Putting Anti Tank Mines in front of Vehicle Spawns.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PasitheeVS, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Champagon

    It's too late, don't even consider this game being made for the smarter people. Might as well concede and make it easy on ourselves :(
  2. PraiseTheSpandex

    People who kill you are giving you a learning opportunity.

    I make a habit of sending them a love-tell occasionally when it's a particularly sharp lesson, you should try it.

    For example, I was covering a spawn door once (pretty cheap to start with eh?) and someone tossed a claymore outside. 30 seconds and one opportunity kill later, we took the base and I ran forward right into the claymore that part of my brain already knew was there. So I sent a tell to the guy saying "yep, I deserved that."

    Every time you shift your attitude about a death like that you're becoming a slightly better player.
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  3. Lamat

    Put mine guard on the flash too, you might live.
  4. Darkwulf

    Mines are already too easy to spot. I run EOD hud III on my engineer and I have not hit a mine since. Putting them in from of pads only kills the dumb players anyways.
  5. Nexus545

    Oh also putting AI mines in doorways is not the same as AT mines in front of the spawn pad. While on foot you always have control, when spawning a vehicle you are forced into death, you can't even spam E to get out.
  6. Amouris

    The flash might but good luck driving it with no legs.
  7. Archiadus

    It's pretty simple really, if you care about the resources needed for the vehicle that you're about to spawn you should make sure that it's safe to spawn it.

    What's next? AI mines not being able to be placed inside buildings anymore because it's ridiculous to ask a player to carefully check the stairs first before rushing up?
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  8. Bixli

    ..i agree , they should add the option to drop signs like "attention - enemy mines ahead - don't spawn any vehicles!" ingame to prevent any tears.
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  9. Ronin Oni

    NOT baseless expectation. A KNOWN BUG of transitioning between invincibility state due to desyncing, and potentially exploitable. Again, we have FF in WG's because of this bug, so NO, we should absolutely NOT risk adding it anywhere else
    Always true. MOST of the time you don't even need to leave the bloody terminal. Just look at the bloody pad FFS! Only some require you to actually go and check. Obviously, if you see someone go ahead of you, you know it's safe (for you at least)
    Again, the VAST majority don't require you to walk anywhere. Those that do, either accept the MINISCULE risk of there being a mine or go check it out.
    If you don't intuitively think that mining a vehicle exit is a likely scenario then you must not have played many combined warfare games. I've been mining vehicle spawns since BF2. It's called vehicle denial and is a part of sabotage.

    If you don't expect it to ever happen, then you deserve it to happen to you. I've had it happen all of like twice in 480 hours of gameplay.

    No mechanic is needed for something that happens twice in 480 hours.
  10. Jinjo

    Mines are crappy enough due to difficulty of deploying them and positioning them. It's usually trivial to drive around them. It takes an uncommonly high amount of coordination to distribute them. A few engineers with utility pouches to make a pizza platter minefield.

    You can look before you leap, too, and plink the mines away with any weapon. This isn't true of all bases where the terminal isn't close to the actual pad, but hey. There are worse things in the game to worry about atm, like motivating people out of the spawn room, and motivating people to use spawn beacons and /ORDERS more frequently.
  11. RenegadeHelios

    Honestly, I used to almost throw something at the screen whenever that happened.

    Then I realized, "Wow. This will take three seconds to check the pad for mines. I'm so inconvenienced."

    And now, I laugh as I blow up other tanks with spawn mines, and laugh as enemy engineers get their mines sniped as they're being placed.

    Fun times. :D
  12. Liquidrider

    Another solution, check the vehicle path infront of the spawn before pulling a vehicle?

    Granted this is not always simple since the vehicle spawn is behind a wall or on top of a hill.

    *ignore the video in my signature, I was simply delivering pizza's
  13. Ronin Oni

    This rarely RARELY happens in the first place, and the hard time a new player has has NOTHING to do with a random trapped spawn pad.

    They're getting pwned in the face without a chance to do anything while wandering around lost in 64sqkm maps.

    Don't use new players as an excuse to dumb down the game more.

    also, as you noted, any of the propsed fixes have their own problems anyways. Not to mention this is NOT an issue worth spending ANY dev time on.

    You have any idea how long it will take a level designer to go through 4 continents of every single vehicle pad to add no deployable zones???

    And then they'd be bugged anyways.

    And then people will start complaining that "oh, I can't see mines on the other side of a shield when I drive my Gate Crasher through!"

    This is crying, pure and simple. This rarely happens.

    I've been killed twice and seen and shot the mines several other times. NON ISSUE.
  14. Ronin Oni

    SO because players are too lazy or impatient we should make mechanics to cater to them and protect their idiocy????
  15. volth

    Its worse that engineers can instant kill a sunderer by laying tank mines under it and then blow them with a grenade. Mines should only explode when you drive over them or when a engineer defuse them. Infiltrators EMP grenade should blow them too. But tank mines should not function like a big C4 bomb.
  16. Ronin Oni

    That's what the new AMS shield is for FWIW.
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  17. Alarox

    I'm one of the most lazy people you'll ever meet.

    I check for tank mines every single time I pull a vehicle.

    It isn't hard.
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  18. Jinjo

    Yup. New shield is the meta against suicide bombers, but once the shield goes down, the sundie is a vanilla bus with 0 resistances vs blockade or mineguard resistances.
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  19. Ronin Oni

    Yeah, sick of people crying about the new shield being OP when it's actually weaker in a real fight. It's only strength is against 1 man suicide bombing against undefended sunderers...

    so it's really easy to spot the old suicide bombers who are feeling put out lol!
  20. Zapon

    Howling pass checkpoint
    indar comm array
    Indar's the stronghold, to a far smaller degree