New Forum Structure

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. ShadowyN

    This feels more regressive than anything else.
    Feels more like a way to drown out the voices of vehicle users, to be honest.
    Now it's going to be near-impossible to find any vehicle-related discussions amongst the hundreds of other topics present in the Gameplay section.

    Is this because they want to push us off to reddit?
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  2. MrJengles

    I completely agree, ideas and suggestions was a much more constructive section.

    Isn't the whole point of organizing sub-forums to make it easier to find the topic you want? How are you supposed to get more views when threads disappear off the front page in minutes? It's just an unorganized mess.

    This just seems like horrible, cyclical logic -> all the traffic is in one area, so combine the sections, so all the traffic is in one area...

    The better direction would be making appealing alternatives, like combining all the Infantry classes into an infantry section.
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  3. Bumbil

    This "idea" is so unproductive SOE, really. This will make the moderation of the forum much more difficult. Subforums exist for a better order. They exist to splitt up content. That way it is easier for the eye. Subforums prevent excessive thread bumps.

    I don't want search 20 sites a day for finding vehicle and idea threads.

    And sorry that i must say it but this and the game situation killed my favor for you. Your thoughts just don't fit with my logic anymore.

    So this is your sandbox, so i have to go. Bye.
  4. Jaedrik

    rip in pepperoni
    vehicle subforumoli


    inb4 people
    abuse suggestions tag
    like the PSA before
  5. iccle

    Shhh vehicles, be quiet, the infantry are trying to fight
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  6. DFDelta

    Removing suggestions makes sense, I don't think anyone who mattered (as in, the devs) cared about that one anyways. There were so many good ideas in there that no one even looked at, it really stopped being funny.

    Removing the Vehicle Forum is strange at best, and a bad sign at worst.
    There are already a lot of people who feel like you're trying to slowly phase vehicles out of the game (just look at how many people call this game Infantryside), removing their forum while keeping the infantry ones -and not just a general infantry one, but one for each class!- looks like a rather big sign that they are right.

    Vehicle discussion should have been merged with classes to have a single Playstyle Discussion forum, maybe make the subforum tree look like that:
    - Playstyle Discussions:
    -- Infantry Gameplay (general)
    - - - Infiltrator
    - - - Light Assault
    - - - Combat Medic
    - - - Engineer
    - - - Heavy Assault
    - - - MAX
    -- Vehicle Gameplay (general)
    - - - Heavy Vehicles (Lightning/MBT)
    - - - Light Vehicles/Transports (Flash/Harasser/Sunderer)
    - - - Aircraft (Valc/ESF/Liberator/Galaxy)
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  7. Vortok

    Looking forward to the ESF threads popping up in the LA forum while the rest of the vehicles go to the Engineer forum.

    Honestly, I generally checked three forums. Vehicles, Game Updates, and sometimes MAX.

    The main gameplay forum feels like the clamor of a giant crowd - just can't hold a decent conversation amidst all the random noise, so I stopped bothering to check it long ago. Sometimes there's useful stickies, but even then I could easily miss them due to the rarity of my visits.

    Don't want to learn reddit. It's sometimes helpful when I get there via google or a link to some guide, but it just looks like a mess if I actually try to navigate through it looking for useful info. Guess I just like the oldschool forum look - just feels cleaner to me.
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  8. Diggles

    dumb change. should really consult or POLL your playerbase before making unneeded changes like this. Now general forum is just going to be a mash up of junk, far worse than before.
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  9. WarmasterRaptor

    As feedback, I wish to say that I'm totally against this change.

    Vehicles NEED their sub-forum section as much as infantry does and as divided as the infantry classes.
    With so many vehicles, I believe this would help.
    This might actually explain why they were less visited (if it's the reason you closed it), since everything was mixed together, instead of clearly sub-categorized.

    More ingredients in an already over-boiling soup isn't a good idea.

    Please correct this situation as soon as possible.
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  10. eldarfalcongravtank

    what do you guys expect? why were tanks heavily nerfed in the first place?

    they want to silently get rid of vehicle users and shut up their complaints about infantryside

    this step by soe does not surprise me at all to be honest
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  11. Samedii

    I agree with those of us who have stated their unhappiness with this change. I think that anyone who couldn't be bothered to come to the Vehicle forum to read about vehicles is irrelevant to the vehicle community anyway.

    Another post on this very thread gave me an idea, though. We should boycott the General Discussion forum make the Engineer forum the unofficial Vehicle Forum. Any and all vehicle posts should go into the Engy forum. With a little Ghandi-style civil disobedience maybe they'll revert this change and if not then we can at least have the satisfaction of sticking it in their eye a little bit.

    Most of us, I'm sure, roll as an engy when we're piloting a vehicle anyway so we need only mention this anytime they try and play the 'off-topic' card and close down a thread.


    Addendum: If you see any vehicle questions in 'General Discussion' make sure to tell them that the Engy forum is the place to go if they really want answers.
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  12. Flag

    Given how they've moved all the vehicle threads to general discussion, reverting it will be a nightmare.
  13. BaronX13

    THIS, RIGHT HERE. This simple idea is perfect. Personally, I find it somewhat genius. It is a simple yet clear message to the Devs without being over alienating nor disrespectful. If every person chose to post in the Engineer forum instead of General Discussion, I doubt they could ignore/deny it. If I were a heavy vehicle user, I would spread the word.

    For you Sam, I just wanted to give kudos. It isn't often I read something that intrigues me nor impresses me but that took the cake today. I'm glad you suggested it.
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  14. lawn gnome

    you should probably make vehicles into a subset of classes. just put it right below the MAX.
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  15. PKfire

    We can abandon our past to build a better future!

    And to the posts suggesting multiple vehicle subforums: I feel it has been and would continue to be for the best to keep it consolidated.
  16. vanu123

    Tanks can't even get a place on the forums? COME ON BRING IT BACK!
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  17. Flag

    Or say that 4.5K+ posts are enough and leave the forums forever, I don't know.

    I'm almost certain that over 4K of those were in the vehicle sub forum too... Sigh.
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  18. WyrdHarper

    There should also be a video/screenshots forum to separate all that from general discussion. If I want to go see vids, I can go there (also handy for new people), otherwise I can sort through general for actual discussions.
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  19. ronjahn

    Sad day for the vehicle community.

    This was where we went to discuss vehicle tactics and vehicle balance without being drowned out by the infantryside mob or vehicle nerfmongerers.

    It was helpful and unique that a small number of dedicated players visited, because we knew we would get sound advice from experienced players that we could trust. Now who knows who will see the thread before it gets lost in the sea of randomness.

    I foresee a lot less constructive vehicle conversations in the future. I fear asking for advice about vehicles in the general forum because for every helpful comment it will pull in 2-3 nerf/troll replies.

    Please reconsider this change.
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  20. Irexistus

    Please, for the love of Higby, bring the Vehicle subforum back at the very least. It makes no sense to shoehorn it into the general gameplay discussion forum. Are you also going to merge all of the infantry subforums into the general gameplay forum?

    Isn't doing this going to make it harder for your own team to keep track and follow threads on the different topics? It just doesn't make any sense!
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