Threat to SoE's Revenue Stream

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wylding, Aug 17, 2014.

  1. RebelRanger

    Can't agree more with you Wylding. For any of those people who say there aren't many hacks here's a video for you. This is just one that I got on Shadowplay, I saw another one the same day[warping/speed]. But those are the ones I've seen. What about all the ones that slip by undetected?

  2. Captain Kid

    Famous? Are you for real? I just typed planetside 2 hacks in google and on the first page found a Youtube video (februari 2014) which demonstrated a crap load of hacks and a forum page dedicated to Planetside 2.
    It's true there aren't many public hacks any more because they get detected now (according to that forum I found) but no game I have played had public hacks to begin with. In fact it says a lot public hacks worked until a year ago!!

    Seriously, where do you people come from, did SOE hire you or something?
    I've seen more VERY obvious hacking then in all the years I've played Team Fortress 2. You know what anti hacking system is actually famous because it works pretty damn good? Valve Anti cheat. And even that isn't perfect.
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  3. Shatters

    Cheat working doesnt mean the cheat is actually WORKING. Cheat working without getting banned, thats the real deal, especially in a MMO. And if there was such a kind of cheat available for PS2 (hint, there is not) then it would be everywhere. I have seen more (obvious) cheaters in TF2 then I have seen in PS2 as well, altough both games barely have any cheaters at all.

    TLDR of this thread:
    There are barely any hackers in this game (close to none at all) and the hackers that are here are getting banned within days if not hours. People complaining about hackers everywhere are probably just bad/have a bad computer/still have to learn the game/are lagging hard.
  4. Captain Kid

    If it would be everywhere it would be a public hack..
    Public hacks get detected because a lot of people use it or employees get their hands on the hack or whatever.

    Planetside 2 hackers use private hacks. These get sold or given to friends only. So they won't get detected very quickly.
    And even if they get banned after a few months so what?
    Game is already installed.
    Just make a new account, buy the latest hack and of they go.
    Maybe put down some money for some SC to buy one or two weapons and they can play for another few months.
  5. Shatters

    Thats not even close to how most hacks are detected/removed/fixed/whatever. And yes, there are probably private hacking communitys for ps2. So are there for every other FPS in the world, including tf2 (just search for tf2 wallhack or aimbot). And said hackers are banned quickly (certainly quicker then months, most often within days). And subtile hacking (rader hack) only has a minor effect on gameplay because we can already do most of the "subtile" hacking ourselves trough legit gameplay. The less subtile hacking methods (speedhack, teleports, aimbot, no recoil/spread, ect) are easly detectable by the general anti-cheat system, doesnt matter what kind of hack they are using.

    TLDR: Cheaters that are subtile barely gain any advantage, cheaters that are not subtile get banned quickly and fast. Therefore cheating is close to useless in a MMO-FPS like PS2.
  6. FateJH

    About a week or two ago, someone posted a video about someone they purport they caught teleport hacking because his dorito was blinking around the OP's minimap. We easily pointed out to the OP that the blinking was not controlled in the least with the exception of always being around the same buidling that their faction was holed up in anyway, and that he was behaving very much like a player who was having severe connection issues. "Rubberbanding" is the word we use. Were he actually teleport hacking, the flagged player would have been teleporting behind an enemy player, killing that player, and then teleporting behind the next one, and we'd see this on the minimap as "people dead" icons or in the kill feed.
    Still, the OP remained either skeptical or unconvinced for much of the thread.

    Like it or not, there are hackers, and, whenever they do show up, they become quite annoying. Be that as it may, the reports of hacking are greatly exaggerated; and, the reports of subtle hacking are even worse in this regard because you can never be certain if the person is actually hacking at all. The person reporting is, before all else, dissatisfied with their experience.

    Hitreg issues are less common to pin down but we've identified most of the bigger ones. There's no excuse save ignorance to blaming hacks or htireg for things like poorly-handled packet queueing, server tick rate, or the Aegis Shield reload bug (which we saw someone label as a hitreg problem within the past month). Heck, someone else who complained with a posted video about hit registration failed to notice that his opponent used an HA shield and that he (the video maker) had also missed many of the shots he claims "should have" landed.

    The only absolute about hitreg issues is that most players believe it is taking more bullets to kill other players than it should; and, we won't liberate this feeling even when we do solve legitimate hitreg issues. Same for hacking. There will always be hackers and people will believe they see subtle hacking. And then people who come to the forum and claim that they see it "everywhere" "all the time."

    I don't get it. What am I supposed to see here?
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  7. drhead

    First off, you're not really opening a platform for civil discussion by going ahead and calling everyone who disagrees with you a hacker. All you're doing is appearing closed-minded.

    Second, I notice that you emphasize heavily on these supposed "one/two shot kill hacks". This makes me concerned about your overall argument, as it is well known by anyone who has studied the gameplay mechanics that health is stored and manipulated server-side. Every weapon also has a minimum time to kill which cannot be exceeded and can only vary with headshots and misses. If you've seen any of PromptCritical's posts on reddit or on the forums, you would know that they do log a lot of data on every kill. The developers are not idiots, and it is likely that they would notice if my Phantom was suddenly firing at 800 RPM. Sanity checks are ridiculously easy to do when you already log enough data to grab some popcorn and watch a recreation of the battle. The developers are not dumb, this is likely one of the first things that was implemented.

    Third, your list of features of another anti-cheat program is something I would consider a Gish gallop, due to the inclusion of minute things like name filters and fancily-worded versions of kicking and banning ("manually removing players from the game permanently"). Regardless, most of the features on that list are already implemented in PS2's anti-cheat. Anything trying to directly access PS2's memory that it doesn't like will get detected, and a HWID ban will be issues within hours. Some people have made HWID spoofers, but even those are getting picked up, and this is apparent from the fact that I have only seen one blatantly obvious hacker in the past year or so.

    Fourth, I'm going to take a leap of faith here and say that you made this thread because of experiencing what feels like a 1 or 2 shot kill. If this isn't the case, then I apologize in advance, but what I am saying is still relevant. This is more easily explained by the low tick rate that occurs during huge fights. Huge fights are hard on the server, and the tick rate can be as low as 5 per second during the largest fights. Remember the bad performance on Battlefield 4 shortly after launch? The problem with that was tick rate - the tick rate was set to 10. For those unfamiliar with the concept, every time the server calculates the damage done by each bullet and sends this info out to clients, it is called a "tick". The "tick rate" is how many ticks happen per second. This means that if the tick rate is 5, you will take damage from every bullet in the last 0.2 seconds all at the same time. This can compound with you and your opponent's ping, resulting in odd behavior such as kill trading. This is responsible for a huge chunk of alleged "one-shot" hacks.

    So, in summary, the devs are smart enough to implement basic sanity checks to rule out wide categories of hacks, a lot of the anti-cheat functionality you have been asking for already exists, and a lot of alleged "hacks" are nothing more than weird quirks with the server under heavy load. Hackers are well under control, and your points do not hold up to any skepticism at all.
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  8. Taemien

    I'm going to have to agree with the peeps that claim that cheaters can't function well or for long in PS2. Every so often I'll check my killboard, and there's been several cases of BR20-35ish who got there very quickly will show up as N/A. This usually means someone got a hack, tried it out on a new account, and got themselves banned.

    Do they exist? No one's debating that. Are they existing in a capacity that is destroying the game? Absolutely not.

    Though I will say this. The aimbots, the one hit kills, ect. Are not the most destructive hacks. They're too obvious and players can spot and report them easily. The one using esp are the hard to discern ones. Those are the instances where something feels fishy but you're not sure if it was a motion sensor, recon dart, or radar that spotted you instead.
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  9. drhead

    Actually, I'm pretty sure hacker characters don't get deleted, their Station account is banned though. The N/A on your kill board is actually where you've killed a brand new player (which is how Recursion stat tracker tracks the "Welcome to Planetside!" achievement)
  10. KlyptoK

    Please Post one Right Now or send it to me in a PM. If this stuff is real we need to send it to the devs right away so they can work to counter it, right?

    Otherwise your post is complete and total BS.
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  11. KlyptoK

    N/A is also deleted players.

    Basically it's a player that does not exist in the system yet/anymore
  12. BadAsElite

    There are bigger problems then just Hackers in this game currently.

    Awful pre-patch testing
    Lag / Hit Registration
    Balance updates
    Meta game
    Content delays (Hossin delayed for over a year)
    Ingame physics
    Base design

    Also one of the major flaws of a F2P games, is how easy it is to just make a new account and hack relentlessly. (If you can get round the masking of your hardware ID of course).
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  13. Latrodectus

    This is everything wrong with forumside consolidated into a single thread.
  14. Taemien

    BR 35's don't give that message. Besides, the ones I'm talking about are ones I see on the killboard one day, and N/A the next. I don't know why someone would delete a BR35ish character.
  15. CDN_Wolvie

    Quoted and Highlighted For Truth.

    Base Design such that the desired result for the team wanting to capture the base is spawn camping and kill farming through various means.

    Low time to kill that exacerbates the hit reg issues inherent with large numbers of players necessitating less than normally optimal ping.

    Performance issues that make large swathes of the game play undesirable (especially piloting) due to Frame Per Second loss aka Hitching (different than lag, lag is what makes everyone start teleporting and/or flying when they shouldn't be) because the game removes control and information from the player, often resulting in crashing or over extending into the kill zone.

    Those have done far more to hurt the chances of players spending money, let alone even playing the game at all, then "hacking" that may be one of the few things SOE has proven good at cracking down on. Now if they would only put as much effort into Base Design...
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  16. Alarox

    I think you're either extremely paranoid or subconsciously try to play things off as hacking when you die as a defense mechanism.

    I can only remember seeing one actual hacker in all the time I've spent in this game, back in early 2013.

    Threads like this remind me of when I used to play CoD on Xbox. In the thousands upon thousands of matches I've played on CoD across all the games, I can't remember ever seeing a hacker. However, I've encountered plenty of people who were under the impression that the majority of people who played the game were hackers...
  17. RebelRanger

    In case you didn't notice. The lib was flipping around at speeds faster than any ESF could do.
  18. Alarox

    Everything in my post stands.

    For every one actual hacker, there seem to be a hundred people who try to explain away their failures and blame it on "hacking".
  19. Alarox

    I'm not talking down to you in the slightest. I'm making a point based on the evidence and my understanding of the situation.

    In all my experience playing this game, I have seen one hacker while playing. However, I have seen hundreds of "hackusations". I've seen them directed at random players, at my friends, and even at me.

    This mimics my experience in other online games. I've played these games long enough to where I have an understanding of why people always complain about hacking: because they, whether consciously or unconsciously, want to explain away their mistakes on something else.

    I'm not on a "high-horse", I'm standing on the ground next to you observing the same thing. I'm just coming to a different conclusion. I'm open to a compelling argument to the contrary, but none of you have made one.
  20. Thesweet

    I haven't seen hackers in a long time.