Ugggggh. (Emerald NC)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Linedan, Jul 5, 2014.

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  1. Negator

    Ive never seen you in command.
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  2. Nurath

    Hate to say it but this is my issue facing Vanu. Alongside the fact that they probably are better organized all round, thus leading them to cheese as much as possible and go for the win by the shortest route possible, a lot of their weapons and gear just seems...not in the spirit of a good fight.

    Magriders are frankly god machines as long as the player using it has some talent (not much needed it's a game after all), then there is the common theme characteristics of high velocity high accuracy low drop weapons, on top of the empire specific cheese guns, and then other guns like the bulldog being a total menace in the hands of an empire that organizes to ensure the farmiest outcome possible.

    Lots of magriders, lots of MAxs, lots of bulldogs, etc etc.

    Dunno, I'd rather fight NC. But then these days I am mostly solo bar the odd small or pick-up squad and outfitless so it serves no purpose for me to fight a whole zerg of organized vanu platoons/squads.
  3. Nurath


    This, this, this, this!

    I was grasping at why I find Vanu fights so boring and...not fun and THIS IS IT.

    Against NC it feels like a 'fun brawl'. There is 'real' fighting going on. Pushing, and pulling, manoeuvring around and against each other.

    It feels like two roughly equal sides duking it out for the upper hand AND IT'S FLIPPIN FUN! :D

    Vanu is just ranged and vehicle spam, where one Magrider is there are a platoon more. NC might have some powerful close quarters firepower but at least at that range my TR stuff can get the job done as well.

    With Vanu it feels like I hardly ever actually see the Vanu aside from as a dot or small purple figure in the distance.

    Spot on, in my humble opinion.
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  4. Malcmodnar

    Let me assure you: those of us from Waterson VS are just as thrilled about the current state of the Sovereignty as you are.

    On Waterson, we were used to being underpopulated. We knew how to make small squads work, recognized the regular players and outfits, and were pretty close-knit as far as a faction can be. Sure, we'd almost always be outnumbered, but we could hold our own.

    Now? Now it's a zergfest. Either we're pushing out with overwhelming numbers or we're locked in a 48+/48+ stalemate. No more skirmish warfare, no more single squads holding off platoons. It's all zerg or be zerged, and that's just not fun.

    As for our being more organized, I can only offer what I've seen fighting the TR and NC. The TR are in a sad state here on Emerald; they just aren't used to not having a blob of redshirts to drown people under, and their old outfits are all but gone. The NC, meanwhile, are a pain to fight. They lack in factional coordination, but they've got some great outfits (that almost always seem to wind up on the lattice line with us) and tend to have a fairly high level of individual skill.

    Just remember: things here in VS aren't nearly as great as people think. The PPA is great... until armor shows up. The Magrider can be used to great effect in small numbers... but is worthless in tight quarters, and trying to use a strafing tank in an armor column will quickly become an explosive game of bumper cars. I've lost count of how often I or my teammates have wished we had NC weapons, and the Vanguard is a monster in skilled hands (don't even get me started on what an AP Prowler will do to a group of vehicles if it knows what it's doing).

    In short, it's not all laser-shine and nanites here on Emerald VS. A lot of us are just as unhappy with the state of things, and it's not a happy thought to know that your faction is probably going to be nerfed hard because of population. Fight well, dirty heretics.
  5. uhlan

    Typical VS "bogeyman".

    I have NEVER understood the fear of fighting any faction.

    From the days of the SCATMAX to the ZOE hordes or the Striker scourge and other non-issues where infantry is concerned.

    Every faction has gone through something like this at one time or another with the masses reacting with completely out of proportion responses on this forum.

    It's a self fulfilling problem IMHO. Better players to be found in the VS ranks initially have success and draw others to ride the zerg-wave.

    Other servers have NC or TR issues.

    The reason a lot of people hate to fight as NC is because it isn't a spammy faction despite the shotgun aesthetic.

    The TR is spammy, but I think this faction tends to draw noobs to it at first because of that. Then they go elsewhere...

    ...usually to the VS...
  6. Captain Kid

    I play TR on Emerald and rather fight the NC then the VS. given the choicee between two fights I choose NC most of the time. I'm getting annoyed with Magriders everywhere and the PPA spam. Also they tend to have a lot more maxes out in the field then the NC.

    And t hey are very tenacious. You just hold of a large zerg army and 5 minutes later (when half of your team has redeployed) they ae back in even greater numbers and brought a crap load of tanks. It's always an endless fight against the VS which never stops.
    After an hour of trying to dodge magrider spam and ppa spam I redeploy and go fight the NC.
  7. Rift23

    VS doesn't have the pop to zerg all four continents you know. I usually go to where the pop is lowest or at least second highest. Unfortunately, that's typically Indar nowadays, but I have more fun whittling down the NC/TR zerg than I do being part of the 52% capping Hossin. And guess what I find there? TR and NC spamming tank shells/lolpods at doorways/towers and /yelling about how unstoppable they are.

    Go figure.:rolleyes:
  8. xboxerdude

    I call BS on saying we can't hold with even pops versus DA AC Zaps, GOKU , NNG , because we can. NC command just has to work together.

    Like last night If we set up a fight way into vanu territory at a tower , the whole NC should show up and hold that base. Because we can , lets start being the big boys on the block.

    If your tired of the other zergfits, try out lux we run platoons multiple times throughout the week and get **** done.

    Seriously we can be #1 , im tired of the apathy.
  9. Negator

    All infantry weapons are balanced. Bullet drop does not matter. Bulldogs are not faction specific. And holy ****, another solo bro complaining about fighting agaisnt organized groups. YOU sir are what makes you and your faction inferior.
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  10. Lamat

    This is spot on ^

    Fire teams do work effectively in this game. Groups of 5-10 moving together from building to building will destroy a scattered group all working independently unless the skill level is extremely disproportionate.
  11. Zapon

    then you must not have played on Jaeger - Waterson(I've been busy with college for a few weeks and play a little less heavy now, but still play) from 10 am to about somewhat ~ 4 am EDT - (Emerald i've only done it a few times)
  12. Typhoeus

    So I decided to hop onto my NC alt for the first time ever yesterday to see what was happening on the other side and I must say.. I'm still stunned by what I saw. Obviously this being an alt, thus un-outfitted, I search for open squads or platoons to join and I end up joining a PHX platoon. I join just in time for when an esamir territory alert begins and the NC have a huge lead to begin with, holding 47% of the map. This is always a bad thing cuz you know you will get double teamed hard till it gets to about 33/33/33% territory held by each.

    So the first hour goes by and somehow, NC manages to lose both mani biolab (very early within the first 10 minutes of the alert) and Ymir biolab not to long after. I'll say Mani was lost due to slow redeployment on NC's part and hey, that can happen to anyone so I won't beat on you to hard there but the problem is, you guys kept hammering at it for the entire alert! Huge waste of resources! Rather then being held up there, those forces should've been sent down to help defend Ymir and then push out. You can't defend a biolab with 30% pop guys, you just can't. NC command dropped the ball hard here. Once Ymir fell, with 52 minutes left to the alert, PHX decides to pull off esamir completely in preference of going to ghost cap amerish. I'll repeat that - Once Ymir fell, with 52 minutes left to the alert, PHX decides to pull off esamir completely in preference of going to ghost cap amerish. Hence I quickly left that platoon.

    As a result, TR end up taking up the entire southern half of the map, completely uncontested. That means they can re allocate more guys to the VS front which they do. Short end of it, TR wins with nearly 50% territory held.

    So my first impressions with some hands on with the NC? Not only do they lose even fights constantly (stop pulling tanks when you need to get on point! derppppp), they bail when things get hard. Oh and NC command is either non existent or completely incompetent or platoon leads do not listen to their command structure.

    Despite all this I still managed to hold a 4.5kd playing solely as an smg infil. Atleast your weapons are f'n awesome :)
  13. EGuardian1

    That's kinda like saying ODAM or 382 or AOD are indicative of the standard amongst the TR. They may have individual skill, but leadership is challenging in a large outfit with so many people.

    Check out smaller squads or outfits if you want more 'tactics'.
  14. NeoKhor

    Ever since the Mattherson-Waterson server merge, many of Emeralds NC are now headless chickens that have undergone testectomy - you seriously lack the brains and the balls in fights. There is not much of any offense or defense and, when times get tough, many NC just leave elsewhere. It's been nothing but frustration playing my main NC the past month. What ever happened to the great NC Command of Waterson !?
  15. Aeflic

    You just need to get on a personal level with some of the leads of decent NC outfits. If you want to coordinate with an outfit that can actually support you or you just need the extra support add Aeflic in game and talk to me.

    Right now we are just working on bringing everyone up to speed, so usually we arnt tied down and can bring support where needed. But you solo players that complain you have to stop and either join a decent outfit or form your own.
  16. Negator

    Mattherson. Im guess im a little worried hearing about someone that has big plans for our public population when nobody knows who he is. Some of the things youve said have me concerned. IE: the "fully certed stealth gals" bit (fully certed vs rank 1doesnt matter).
  17. Zapon

    No, it doesnt matter- I was citing some ideas and methods-

    I was not suggesting a leader actually go and get others to start using that specific tactic- and you are correct, the first level vs the fully certed level only matters as far as avoiding radar detection by aircraft flying right below you, in terms of distance and heights.

    Lol, big plans- if only.

    Add me in-game , and i'd be up for running with you in group ops sometime- in-game name, Tippership

    I have been not Leading as much recently since i took a break of a few weeks around the time of the merge- so I'm getting a feel for things still , but am slowly getting back into it.

    Also, if something i say concerns you, do let me know- It takes all of us to make this work
  18. Lamat

    It's one of the things I hate the most about this game. So, lame...

    Although after the merge, I now have a TR character on the same server. I only play my NC main though, I don't have time nor want to be sucked in to playing other characters. Pick your team and stay with it, thick or thin.
  19. DQCraze

    NC on Emerald are doomed to rag tag nothings that only succeed with a zerg. Your command chat has the rudest most obnoxious people I've ever heard in a video game. The kind of people the cartels would send home piece by piece, or should anyway. They've ruined your chances of ever becoming anything.
  20. Lamat

    Do you think the territories will change to show the new numbers greater than 48+?

    Enemy Company detected 128-192+
    Enemy Fire team, ghost cappers detected 1-3
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