How do you kill Libs?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GameSmacker, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. Lightwolf

    Helped a guy medal the duster. The thing missed most of its shots from five meters. My gunner got tells asking what hilariously ineffective weapon he was using. The only time it killed a max for us, I literally put it in the MAX's face for a clip and a half.
  2. PraiseTheSpandex

    With. a. spoon.
    • Up x 1
  3. current1y

    Yep. Any moderately skilled pilot can take down even some of the better lib crews. You just need to have a set, stay in hover and fight them. Its actually quite fun and hover dueling a lib who also has the balls to come attack you is a very very fun engagement.
  4. Champagon

    As a lib pilot I take out libs in the following way
    • Another lib
    • AA (Skygaurds, Burster max, HA rocket)
    Works for me usually
  5. uhlan

    Due to some serious scalability issues in PS2 there are really two games played at different times of the day.

    When the pop is low, air is way OP due to it's ability to loiter on target with weapons that can disregard most obstacles because of LOS and shirk off what ever minor resistance the defenders can muster because its an airborne MBT.

    When the pop is high on both sides, air suffers to a large degree.

    I'm sure the devs understand this and are probably working on something, but it's built into the game and will be difficult to solve.

    When the pop is low and you have an air zerg on you there isn't much you can do.

    The easiest solution is the FREE AA max.

    It can often scare a Lib pilot, especially the 1/3 types that sit up over a base and spam. It will do nothing to scare a dedicated crew of well certed individuals, however, and you'll get creamed.

    The other solution is the FREE rocket launcher. As long as you can get a few hits in you're golden. Miss, and you're nanites...

    Everything depends on how many defenders there are. Lock-ons, for instance, will get you killed immediately so avoid those altogether.

    If you are outnumbered, but most of the attacking assets are vehicles (hilariously often the case), it may be possible to sacrifice a few of the above methods to keep the Lib busy and hopefully your better fighters will have time to make it to the point... as long as the point has cover.

    Success when the pop is low requires good teamwork.
  6. Vixxing

    Hmm... its not THAT bad after buffs, if u single-shoot rather rapid its all but impossible to one-clip a max pretty fast...
  7. Axehilt

    Usually with soft counters in games the relationship is "because you chose the soft counter, you can be slightly less skilled than your opponent and still win."

    But with ESF vs. Lib the relationship is more like "you must be as skilled or better than your opponent to win." (Which isn't really a soft counter at all.)

    Now if there were other soft counters (things more than simple deterrents) then this might be fine. But A2A ESFs are it. Which is why it comes down to addressing how agile and fast Liberators are (which is the core of their ability to engage and kill ESFs as well as they do.
  8. Vixxing

    Remember: Lib vs ESF is still a 1 on 2 or even a one on 3 fight... 3 ESF vs 1 lib= Lib got no chance at all... would you be ok if your MBT got outclassed by a Lightning? no? An ESF vs a LIB got at least 10* better odds than a lightning vs a MBT...
  9. KO-tic

    two words

    Vortek Rotary
  10. Axehilt

    Eh, the difference isn't that extreme. Ground-AA scales a little better than other types of weapons, but air is still very useful in larger battles.

    The difference is rooted in cover, and how it's generally a bit easier for Ground-AA to stack fire on air targets than for 3+ infantry to stack fire on infantry. But if you use cover as an aircraft, you can fly in any sized fight for the same reasons you can survive as infantry in a giant fight: not all opponents can shoot at you (and the ones that do are usually G2A lockons where they're like "Please let me show you my red rocket indicator so you can flare it away and kill me! Please!" and you'll either be "Well, alright" or "Sorry I have bigger fish to fry than some infantry derpling."

    In low-pop battles it's still just as good as ever apart from the handful of imbalances that effect all scales of play (libs being too fast/agile, and A2G ESFs being a little too flexible*)

    (* Rocket pods should get a small reduction in an update where ESFs gain a new A2G nosegun that's generally a lot better than other noseguns against ground forces but worse against air (which creates further loadout specialization, which makes the air game even more interesting as players decide whether an A2G, Generalist, or A2A loadout is needed for the current fight.))
  11. PurpleBeefer

    why would you kill my sky farm :confused: , the ways are listed in this thread. as Lib pilot/gunner there are variety of ways to take us down. Alot of it can be by coordinated ESF's other libs, sudden burster fire, dumbfires, skygaurds, and the occasional gal bump. but it just depends some of us try not to overstay our welcome but we get greedy for them certs. so we pay for it
  12. OldCuban

    Two Decimator hits will kill any Liberator.

    I love catching them off guard when they just sit there hovering over a contested base.

    I'll usually team up with a squadmate or two, time our shots, and take out the derpy hovering Lib in one volley.

    It's especially effective on Hossin. They think the trees protect them from lock-ons, which they do. But then they get complacent and slow down or hover in one spot......then my squad comes thing you know.....BOOM.

    I dream of a day when the zerglings realize how easy Libs can be taken out with dumbfires. I'd pay to see 20+ dumbfires fired upward, all at once, towards a farming Lib every time it tries to come close to our spawn point.
  13. Icedude94

    Either your piloting or the gunner or both were really bad. The duster works best on clusters of enemies. Every large fight has areas where infantry bunch up in cover. Knowing where that is ahead of time and hitting that from a high enough altitude to spread out the shots is where the duster shines.
  14. Brahma2

    Is that even a thing?
  15. lawn gnome

    i get surprised by ESF all the time (i just rarely ever get hit with rear armor shots), but all of their weapons allow me time to respond, by dodging or returning fire. liberators don't really care if i spot them and fire at them unless i catch them all the way out at render range 16.5 second MINIMUM TTK is not good when facing down a one person vehicle with a less than 2 second TTK that is around 3x faster than you.
  16. Vixxing

    Well a lightning is FAST so movement in any direction makes it hard to TB, and its pretty easy to drive and land 100% on such a big target as a Lib... 2 second TTK is on distances like 10-15 m with 100% hitrate, the spread on a TB is horrible and when you get hit by a SG you cant really see anything...
  17. lawn gnome

    70 kph vs. a minimum of 180 kph. my skyguard might as well be standing still. actually the TTK is on any distance short of 50 meters, i have used the TB and even with my horrible flying and aiming skills i had very little trouble murdering tanks with it in my 1/3 lib. it does have spread but tanks are huge targets. if you already have your shot lined up you don't really need to see for the full 2 SECONDS.
  18. Vixxing

    70kph= 15m/s *2 =30m so you can move 30 metres roughly in 2 seconds libs are fast yes but they turn like whales... i been in both ends of that fight many times and unless a lib really surprises me i dont fear it at all... i more often die driving off a cliff or flipping it when aiming at the lib than from the TB itself... :p
  19. JackD

    single ESF with equal skill
  20. JibbaJabba

    With Trees, duh!

    Why, how do you kill your libs?