Game seems little more than a zerg-fest

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SiegeTank, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. Bankrotas

    Giving you more without taking away won't chage already evolved redeploy metagame.
  2. Taemien

    Players used groups back then.

    Try doing that in PS1 now. Its zerg zerg zerg. Even though the game hasn't been updated with anything new since the 'good old days'.
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  3. DeusExForever

    It's what is boring about these world FPS/PvP type games. Doesn't matter what publisher or franchise, it becomes old too quickly, as a zerg = wins.

    Spent a good time sneaking into every base on the TR side yesterday literally hacking everything available, so NC can push ahead. But rewarded so little for the effort, and why if its done, it's not worth the time (as time=resources you can obtain zerging instead). Most fun I have in PS2 is the 1v1 fights trying to capture or hold outposts.

    Anyone can sit in a vehicle for a zerg and collect (and it becomes sooooo boring, too).

    Team play takes a backseat for pretty (and often exploited) stats. Instant gratification, sure, but it grows tiring after <3 months, as mouth breathing, again, is what's being rewarded.
  4. Tricycle

    As far as I can remember back in 2004 CE was nothing but Boomer (=C4), Spitfire Turret, Mine and Motion Sensor. We already have all of them in PS2 except for the Turret. You were also able to lay more mines in PS1, so the extra mines and the weak turret was all it took to stop 50% larger forces? No, I don't think so. After the enemy takes out the turrets and the mines then who is going to replace them if there's a larger force waiting outside. No one! End of story.
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  5. libbmaster

    You must be new here.

    Tuco's been on these forums a long time. Any one who's been on long enough knows him very well: He posts exactly the same thing in every single thread.

    Regardless of the topic, he is convinced that PS2's lack of cloaking AMSes, spitfires and redoinkulous amounts of mines is the one thing holding it back from greatness, and that the ability to call in orbital strikes and EMPs is the reason PS1 died.

    I'm not kidding you when I say that this is all he says. Every thread. Everywhere. It's a meme at this point.
  6. Tuco

    per player:

    20 mines
    10 spitfires
    20 motion detectors

    Yes you could hold back 50% larger forces. End of story. Maybe not you personally, since you don't sound too enthusiastic about playing defense with CE.
  7. Undeadfred

    Not going to lie, that would help fix a lot of the issues with attacker vulnerability atm.
  8. Tuco

    Well the #1 complaint that drives players away is spawn camping, and that could easily be remedied (without going COD with random spawning) with the PS1 AMS.

    The #2 complaint that drives players away is how weak infantry are compared to vehicles, which is a big duh since infantry are the slowest unit in the game which makes them easy to get flanked and squeezed into their spawn room which is marked on everyone's map with great precision; and that could be easily remedied with the PS1 AMS, PS1 mines, PS1 spitfires.

    And what the OS hit 90% of the time was the AMS, what the EMP blast hit 99.9% of the time was CE; ergo the OS/EMP was a buff to spawn camping and a nerf to infantry.

    TADAAAAA, PS1 dead, PS2 dying.
  9. Alizona

    The most fun I'm having right now is when continents get locked. I can get a lot of points, either by repairing if we won, or by blowing stuff up if we lost. And sometimes if you run across another "lone wolf", you can get into some interesting and very fun 1-on-1 battles. I think I have more fun in those that I ever have in the big zergs. There's a certain level of suspense that isn't there in the main game, because if you die when a continent is locked, that's it - there's no going back for another try or for revenge. I like that aspect. It's missing in the main game.
  10. Tuco

    A choke point would require less than a platoon of players, this is just a wide open space around a tower.
  11. Tuco

    PS1 mines, PS1 spitfires, PS1 motion detectors are purely defensive tools. Someone advancing into enemy territory moving in a forwards-like-motion wouldn't be putting down CE because they are moving in a forward-like-motion and no enemy is going to stumble into your CE; ergrow CE is purely defensive; ergrow CE only benefits the underpop side while all your suggestions like "OMG GIMME A NUCLEAR BOMB TO DROP" can be used by the overpopped attackers just as much as the underpopped defenders; ergrow CE is the only answer to overpop situations.

    PS1 AMS, same thing. PS1 AMS benefits underpopped defenders where the PS2 Sunderer benefits overpopped zergers.
  12. pnkdth

    Problem: PS2 can become a zergfest. I feel outnumbered all the time!
    Solution: Join outfit, get organised. Doesn't have to be a massive outfit. A squad or two can make quite the difference even with basic teamplay.
    Response: No, I want to be a special snowflake that carries the day. ON MY OWN! I need to feel special, like I am the chosen one, the hero, like every other game out there does. If I lose, my opponents are cheating/part of a zergfit/use OP weapons. The possibility that someone is better than me is entirely out of the question. Only X or Y faction zerg and use cheesy tactics, my side never does. I am also going to blame netcode and performance, and demand better graphics. I refuse to learn, change, or respond to what my opponents are doing. Nerf everything I'm not using.

    Comment not directed at anyone in particular, but that's usually how it goes.
  13. Rift23

    I still remember going into bases to overload generators and hacking equipment terminals to lay tank mines/c4 semi-AFK tanks waiting for the zerg to form up. For a war that basically boils down to Special Forces vs. Rebels vs. Extremists, there isn't a whole lot of subtly beyond dumping people onto a different spot on the lattice to snipe armor.
  14. DeusExForever

    Don't need to join an outfit to be a team player. Some players don't prefer the dramas and politics of outfits/guilds/corps and don't join them. They'd PuG/PuR.

    I left EQ2 due to one particular avatar guild that outright beyond nasty with the server itself (worse, a transplant guild that couldn't compete with the other avatar guilds, so came to a "quieter" server). After a 4hr server flame-a-thon in 70_80, their GL earned his wall of shame at EQ2Flames, and SOE lost a Station account player.

    I just not going to pay to be abused. Not in RL and certainly not for "entertainment".

    Also, listening to "F" bombers and guys who feel the locker room talk is appropriate everywhere is a prime reason I stay out of any groups other than my own (which usually family and friends anyway). I usually check out games first to measure if its family worthy, then ask family and friends to join in, not bring folks in and they leave due to the over carried nasty smack talk. They're currently all in WoW, which is something I'm trying to divest them out of, and be more multi-gamers to enjoy all aspects of gaming, not just one brand and genre.

    That's the real secret of WoW's success, it's the people you hang out with ... your family, friends and co-workers. Those with similar values in a MMO world. PS2 is a MMOFPS.
  15. DeusExForever

    That's true.

    I'm more of a tactical gamer, that when faced with zergs and such, I'd waste their time if nothing is left to do (like that dude in WoW multiboxing with 35 WoW accounts in AV, and making him pay for over 1hr and 30mins not getting his cheap wins [he lost 6 15 minute zergs that day trying to preserve his manhood ... against granny] -- yeah, he sure didn't upload that YouTube brag video). :)

    One day folks will understand K/D isn't the most important stat. One thing bots and cheatware users can't do by default is win. That takes humans to do.
  16. Tricycle

    So, that's what you keep on saying. Please tell me how are you going to redeploy the precious turrets when they are shot down? I mean, they weren't particularly difficult to destroy. If the enemy can shoot down the turrets then obviously they can shoot down the little engineer redeploying them, right?

    If the advancing enemy has to stop for a bunch of turrets, it takes less than a minute to clear them out. How EXACTLY is the defender going to redeploy them while facing 50% more players? I seriously can't see any other way for them to do that than retreating couple of hundred meters and deploying them there. Since the outposts/bases/towers are only about 400 meters apart the engineers would find themselves inside the spawns pretty quickly.

    I think you are clearly ignoring something crucial in your thought process or maybe those little turrets killed you too many times in PS1 making you think they were more powerful than what they really were.
  17. pnkdth

    I didn't say join an outfit you hate. Kinda sad you judge every single player in PS2 that's in an outfit though due to an experience in an old and completely different game. Also, the only reason you'd ever look at EQ2flames is to see what kind of new builds people come up with.

    It is amazing how much better the gaming experience becomes when you dismiss forumside(for example) and just play with the people you enjoy playing with. Noticed that formside and twitter comments have this psychological effect making you think everything is worse than it is.

    That said, I do not think my comment was directed at you since you appear to have figured out what you enjoy about gaming.
  18. DeusExForever

    When you started PS2 and you're TKed from an outfit, how do you think they'd think of them afterwards? Give them chocolates and a thank you card?

    Then there's random TKers who'd kill anyone doing anything but standing there doing nothing?

    And I always wondered -- why -- so many people will stand in front of your AI, too?

    TKers are kicked off of servers automatically in other games. Game throwers as well. Kill enough of your teammates, SOE only penalizes a TKer with a 15 minute timeout. Heck, WoW gives you a 15 minute timeout if you leave an instance before it finishes. AA you're out of the round completely as a penalty. -_-
  19. pnkdth

    Ok, that's the second time in a row you're responding with something completely unrelated to what I said. For someone who claims to dislike drama, you sure are good at stiring things up.
  20. DeusExForever

    And I mentioned in that post that I don't join the guilds/corps/outfits as I don't like the trash talk or the politics (even gave some examples, which you just claim isn't related to this game). But thanks for illustrating why you create your own guilds/corps/outfits to be free of the drama!