Given the choice between logging and this...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LibertyOne, Jul 10, 2014.

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  1. Nakor

    Overpop'd factions have a been problem for most of the life of this game. People aren't going to stop doing this **** until SOE sacks up and puts a stop to it. I mean.. its almost like there was a reason that PS1 had a timer for switching between different empires on the same server.

    And yeah, the waterson VS zergfits are cancer, all they do is pop bomb bases where they know they'll have an advantage.
  2. IberianHusky

    Tonight I had one of the first fun VS fights in a long time. We had warpgated the VS on Esamir and were holding out at Grey Heron Shipping. We were holed up in the fortress while the VS attempted multiple times to assault it with everything they could throw at us. A long and drawn out siege ensued. At one point the VS managed to get multiple sundys up and almost spawn camped us, but we repulsed them, and pushed them back across the frozen river to their warpgate, where they set up on some cliffs and we fought each other to a standstill. For the next hour or so both sides would sporadically charge across the no man's land to attack the others position. Eventually we wiped them out with a tank rush and wiped them out completely. After this point it was just sporadic and small skirmishes as the VS continually attempted and failed to take the base.

    Did I mention the population was balanced the entire time? The TR had 50% pop on the continent, but at that particular battle it was pretty much a constant 50/50 the entire time. No side got above 48+ pop except for maybe during the initial assault by the VS. The vast majority of the fight hovered around 12-24 or 25-48 on both sides the entire time.

    Thank you, Emerald VS for letting us have a fair and even fight for once. (Probably because GOKU never showed up and attempted to ruin it. It was mostly AT and DAPP we were fighting.)
  3. GhostAvatar

    You're doing it all wrong. This post requires a PSA tag.
  4. KendoPS1

    Abusing the sh*t out of ( OP ) annoying spam AI splash weapons while overpopping every fight and having 10 times the resources as their opponent seems to be a common occurrence with VS across all servers. At least on mine, where a GOKU-like outfit comprises most of the VS population
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  5. Alarox

    The VS absolutely love AV. You can be having a fight at one base, and there will be over 10 people 500m away sitting there for a half hour spamming you with accurate AV weapons.
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  6. Kunavi

    I think it's about time for SOE to acknowledge that some aspects of the VS are kind of... OP. There, said it. Some weapons have become too common among the VS for example, and the VS have become too common among the 3 Factions... Just saying.
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  7. SevenTwo

    What do you mean with "VS too common"?

    If you mean, that VS is now the predominantly overpopped Empire during prime time across several servers, I don't think the numbers really support that.

    The only "OP" aspect of VS I can think of is the ES vehicle AI actually being useful and maybe the MBT being able to crawl a bit too steep hills here and there, but other than that, I'd probably in general rather use NC or TR gear - my main character is VS though and as long as this faction is consistently being underpopped on Miller, that's what I'll primarily play.
  8. Vostogon

    Are you all out of your minds?

    NC has on average been the highest pop faction on Emerald since the merg.

    The MSW is at the very least the equal of the Orion. Perhaps even Superior. While the Carv and the Saw are both god damn excellent weapons. The orion whining is hillarious. Especially when the NC and TR are both rocking with a gun selection that the VS can but look at with envy. The state of VS AR's being a particular bit of hillarity.

    The Lancer is a damn good weapon, but needs clear firing lines and a fair bit of setup to be effective. The Phoenix will obliterate any armour within 300m's with no issues at all and can happily and easily just truck along with the mine battle line.

    NC and TR Maxes crap all over VS ones. Slugs turning NC shotguns into 30m range insta gib weapons, while the AV options for either outclass anything the VS can bring.

    Which leaves, what. The PPA? Well, holy ****. Something the Magrider is better at than the other two. Hold the presses, redeploy to forums! Nevermind they both blow it away, quite often literally, when it comes to AV work.

    I'm sorry NC, if your getting beaten by VS it's simply because they've got better outfits than you. If it's TR, you've got more of a pop excuse but even then...

    As a final note. GOKU a zergfit? It's both funny and pathetic. The average number for GOKU online is two squads, give or take. Usually rising up to a platoon in primetime. Maybe a bit of overflow. Of that, i think there's something like 3 or maybe 4 of us that actually pull Magriders on any consistent basis.

    But hey, i guess you've got to blame losing on something. Lets not let reality get in the way.
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  9. Regpuppy

    But lancers UP, bro!!1!
  10. libbmaster

    You're a wimp.

    I just created the NC alt that I intend to put effort into on emerald, and spent the whole night fight VS with nothing but the stock weapons and an EM1 I got for taking the starting quiz.

    I got my rear handed to me, mostly because I'm a terrible player. But I sucked up the boiling rage inside of me,and kept fighting, eventually participating in a last stand that turned into a counter attack against the Vanu outside Naum amp station.

    I already unlocked my AMS, and now I'm going for tank mines and an ejection seat, so I can make a difference.
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  11. Keldrath

    Try spending a couple days just playing TR or NC vs the VS, and then maybe you'll understand why we hate you so much and why we really don't like to or want to fight you.
  12. Latrodectus

    No it's not.
  13. Archiadus

    You're either high on rage or incredibly stupid to actually believe that.
  14. Moz

    Exactly this, Spandex wearing cultist or freedom oppressing commis...... they all fall quietly to my Blitz.

    Seriously though, if its an alert to capture territory you should be going for the bases that give advantage regardless of population because ..... thats how you win.
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  15. Axehilt

    There's no such thing as luck. If you're outnumbered at a base on a 33/33/33 continent, it's the deterministic result of your own decisions.

    (Choosing to be on a 33/33/33 continent is itself one of those decisions.)
  16. Ghosty11

    The rage tells are even funnier when you kill them with an AP Lightning, and they sit there and try to out dps your Lightning.
  17. DK22

    I don't put much thought into which fights I choose, look around, 'ok, lets go here'
    I'm playing a game, not shopping for a pair of shoes.
  18. Robertooooo

    15 magriders with HEAT/proton PPA can still destroy tanks. And it's almost impossible to get zerglings to pull armor at the next base and attack them in force.
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  19. Axehilt

    Magriders with HEAT+PPA are crap against AP tanks. Even an AP Lightning has favorable odds.

    If the zerglings are unable or unwilling to make better decisions, they deserve to lose and there's nothing wrong with that. Games reward good decisions and penalize bad ones. Convincing more of your team to make good decisions is part of the game.

    So once we start discussing real (same-skill) players fighting against those tanks, we realize that 15 tanks with a strong mix of AP loadouts are going to completely wipe that HEAT+PPA force (in the theoretical situation where all those Mags are that reckless and stupid.
  20. Hasteras

    What is even going on in this thread? VS on Emerald aren't even overpopped. There's almost always at least a couple even-odds fight somewhere. During prime time 33-33-33 cont pops are not uncommon. GOKU chat spam isn't even that inflammatory. It's pretty much just "GINYU FORCE RULES". Harmless.

    NC main here and totally disagree. If anything, VS are the only opponent worth fighting.

    I seriously don't get this thread.
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