New AA Guns Make Gals Boarderline Unapprochable

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Macho, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. Brahma2

    They already nerfed bulldogs... Now you guys are worried about the typically badly aimed pop guns of which only two can fire on you at any one time.

    Ya'll are silly.
  2. Lamat

    ESFs need a slow moving high damage air-to-air missile for galaxies and libs.
  3. TheBand1t

    A.H.A.B (Anti Heavy Air - Blast) aerial torpedoes.

    Skewer those disgusting whales.
  4. Nintyuk

    Ohh look, ESF's have something they can't win against in the air! Guess what kills galaxy's really easy and also fly's?

    The LIBERATOR, we have a 3 way balance here people! let's embrace it and not shoo it away.
    Libs take out galaxys, ESF's take down Libs and Galaxys hold off ESF's.
    This could be great! Don't knee jerk destroy it before it can truly take off.
  5. Bankrotas

    Well. Yesterday, I made our outfit squad pull reavers, me and my outfit mate supplied better ones, when we could. Hunted down least 10 galaxies, never losing reavers to them, ground AA was more dangerous...

    Aren't Hornets capable of that? (I so wanna buy those, they seem be good for my AV playstyle)
  6. Alarox

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  7. Xervous

    As usual, I'm certain most of this battlegal OP alarmism will die down once the initial hype cools off.
  8. Taemien

    I'm putting my money on 2 ESFs vs 4 man Gal. Going to double my money on that one.

    And they don't even have to be coordinated, just attacking at the same time.
  9. Lamat

    The Captain AHAB skywhale harpoon, love it!
  10. doombro

    I'm seeing Canister harassers chasing down helpless Vulcan harassers.

    How the times have changed. :(
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  11. Lamat

    Galaxy bulldogs are one of may favorites, and the nerf really wasn't bad, they are still awesome.
  12. Kanil

    dafuq? I haven't witnessed it, but it sounds like quite a sight.

    Anyway, we've had this conversation before; transports aren't supposed to kill things, because they're transports. Nerf the Flash, Sunderer, Galaxy, and what the hell, nerf the Harasser some more too.
  13. Axehilt

    I've found gals borderline unapproachable since long before this change.

    EDIT: Oh, galaxies. Right.
  14. Cyrek

    Shoot the big piñata.
  15. TTex11