Tier 4 Tree Rewards - Auraxium Weapons Joke

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MikeC0bretti, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. MikeC0bretti

    I just checked the Reward Weapons - these things are just a bad joke. Ordinary weapons in stylish camo called Auraxium with the same ordinary stats as every other weapon. I mean If you put a lot of effort into the missions, sometimes you have to buy/cert a weapon that the tree system is demanding at the end ( tier 4 of the tree ) you should be rewarded with something really valuable. I mean I checked TRs LMG and SMG reward weapons and the stats are 99 percent just the same like T9 Carv and Armistice. Yeah, the reward weapons have nice camo and SOE called them with nicknames Bloody, Terror etc :] But thats it.
  2. Heretic

    The flashy camo / names are the point. What did you expect? An OP version of the original?
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  3. Phyr

    Did you expect them to be better? In what universe would that make sense?
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  4. Demetrios

    They don't want veteran players to have an edge, it's already iffy with BR1s dealing with Nanoweave 5 BR100s, do you really want to give veterans super powered weapons to stomp new players with? It's bad enough with the vehicle farming already, the new weapons are a niche sidegrade with neat cosmetics, but you can't dole out super powered weapons in an FPS game like you can in a PVE game.
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  5. SpcFarlen

    They are just meant to be prestigious, like having Digital Black camo, a promo weapon, or anything along those lines. They are the same weapon they are copied from with slightly altered stats like larger magazine, a better attachment than what defautly available, etc.

    Remember no weapon is meant to be a straight upgrade from another, these are no exception. Otherwise Veteran players and new players have an even larger power gap.
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  6. doombro

    That's what the sniper is.
  7. Kanil

    I was sort of hoping for a side grade, y'know? I only have the shotgun, but it has no redeeming quality over the free one. It just straight up has less accuracy, less ammo, and every other stat is identical.
  8. NinjaTurtle

    They are unique variants that are very unique

    The Betelgeuse is the Auraxium Orion and comes with extended mags, the Orion does not have access to these normally
  9. Phyr

    It's shiny > killing potential
  10. DrButtes

    They are just different takes on the default LMGs with unique advantages/disadvantages that don't make them more powerful than any other of the other guns. What did you think you deserved to have a superior weapon because you grind out 5,500 kills or something?
  11. Pikachu

    The NC carbine has 0.67 hip fire but can't have any attachments. I wonder what normal carbines get when they have ALS.
  12. Zagareth

    Of course you can make them better. For example change only ONE of the following stats by 1 - 3%:
    • more damage or
    • faster reload or
    • smaller CoF or
    • higher RoF or
    • faster chamber time or
    • faster moving while aiming or
    • more silent or
    • etc...
    You get the point? I doesn't make much difference on the battlefield, but the owner of such a gun would definitely FEEL stronger, w/o BEING stronger at all. At least such a reward would feel worth to get it...
  13. DJPenguin

    They wouldn't be half as bad if they all didn't come with awful red dot sights. Just want the option to use irons.
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  14. Paragon Exile

    Vanu reflex sights are holy, perfect, immutable.
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  15. Elrobochanco

    Uh...they are better. At least in some facets.

    They are not just a different shader, they do not just have stock attachements. So they are unique weapons with prestigious requirements.
  16. minhalexus

    I woulda liked if we got a unique weapon (not OP), just not a variant of the default weapons.

    So I would be much happy if I got a cool LA1 Anchor as the Auraxiam reward, than the default Gauss SAW.
  17. Axehilt

    What'd you expect? A game-ruining overpowered weapon that lets veterans stomp over newbies?

    The game has way too much vertical progression already (new players facing opponents with Nanoweave 5, etc.) If anything, the game should eliminate those vertical elements (by starting all new characters with one max-rank item in every slot.) Certainly they shouldn't consider increasing the amount of vertical progression.

    I should never beat someone because my character is more progressed than someone. I should only beat them because I outplay them.
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  18. MikeC0bretti

    I get your point guys and I think, you are right. I was too egoistic and did not think of newcomers : ] Thank you all for your opinion and enjoy your game play. See you on the battle grounds :]
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  19. Ribero

    What a nice reply from the OP.
  20. Iridar51

    To be honest, TRAC-Shot is pretty much this. It's better than TRAC 5 in every way. Not that I mind it ^_^