Is NC doomed as a faction?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Anonynonymous, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. RobotNinja

    Well, you should be happy now then because the VS have the highest pop right now at least on Connery, 2 continent locks and the majority of the other two continents. And yet the NC are literally trying to attack the hexes next to the TR warpgate. You can't explain that. :p
  2. Silus

    Well I'm not saying the NC is clever, but yeah...

    You also gotta understand that the NC Command Chat is full of armchair Generals that all think they know what's best and refuse to send help to others.
  3. DHT#

    Yes, let's!

    CARV DPS @ 10m = 1787.5 dps. DPS @ 65 m: 1562.5 DPS
    Orion DPS @ 10m = 1787.5 dps. DPS @ 65m: 1562.5 DPS
    SAW DPS @ 10m = 1666.67 dps. DPS @ 85m: 1391.67 DPS
    SAW DPS @ 65m: = 1465 dps.

    What about accuracy?
    SAW and CARV are identical while moving, except the CARV has 30% less bloom. While aiming, the SAW is more accurate...if you aren't moving. If you're moving, the CARV is more accurate. And still has 30% less bloom in both circumstances. Less bloom = better sustained fire, regardless of recoil.
    The Orion is more accurate in every category except for standing still while ADS, where the SAW beats it, but it only has a 25% movement penalty while ADS, the CARV and SAW are 50%.
    For recoil, the Orion and CARV have the same vertical recoil, while the SAW has 28% more. In exchange, the CARV has 23% more horizontal recoil while still, and 13.5% while moving, and is identical to the Orion while ADS. The Orion also has marginally better recoil decrease.

    So IF you aren't moving, the SAW has better accuracy. It also means you're a massive target for every vehicle and sniper in the world, and you have to fire in bursts because the vertical recoil is so big, further reducing your already lower DPS. The Orion is slightly more accurate with better recoil, but it pays for it with a clip that's half the size of the CARV's.

    What about Carbines?
    Merc DPS: 1670@10, 1250@75 -> 1315@ 65
    Solstice DPS: 1663@10, 1302@60
    TRAC5 DPS: 1787.5@10, 1400@65
    Merc has no horizontal degree, and pays for it by having 40% more vertical recoil than the solstice and 33% more vertical recoil than the TRAC. And there's no compensator option for it, but you can get a forward grip for the TRAC and Solstice. Either way, the TRAC is better over the Merc in virtually every category except for aiming while standing still and horizontal degree, which can be reduced with a rail attachment. And TR has a bigger clip to go with that.

    Assault rifles?
    T1 Cycler DPS: 1787.5@10m, 1562.5@65m
    Pulsar VS1 DPS: 1663@10m, 1454@65m
    NC1 Gauss DPS: 1670@10m, 1430@75m, 1467@65m
    In this case, it's the Cycler that has no horizontal angle, and only marginally greater horizontal recoil. The Gauss only has about 10% more vertical recoil, and again is slightly more accurate while standing still. VS is still the best in accuracy, but again pays for it with the worst DPS out of the 3 at all ranges. And again TR has a bigger clip.

    You're wrong. TR wins DPS, TR wins accuracy while moving over NC, and when not moving it's so small of a difference the bloom and massive recoil easily makes up for it. The only time NC is more accurate is while standing still, which is guaranteed death. VS is slightly more accurate, but with significantly worse dps for everything but the Orion, which has literally half as many shots before it needs to reload.
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  4. ProfessorHobbes

    NC sure isn't doing poorly on Emerald. I wish I was on your server where there weren't many reavers. On Emerald when NC pulls air, NC PULLS AIR. They literally spam reavers at you. When flying my scythe I completely avoid fighting in NC territory now because some air outfit always shows up with 15+ reavers and you're toast.
  5. RHINO_Mk.II

    Bandit must have been released during the 2 month break I took a year after launch. It was missing for a long time in that case.
    Noseguns are fine but the vehicle using them is still much easier to hit, losing 1v1 hover wars at equal skill levels.
  6. Richter03

    I completely agree, yesterday I join a full member platoon and leader just lead members to slaughterhouse. They only focus on shield generator on power plant but ignore the roof that they can send all leader squad down there and place beacon to bypass a shield, there has a aircraft console wait for hacking so if we can control top of power plant not just bypass those shield to capture a point but we also get more aircraft for support. All of those leader keep yell "Go to the waypoint, keep destroy those generator" that enemy already know where you coming and they have a party ready for you with full asset (all of turret still working, all console still usable).
  7. Mangopizza

    When the NC is organized by someone who has a good attitude and wants to win good things happen. Most of the NC outfit leaders are teenagers and or douches who think everyone else is below them. Often times outfit leaders sit up in a Galaxy avoiding the blood shed while tossing down commands like an emperor. This type of attitude just makes other people (especially older players) frustrated and resentful. When players get sick of the abuse they roll VU and go after the very same people who ruined their fun.

    Most of the better organized outfits don't suffer the same fate as those with crappy leaders and they tend to get things done. Good outfit leaders can also pull in huge pops since people rally around good leadership. So when you have the right herders on which typically happens at night when adults are done with real life responsibilities the NC tend to play better. Sure the other factions have some huge advantages but reality is playing the underdog can be so much more rewarding. I play NC mainly sometimes I hop on VU but I would not spend one nickel of SC to pi-mp (censored wtf?) myself in spandex. I did however spend a good chunk of SC on accessories and weapon upgrades for my NC vehicles.
  8. CDN_Wolvie


    Hahaha... you're joking, right? Surely you jest, as I couldn't stop laughing when I read that ...

    Oh wait, you're probably being serious huh?

    No MAX (or any class or vehicle for that matter), regardless of faction, is unbeatable is CQC because of the prevalence of C4.

    So MAX A has to be in CQC to be effective, and MAX B does not have to be in CQC to be effective, guess which one is more likely to be C4 insta-killed?

    Shotguns on a MAX make about as much sense as Shotguns on a Tank. Until those shotguns can detonate explosives while they are still in the air before they have reached their target at a safe distance like a Trophy Anti-RPG system, useless.
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  9. TZK204

    As a former NC corporate pig, I can attest to this man's words.

    I have since changed my allegiance to the VS.
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  10. csp0811

    I find that this is because Connery TR is viewed as low hanging fruit by all factions. NC will avoid fighting the VS and will come at us full steam (and do well). However because VS is left to cap hexes with resources, they end up with limitless streams of reinforcements. At that point the VS are usually unstoppable. Is NC to blame? Well if TR put up a better fight VS wouldn't steamroll so much, but NC is partly to blame for focusing on TR as "easy targets" too often.
  11. Person7man

    NC on Connery are absolutely worthless. Not hating on all of you pro NC people on the forums, but there was one time where the enemy team was trying to ghostcap and had around 1 minute left I took out 10 of them, and the 4 other NC teammates could not kill the 1 TR guy left standing right on the cap point. Furthermore, I get TK'd ALL THE TIME as an infiltrator in NC. I don't know if the low BR's think that the slightly transparent blue guy NOT shooting at them is an enemy, but at least once every 30 minutes there is a low BR who blatantly hunts me down and murders me in cold blood. I wasted over 3,000 certs on classes on my NC character only to discover that I can take out a whole squad by myself and still have leg work to go because my team is worthless. The only hope the NC has is Zergfits like ADK that might not be the best players but just trample the opposing teams to death with sheer numbers. I hate the VS guns and look of the outfit, so I'm stuck with NC farmage or TR (which I'm bored with after getting to BR 70) all while being wrecked by the VS whose server pop NEVER dips below 35 during the day and at peak hours is between 40-43, although sometimes on alerts I have seen it jump as high as 48%.
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  12. Whatupwidat

    NC are fine - only thing they seem to suffer from is lack of decent leadership. Skill base and pop seems to be pretty steady to me - and I play on Miller...home of the worst performing NC in the game xD
  13. Fenrisk

    You don't move while shooting in med/long range engagements as your shots will miss and they will miss anyway if your TR lol. You can't dodge bullets in PS2 thanks to client side hit detection so it's instant death eith way. It's all about accuracy and head shots.

    Your comparing weapons that are designed for different situations making your entire post a waste of time. The Carv is designed for close combat, the SAW is designed for med to long range combat. You can't hit the broad side of a barn with a carv at longer ranges while the God Saw maintains is accuracy/kills

    Your comparing weapons and that stats while completing ignoring what that weapons bloody designed for, theres a reason certain accurate weapons are not used at range and that damage drop off/first shot recoil/hoz recoil and comparing the DPS of a CQC LMG to the DPS of a medium to Long range LMG then yes you will see differences as ones useless past a range that the other is still dropping troops. Compare the SAW to the TMG 50 and the SAW beats it at its role of a longer range LMG.

    If you played both TR and NC you would see the MASSIVE difference in accuracy between factions. The SAW with a Advanced Forcegrip is one of the best automatics to use at medium to long range and will beat the carv at that range as well as many others. It's one of my weapons of choice on my NC. TR has a weak selection of long range automatics on every class other then medic.

    Compare the SAW to the TMG-50 as that is its equivalent.

    Difference in TTK = TIME TO KILL is so minor that its 0.01 seconds in most cases.
  14. Dasubur

    The main problem with connery NC right now is that we just don't have the same faction spirit we used to have.

    Team killing has gotten out of hand every since they removed the warp gate invincibility, things only got worse from there.
    We used to be an organized fighting machine, everyone knew their place on the team, and it really felt like you were part of the faction.

    I don't know why, when or how but we just lost that "Spark." that kept us a cohesive fighting team. The rampant Team killing destroys any trust anyone has for their own team mates, leading to everyone going lone wolf or worse, quitting the game entirely.

    Populations are sometimes lower than I ever seen them, and it scares me when we have a total of six guys on one continent TOTAL.

    sometimes if you get lucky, you'll get a fight were that spark briefly comes back, and its amazing when it does.

    Everyone works together beautifully when it happens, and NC truly shine in those moments, But we lose our momentum very fast and all it takes i for a few Team kills and we start losing pop as people give up hope.

    I'm seriously hoping for more warp gate immersion to be implemented because Connery NC are in DESPERATE need of a little more faction pride.
  15. Konstantinn

    I don't know anything about Connery, I play on Emerald. There's at least a couple of threads from every faction every single week complaining that their faction is bad on Emerald. NC and TR usually complain about lack of organization, VS cry about ZOE and upcoming PPA nerf. In each thread there's at least a few people swearing that their faction will die off within next few months unless something is done (and they usually mean something done by devs not players). Yet people are still playing, balance keeps making slight shifts, and it's still fun to play any faction. Hard to take these threads seriously anymore.
  16. Lamat

    Every faction has their good, bad, and ugly.

    I started playing again after 6 months off, after coming back I never know what I'm up against. On Waterson flying a reaver was a short lived endeavor, but last night fighting VS on Amerish I've never lasted so long in a 48+ fight. NC had a significant air presence while I only faced one scythe which I actually shot down.

    Sometimes you get owned, sometimes you can't believe how much your owning them.
  17. emjayz

    if you dont mind, im quoting this for the rest of forever whenever someone brings up balance.

    finally, SOMEONE else gets it
  18. Fenrisk

    When you quote it remember to post the ranged accruacy differences when dropping enemy troops past 50m with the carv then compare it to the SAW dropping enemies past 50m. Heck the SAW can still drop targets past 100m a distance the Carv can only dream of being effective at. A straight DPS comparison doesen't show that weapons EFFECTIVE range, attachment options or its viability for dropping the enemy at med/long range.

    The damage advantage of the Carv over the SAW isn't much more then 0.1 seconds difference in TIME tO KILL = TTK. People can post OMG look a extra DPS more then my weapon! Then when you look at the TTK difference your like well that isn't that great after all. This is especially true since close combat LMG's/weapons go up against shotguns who have the shortest TTK of any infantry gun. So who win's in CQC the Jackhammer or Carv or Baron or incert pump action here?

    The SAW on the other hand ONLY competes with TR's TMG-50 and SabR at range and out does the TMG-50 at its just due to less damage drop off/recoil and more recoil reducing attachments. No one other TR automatics are that effective past 100m. Pity the SabR is a medic weapon. I would pay to use that on my heavy so I could go up against SAW users at longer ranges.
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  19. sindz

    So, VS mobility trait, the only place where it matters, on 2 LMG's. Thats your counter? What about our useless no bullet drop trait which is beyond worthless. Atleast TR and NC have a trait worth a damn, having 2x 0,75x ADS LMG's doesnt cut it. And the speed is pretty negligible at best, seeing how heavy shield slows you down.

    NC does, highest bullet velocity ingame, doesnt drop in the low render range this game has. Phaseshift almost shoots at shotgun speeds and the dmg drop of is pathetic.

    NC is the only faction to have access to high ROF weapons and 200 dmg models, and TTK isnt important as the difference in TTK on guns in this game is milliseconds - its the diversity that matters. Oh and if you really want to talk TTK include headshots and check out TTK on 200dmg models.

    Vortek Rotary is still the best ESF nosegun in the game, add to that the best V thrust ESF and NC are far from a doomed faction.

    Score doesnt really matter much on MBT. If you have 2 competent people in a vanguard it will _demolish_ every other MBT in the game, hands down no contest what so ever. IWIN shield is also the best ability ingame, whereas TR and VS are meh at best.

    The gunner AV is so good, who cares about AI. I know NC likes to have everything the best, but you will have to settle with above.

    Lastly, NC is also tied with the best heavy weapon alongside TR.

    NC is pretty god damn far from being doomed.

    EDIT: im not saying LOL NC IS OP, NERF PLEASE! And i also agree that NC have their faults just like TR and VS have. But claiming the faction that arguable has it the best atm, a doomed faction, is pretty far out there.
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  20. Navinor

    No the NC is NOT doomed.

    Look at Cobalt. The overpoped faction is ALWAYS VS there then comes the NC then the TR. The TR there has often enough to fight there with 10% less people AND the hate against TR. How often it happens the NC and VS are ignoring fighting each others and just attack TR like hell, even it would cost them a continent. They do not care as long they can roflstomp the TR.

    And why ist that so? Because a lot of people were fleeing from other servers, because they have got an overpop on another faction.

    I started playing on the VS on Miller since the release of planetside 2 and moved later on to cobalt playing NC there and finally TR.

    And NO i do NOT moved to TR because some of you think they are op. Hence they are ALWAYS the underdogs on cobalt.

    It was because Miller is so DAMN overpoped with TR it is really no fun to play anymore there. They have always 20% more people on their side. 10% is hard enough on cobalt. But 20%? I will never play on this conditions there.

    And why do i moved form NC? In fact it is the faction i like most. They have great close combat maxes, hard hitting heavy tanks and the mgs are really not that bad as people are whining about them. They have the"phoenix" rocket launcher, a real beast and it was my favourite weapon on the NC side.

    Yes the Reaver IS a bad plane. I have to admit. Who cares about armor in the sky while every other ESF can you kill easily. The best ESF is the VS Scythe. Lightnin PPA (yes it will be nerved) and high maneuverability are great.

    The Reaver is like the old P 47 Thunderbolt an american WW II ground support plane. In my opinion the NC reavers should get some better armor pearcing rockets or something else to make clear they are the hard hitting faction.

    And the Titan with armor piercing rounds is the best tank gun in the whole game!

    The magrider and prowler are paper tanks. Every TR commander fears an NC tank battalion which can anhilate a whole zerg in minutes when played in the right way!

    But why do i left them? Because of the leaders!!! Realy i have never seen so many jerk platoon leaders as on the NC side! Maybe THIS is the reaons why on the other servers the NC is so weak! It is not the faction. The people are making the difference! I switched to TR after the damn platoon leader drive over me with the sunderer and laughed about it loudly in the voice chat. And it was one of the huge outfits! The NC leaders i have met mostly acted like agressive kids even they were older. So NO, thank you!

    So in the end i have met great people on the TR side on cobalt with great leaders even when they are underdogs.

    I think this is the main reason people are going to a faction mostly!

    BTW: The TR on Miller have some of the best outfits in PS 2 and mostly the "marketing oufits" on youtube. So that is why they are so damn overpoped!
