How do you kill Libs?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GameSmacker, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. DeusExForever

    If realism is out the door, then 4 missiles is more than enough to keep the flyboys away.

    I wish PS2 was more about scrimmage fights, where air vs air and vehicle vs vehicle fights occur where they're designed to roam. And infantry can have their fights inside the bases itself. Any vehicle coming into infantry territory, the gloves are off and the risks to their tails being shot off guaranteed!

    John McCain knew as a pilot he could get shot down. Any pilot understands it's luck to get away in a flying coffin without asking for a funeral service!
  2. ZenzotuskeN

    Really Depends on the Liberator Crew your facing but here is four ways.

    1. Dumfire Decimators at it.
    2. ESF
    3. Skyguard
    4. AA Max's
    5. G2A Lockon's
    • Up x 1
  3. KnightCole

    I got a Skyguard kill on a Liberator tonight....only took like 3 mags I think.....ofc it was flying a straight line really low, slow and close...but I killed it!!! YES!!!! VICTORY AT LONG LAST!!!!!!

    ok, its not that serious...
  4. lawn gnome

    where are you fighting? because liberators are still far harder for me to kill with my skyguard than any ESF ever dreamed of being. TTK on an ESF is roughly 4 seconds while TTK on a liberator is around 17 seconds. most people figure out they should escape by around the 10 second mark. i don't care how much the ESF is evading or how far away he is i can still reliably kill them within one clip and that is outright impossible with a liberator. also ESF don't have access to any weapons that can drop my lightning in under 2 seconds where a 1/3 liberator with a tankbuster can.
  5. Nexus545

    This is the problem for me. I know air is almost useless at peak times but during the later hours where the only fights don't involve 50+ people (my favourite time to play) they remove all competition.

    I've said for some time now the biggest problem is balancing vehicles for small and big fights. It's also a problem I'm starting to believe doesn't have a solution.
  6. DeusExForever

  7. Xasapis

    That would be Miller. It is true that if a Liberator catches your Skyguard unsuspected, you are going to die. But that is true for any vehicle against vehicle encounter. Thing is, if you're both firing at each other, then it comes down to whoever has better aim. Under normal situations you should be able to hear and see the Liberator long before he will be able to see you, which means that you should be damaging him before he even approaching you.

    A MAX will be even more ideal to make a Liberator flee and only a very good gunner with shredder could take it down. Two MAXes and if the Liberator insists, it will die.
  8. DramaticExit

    The easiest method I've found, is slamming into it with a gal.
  9. Vixxing

    Thats just not true... ESF 1-clip a lightning with ease from the rear with LOL-pods or even take it out from 300m with 2 salvoes of hornets...
  10. Vixxing

    Tbh Duster's eats MAX:es for lunch now... (no one uses them though) ;)
  11. Evilsooty

    Pull an AP Prowler with maxed out Anchor Mode and be patient.

    I wait in the distance locked down until the Lib starts to hover before striking. The key is to let them fly around for a bit blowing up infantry with impunity so they let their guard down and start hovering thinking they are Sky Gods. If you try and hit them while they are flying about they won't stop moving and will try and seek you out.

    Once they are hovering they are as good as dead. Within 3-4 seconds you can have 4 AP shells going for them - the first 2 should be aimed for their centre and you should quickly adjust to lead in the direction they will take off in after the first 2 hit.

    Then BLOOM! This works for 99% of Lib pilots; only those with lightning reflexes can escape it. Then you just watch those extreme menace kills come in :)
  12. Vixxing

    Not all have got access to OP tanks... ;) (try killing Libs with a magrider!)
  13. Kislany

    With any AA turret, rather easy to kill.
  14. x7xBillyDaKidx7x

    When attacking or defending a base or when traveling to another base have 4 burster maxes with you, and watch the aircraft melt from the sky !!! 4 dedicated Max bursters sittin in base perimeter keeping out the riff raff is awesome . My dual bursters best cert maker in game. I get more XP shooting down aircraft ,than taking a base !! Plus its fun to do with your friends. Call them out or put marker implant on and you focus fire on libs and rip them outta sky !!
  15. Evilsooty

    Haha yeah - the Prowler's great for being sneaky. You do have the God-like power of strafing though :)
  16. lawn gnome

    i can react to lolpods, and out of 282 hours and 7 minutes of play in my skyguard that has happened exactly once to me. for a long time i didn't even believe it was possible. i was downright surprised the one time it did happen. getting low enough to get into the rear arc of the lightning exposes ESF to pretty much every form of ground fire along with the fact that lightnings are so short that at that angle it is an incredibly tiny target, assuming there isn't a short bump or rock blocking the shot. regardless a rocket salvo still gives you plenty of time to respond and the same with 2 hornets. most of the hornet ESF i just shoot down because they have to stay nice and steady to guide their shot in at fairly close range.
    skyguards don't really get to kill outright any vehicle they surprise except for ESF. we pound away dumping hundreds of rounds into most targets before there is any hope of a kill. 17 seconds (this is assuming 100% direct hits) is plenty of time for even a completely ambushed liberator to kill a skyguard or just leave in most cases. if we are both firing at each other then a lib WILL win the DPS race if he is even half as accurate as long as he isn't firing at me with a duster, 2 of the 3 nose guns or maybe with just a tail gun (i don't know for sure about the bulldog) all of that is assuming 1 weapon system only is being used.
  17. Vixxing

    Strafing is overrated against tanks that got guns with 1/8 the drop and double the projectile speed of a MAG... worst **** is against air though... worst angles biggest drop and least damage is just outright unfair... MAG should have damage atleast doubled vs air for the few times you manage to get a hit in...
  18. Vixxing

    Well i killed PLENTY of skyguards with stealth, scythe and lolpods... (and if you always see ESF coming how in hell can you whine about LIB's oneclipping u in the a$$ with TB?)
  19. Axehilt

    Probably because if ground-AA was capable of countering Liberators, it would render ESFs completely meaningless.

    So instead, ground-AA acts as a deterrent, creating an umbrella of operational safety where enemy air can't really do much to you. And A2A ESFs are the counter, with the main problem with liberators still being their combination of speed and agility that makes them a bit too good against ESFs.

    But ground-AA fundamentally cannot counter Liberators because if it did it would disable essentially the entire air game and that sound be worse for gameplay.
  20. Vixxing

    Any decent ESF pilot can solo all but the most amazing lib crewes... (and i promise you you would be in even worse shape if those 3 dudes where in 3 ESF instead of one lib)