New AA Guns Make Gals Boarderline Unapprochable

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Macho, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. Macho

    The title says it all pretty much.

    Last night I watch Gals actively chasing ESFs all over the place. There was no reason for the ESFs to turn and fight... the damage risk was FAR too high and the damage output was negligible. The heavy armor that already protected Gals from ESFs is now enhanced with weapons that rip ESFs apart far more efficiently than before. Where ESFs used to be able to harass Gals and Libs could be a serious counter, it's now the case that neither aircraft can do either well.

    Libs are too big and slow to evade any incoming fire when attacking and the damage from a Gal will add up before the Lib get's close enough to do anything useful. On top of that, if a Gal gets close enough, there is no running due to the improved accuracy provided by the huge increase in projectile speed.

    Dual Drake/Walker Gals have always been something to be wary of (even before this patch)... people just didn't know this because the Bulldog was so OP that every Gal ran them.

    Getting close to a Gal and putting your aircraft nose-on to attack is an absurd task now.

    Couple that with the fact that only 1 person spends resources per Gal, they can always be up.

    Decent crews are going to dominate the area they are in and good/great crews are going to be untouchable to all but the best pilots.
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  2. Foxirus

    Where the hell did they put the patch notes at for this last update? When you say a "new" weapon, I am assuming you mean the Galaxy was given a completely new AA weapon?
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  3. Elrobochanco

    He means the newly accurate Drake/Walker. Their damage itself and ROF was not changed, just CoF and velocity.

    You need to attack Gals from the belly now.
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  4. Stormsinger

    Wasnt the drake CoF changed from .5 to .65...? That's an increase, making it LESS accurate. Bulldogs were nerfed, and Walkers' round velocity was increased by 300. (Might be wrong here, having issues loading patchnote thread)
  5. NinjaTurtle

    Because Gals needed more help and were under performing before?
  6. Aerius

    Reminds me of being insta killed in Libs back in the day by mass TE AA MAXes, when people would cry about bursters being useless. They were useless back then because 1-2 people would be trying to drive off swarms of 20+ aircraft.
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  7. Nogrim313

    was a dumb change these guns were fine now they are completely OP, but as SOE always seems to do rather than back peddle on bad change they will instead nerf the living **** out of all the vehicles with access to the weapons they broke. just wait for it next month the galaxy will get a 50% armour nerf rather than.

    i loved my Gal as i was none of these gun buffs were needed what so ever

    if they buffed the ground based walker i have to seriously ask what exactly they are smoking in the SOE offices because its obviously better than my ****.
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  8. Elrobochanco

    Ah you're right, but still a nice velocity buff.

    M20 Drake
    • Projectile speed increased from 550 to 750 meters per second
    • CoF increased from 0.5 degrees to 0.65 degrees
    A30 / G30 Walker
    • Projectile speed increased from 750 to 1000 meters per second
    • CoF decreased from 0.75 degrees to 0.65 degrees
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  9. Taemien

    450 Nanite 4man vehicle > 350 1man vehicle.

    Working as intended.

    Bring friends and like the others have said, attack from the belly. You have that option vs Gals unlike Lightnings do vs Sundies or MBT's.

    Skygod Meets a Galaxy:

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  10. Lightwolf

    Ah.... I was chasing esf's before... And I'll chase them now. Otherwise you get kited to death by anything north of a single opponent.

    You probably still will.

    The only thing that's really changed is my walkers have a lower skill floor and they can do more than just tap to stop NaR past 125 meters.

    Whales are air brawlers by nature. So they're good in close. So..... What?
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  11. Badname707

    They were pretty good before the buff, is the point. Now they're too good against air, what is supposedly the main counter.
  12. Lucerin_SolTech

    I don't want to stir the pot too bad, but...

    Walkers on ESF nose guns now? Higby pls.
  13. Phyr

    Wants the DPS comparison between Walkers and ESF noseguns? Should we be strapping walkers onto ESF's instead?
  14. Xervous

    Maybe this should have been the newbie A2A nosegun option as opposed to the Locust/Antares/Kestrel. High magazine size, high velocity, fast reloads, low damage. In short, easy to hit without having to lead much, but requiring a great deal of time on target to do any significant damage.

    Point blank walker TTK: 3.55 seconds
    Point blank Locust TTK: 3.44 seconds
    I picked the locust for this comparison because it has the lowest DPS of any A2A nosegun.

    The damage drop off for the walker kicks in rather quickly, 50m is basically clientside ramming distance.
  15. Lucerin_SolTech

    It's just so easy to be on target with the new walker projectile speed. After my first 30 seconds of failing because I was leading targets with it, I placed the reticle on the edge of the target towards it's direction of travel. Wow is it quick now. Faster than a lancer shot.
  16. Matt879

    Come in from above, reverse thrust and do some other cheeky maneuvers to avoid most of the bullets and to make aiming at you more difficult, unload a few magazines, fall back, rinse and repeat. Gals became more dangerous to approach, but they're still very easy to kill for a pilot who knows how to evade fire.
  17. HLM

    I still don't have much of a problem taking on a fully crewed Galaxy. The problem now is when you're trying to fight something else and you have some Galaxy getting in the way and being annoying. Now they can hurt you a lot more at a distance. You might now need to think twice before going in and taking on that enemy ESF if you see a Galaxy in the area.

    It's a hard thing to balance. You want the Galaxy to be able to defend itself somewhat. But then aren't ESFs supposed to be its counter? Should a Galaxy be something that you should not approach on your own?
  18. Valadain

    This conversation lacks context. How many people in a Galaxy are able to effectively hold off one person in an ESF? If the answer is "more than one", I don't see the problem. Things that cost more resources and take more people to operate, are better than things that cost less resources and require less people to operate.
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  19. Lightwolf

    so use your mobility and don't close to knife range? Kite?
    Effectiveness change is almost nill, just ease of use.
  20. PKfire

    This reads remarkably similar to ye olde ESF v Lib threads

    Also, can we get this moved to the Vehicle Foru... oh yeah. #sadface
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