How many kills did yopu get in session?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jur270, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. Turiel =RL=

    I forgot to mention that there are indeed players who are very good at this game. On the other hand, it is impossible to hit with every shot - and that's what happens when you run into them - because the game mechanics have build in inaccuracy. You are hard-coded to miss in this game. So whenever you get insta-gibbed from 300 feet away by a Mossie or some heavy assault, you know exactly what's going on.
  2. Church41349

    I normally get between 60 and 120 in a session and I normally run around 1.3-1.5 on my k/d even if my stats don't show it. Im still trying to fix them from the first year or so of me playing this game with about 15fps on dial up and it was ******* terrible
  3. Hegeteus

    Once got 375... mostly with a stealth flash but the session was 12-14 hours long :oops:
  4. Ronin Oni

    Seen very VERY few hackers in my time.

    THough once several months back me and my friends were flying our mossies.

    Dude hit us 1 after another, and we were flying at max speed and doing turns and ****, with a DUMBFIRE, high in the air dogfighting.

    all 3 of us in the time it takes to reload.

    Yeah, it was pretty obvious. One of the very few instances I've personally witnessed (and none recently)

    If it was just one of us I woulda thought nothing of it and figured he got lucky, but 3 in < 10 seconds? haha, yeah right.
  5. Kalivix

    It all depends on what you play and how you play it really thus why k/d means nothing, people who use tanks a lot will end up with about 3-4 k/d, ESF about 5-6 and libs generally sit on 10 k/d because they can farm out of reach of anything but other air. I however play a heavy and specialise in charging into the enemy first screaming at the other NC to stop camping and push so I'm generally on 1.5-2 k/d . And of course a sniper will be pretty high in the k/d as well.

    Basically k/d means almost nothing as does the number of kills a session, 1 saturday I got about 300 kills because I just didn't play anything else all day, does that mean I'm good? no I just had way to much time on my hands that day.
  6. lawn gnome

    according to the stats i am hanging out at a 0.98 KD, but i also hunt vehicles as a heavy assault so that tends to be bad for KD.
  7. ashen

    I beat Daddy's kill rate with relative ease these days on the occasions I play enough (Vyctoria on Miller atm). I don't think he or LazyTR cheat, it's just stupid easy to farm as TR with a Mosquito and HE Prowler. I get a fair bit of haccusations but I know I don't cheat and if these guys are behind me either they're legit or have *really* crappy hacks.

    I don't know if we're just underpopped compared to other servers, but it seems on Miller 100/hour is enough to put you in the top 5 these days, and really not that hard if you just kill people from the point of logging in.
  8. DatVanuMan

    That last part seems very selfish... "Use your brothers-in-arms, the people you fight with, the people you depend on for survival, as bait." Makes me slightly sad at the realities of war.
  9. Forlorn Hope

    Often about 4 an hour! Usually less then 15 a session if all I do is fly.
  10. lawn gnome

    the meat lemmings red shirts teammates tend to not be good for much else a large portion of the time. if it means that we will be more likely to win i am perfectly willing to sacrifice my life or that of anyone else to achieve the goal.
  11. DatVanuMan

    Screw war. It's glorified so much, especially in video games, to the point where we feel that only we or our men are the good guys.
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  12. Verviedi

    Sadly, that's true.
  13. DatVanuMan

    :( That was a very direct statement.
  14. Regpuppy

    Anywhere between 25 (short session or slow day) to 300+(medium to long session and/or extremely good farming) The most common, lately, is probably between 50-100.

    It really depends on how long I play that day. Double xp weekends I tend to make time for them and no-life it for the whole weekend. Partly because that's when the good battles, the excellent farms, and the optimal outfit activity happens. Especially now that I'm grinding for my Gauss Prime when it comes out. :cool:
  15. GylleBMF

    Around 150-200 an hour
  16. Maginnis

    RE:. Daddy I'm not going to cast judgement, but this is suspect to me:

    Liberator stats:

    Kills As607
    Time Used 0h 18m
    Vehicle Kills As0
    Shots Fired389

    Kills As 607 272 335
    Headshots 0 0 0
    SPM 84,836 - -
    Accuracy 17% - -

    Either something is wrong with his stats or in 18 minutes he killed almost 2 people per shot... weird.

    135k kills with rocket pods explains a great deal. 60% of his kills in over 91 days played in an ESF are rockets. 87/1 lifetime KDR... clearly he knows how to fly in a way to maximize his score and KDR.Also, over 10k kills with a viper lightning (110 KDR, 40% accuracy).

    Clearly he plays a ridiculous amount (147.5 days played on this one character as of this post). He really could be that good. Who knows...
  17. DatVanuMan

    I hope they'll reduce the amount of Auraxium's to three instead of five. If they do so, they could add newer weapons with better statistics and special characteristics. It'd be interesting:)
  18. lawn gnome

    lib gunning or HE tank farming? i find it unlikely that you are getting 2 to 3 kills per minute as infantry.
    those stats smell more than a bit suspicious to me. experience does make a difference, but knowledge and practice can only augment skill and hand eye coordination so much. there are limits to what humans can do.

    of course some of those weapons may have seen heavy use in the early days before the stats system recorded what it does now. i know when they first switched to the current system my stats looked ridiculous because i had a shot counter of 100 with over a thousand kills on some weapons simply because they didn't track number of shots fired before. my stats have since leveled out to more reasonable levels.
  19. RDKillerITA

    He has this killstreak because he was gunning a Lib when they were overpowered (i think its was 1 1/2 Years ago). To this time it was easy to farm infantry with a lib
  20. JacDoom

    Just check his stats page:!/5428011263310072449/weapons

    Anyways, me personally? About 20/30 an hour maybe. But I mostly run Engie with Flak armour and I don't use tanks or air, so I shouldn't really expect much higher than that to be honest.
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