Given the choice between logging and this...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LibertyOne, Jul 10, 2014.

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  1. SgtGrumbles

    Are you guys really getting buttfrustrated that GOKU says 'Ginyu Force Rules' in chat? Maybe you should have some faction/outfit pride and be happy/cheer when your outfit does good instead of crying about other people.

    This is true though, lmao.
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  2. Krios Ahzek

    You guys do realize we were literally at 30% pop in Saerro Listening post right?
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  3. Krios Ahzek

    GOKU zergs again, with 28 guys.
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  4. SgtGrumbles

    This is what I find the most hilarious. Pretty much the max we ever hit anymore is a single platoon, and somehow that is a zerg, even when we go save underpopped bases.
  5. Sardaukar

    If you don't think GOKU regularly play TR and (less regularly) NC, I have some unfortunate news for you. I get the feeling a lot of Waterson arrivals on NC and TR are just not used to fighting VS that are able to match their numbers.
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  6. JHz

    We play TR once a week and once in a blue moon we play NC. This thread is just dumb.
  7. SgtGrumbles

    GOKU never plays TR except for Capsule Corps which has the highest KDR on TR. 4th highest on NC, and 2nd highest on VS. Similar names for KPH, etc.


  8. JHz

    I also want to add when we play alt faction nights, I enjoy playing against VS more then against NC or TR, at least they don't fold like a lawnchair at the first sign of resistance.
  9. Azerban

    So GOKU is actually, factually, the best outfit on Emerald and therefore all of Planetside 2? Seems like the numbers support it, teamwork OP, nerf teamwork.
  10. JibbaJabba

    Those are pretty good stats, sir!

    I wouldn't conclude on that alone that you are the worlds greatest outfit but you clearly don't suck. :)
  11. JHz

    I don't think anyone in our outfit is below the age of 22 and if they are, they haven't made it known.
  12. JibbaJabba


    I happen to be 42 myself.

    But let's stick to the matter at hand. If you are 80 and acting like 10, then you are acting like 10.
  13. PurpleLancer


    Oh wait, you're serious! HAHAHAHA

    >We don't suffer from any insecurity that forces us to tout our superiority.

    You suffered enough insecurity to ragequit the game.

    Who owes you sportsmanship, when instead of actually beating people who are bein totally mean to you, you decided to go cry on the forum? Let me shock you that GOKU does send out GF yells, they're just incredibly rare because pubbies like you will quit at the first sign of organization, when their tactic of walking at the source of plasma until hp or sunderers runs out fails to deplete the kill-meter on our alien cannons.
  14. toastybanban

    ... I'd choose the seasick crocodile! *jazz music*

    Lol. But in all seriousness, if there's no good fights, just don't play. If we're being zerged, I log out, and either play on my TR or VS alt, or wait an hour and try again.
  15. JibbaJabba

    Fair enough, I wouldn't know one way or the other. I can only form my subjective opinions based on what I observe. Since the Emerald merger, which wasn't long ago, I've not been given a very positive impression. The taunting doesn't really sound like adult behavior but perhaps you disagree.

    Since you're speaking on behalf of Goku during some discussion of them, why would you say that taunting thing happens exactly? What would you perceive the reaction to it to be?
  16. Azerban

    To be fair, the reason that [LWTX] and [FRZA] have such good stats is because they don't have to fight GOKU.
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  17. Krios Ahzek

    I am being taunted in a computer game? This cannot stand.
  18. Azerban

    the answer is fun

    the answer to any and all GOKU related inquiries is 'fun'

    unless the answer is 'anime'
  19. JibbaJabba

    I don't ragequit. I think you're confusing me with some other post.

    I'm also not a pubby. Again, you are confusing me with someone else.

    Pretty full of yourself and not reading very well man. I'm sure you don't care but none of this reflects well on Goku. If you are that good, why not have sportsmanship as well? Seems the two together would elevate you quite a bit. I'm far more impressed with say Zaps.
  20. JHz

    Here, I'll act like I'm 10 because I have pride in our goofy group of anime enthusiasts.

    Forum warriors don't MATTER, SON.
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