instantly killed a many times before you got a lucky grenade to kill some of the turret gunners now this would not be a problem. And tiresome game play devoid of tactics? It is the icing on the cake after taking a facility after a long hard fight and plowing down the last defenders in a final slaughter! Can any one say Max Crash?:)
  19. Livefire

    In Beta yes because it was exploiting a bad design"Exit Only Spawn Rooms". That design was corrected, spawn camping now can be easily combated by the players and there for removing the need for an in game mechanic to fight and kill your spawn camping enemy for you, that's devoid of tactics.
  20. Ronin Oni

    It wasn't JUST the exit only spawns.

    It sucked at ALL the spawns.

    It ENCOURAGES holding out in a base for no purpose but to farm kills before they can overwhelm you in your vastly superior position.

    You should abandon the base you lost and are getting spawn camped at sooner and fall back to the next base to actually try and stop them before they set up another camp.

    If they add anything, they need to add more SCU's so attackers can shut down spawn room heroes after the battle has been decided.
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