Why Do I Suck?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Verviedi, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. The Shermanator

    No, it isn't. In first person shooters, a high and consistent frames per second trumps skill in practically every situation.

    It doesn't matter how much better you are than your opponent if you're on a machine that struggles to maintain 15-25 fps and hitches randomly when your opponent can maintain a stable 150.
    • Up x 1
  2. bubbacon

    It all starts and ends with your Rig imo. You need a great Rig that wont choke up in big fights. Decent gaming mouse. Low end/out of date rigs=poor hit detection.
  3. queue

    when I play medic, my KDR drops below 1 usually. When I play other classes, it is usually between 2-4.

    I guess it is from staring at minimaps and reviving people in bad spots.
  4. SeanFree

    Yeah biggest thing I can recommend is make sure you consistently get over 30 fps. I run between 20-35 depending on the battle and you have to outsmart people to get kills because 1v1's aren't going to happen. I can pull a K/D of 2 most sessions as long as I'm positioning well and abusing a bit of lag compensation as I play LA. Otherwise, just try to learn the maps. It's vital to know the nooks and crannies and good places to station yourself.
  5. JazzaW

    Im a BR 65 and I would say I had similar stats at BR45. There is always going to be players out there better than you its just the nature of the game, your only ever going to impress yourself at the end of the day.

    As some of the guys have mentioned specialise in something and max out your Character or Vehicle. Most importantly have fun, getting owned a lot yep it happens, just laugh and learn. Remember nanites means you are never really dead in this game.
  6. reydelchicken

    As other posters have said, make sure you have good equipment first...

    This includes a good computer that will be able to display a consistent framerate of ideally 60fps+ and 40fps at a bare minimum.
    This also includes a good mouse, good surface (mousepad), and a good pair of headphones (sound is not as important as fps or mouse imo, same goes with keyboard and monitor).

    If you don't have good equipment it just doesn't matter how skilled you are at FPS games, or how much potential you may have, you're just not going to be able to compete with anyone that does have good equipment.

    Now, if you do have all of these things, then you can move on to other ingame issues that may be giving you trouble.

    Primarily you want to get your mouse sensitivity and game configuration to be good, so you can easily aim at people and see your enemies quickly.

    The main issue I see with people getting into FPS games is mouse acceleration, while this game has an option to use raw input, that bypasses the OS acceleration, some mice have hardware acceleration that can be toggled or exists by default. I suggest you remove this acceleration and try using your mouse like this for a few weeks. Besides very few players (exceptions) most people do better with mouse acceleration turned off.

    Once you've removed mouse acceleration you have to get your sensitivity adjusted to something that will allow you to aim properly.

    In general (from data I've collected across various games) most higher-level players tend to use sensitivities in the range of 20cm to 40cm (7.8in to 15.7in), so a suggestion would be to start at the highest setting of 20cm (use this calculator to figure out your ingame settings) and from there keep decreasing your sensitivity as low as you can while still being able to spin 180° quickly, so that your reaction time doesn't take a hit from having too low of a sensitivity.

    A smaller detail to keep in mind is your dpi setting, as a general rule you want to use 400 dpi for anything lower than 40cm, 800dpi for 30-40cm, and 1000 dpi for 20-30cm... you CAN go higher, but this may result in having some mouse issues such as a lower malfunction speed you really want to avoid.

    When it comes to config, there aren't many things you can adjust ingame to make enemies more visible, but the two main offenders are graphics settings turned to "low", or shadows.
    Setting your graphics to "low" means that you will not be able to see infiltrators (they'll be very hard to detect while moving, and are 100% invisible while standing still and crouching).
    Shadows will make it harder to detect enemies due to decreased contrast between enemies and the environment.

    Once you have everything set up and you've made sure that nothing is stopping you from improving (such as low fps) then the only thing left to do is practice, practice, and practice more.

    TL;DR: Get your fps to something acceptable, and make sure your mouse accel is off and sensitivity is something you're comfortable with.
  7. Morti

    Going by just your kill feed:

    Try Nanoweave or ASC. Stick closer to cover, anything that absorbs bullets or can break their LoS. Tweak your mouse sensitivity until it suits you. You should be able to ADS and follow/lead targets comfortably. If you find your aim is all over the place, turn it down. If it's too slow, turn it up. If somebody starts shooting at you and you aren't anywhere near prepared to fight them, don't. Take cover and regenerate before getting back into it.

    Don't run out into the open. Don't run headfirst into a meatgrinder of HA's. If you suspect a building is filled with enemies, ADS and strafe until you see somebody to shoot at. Don't just run straight into the doorway like the majority of lemmings and get mowed down by a hail of bullets.
  8. NightRaven97

  9. Fortress

    If your computer sucks, nothing anyone said in this thread will make any difference.

    Get a computer that gets 55-60 FPS at all times or find another game. Anything else is a one way ticket to endless suckitude.

    Oh, and to the rest of you posting your vague guides, please shut up and ask for his average FPS first.
  10. Pikachu

    The title of this thread makea me think of the ms-paint made signature of some forumsider where an nc soldier being shot by a venu says "why do we suck?".
  11. New Path

    After looking at how you spent your certs you seem to have spread them out too much over your classes. You have no access to Proxy mines with Inf/Eng, your medical applicator and engy repair gun aren't max either. Also jetpack for LA is low and that hurts your mobility a lot and will get you killed. You also seem to have few levels of anything but nanoweave on most classes, might want to pick up flak for dealing with vehicles. I would also recommend putting more points into your sunderer as that should be the first vehicle you cert out.
  12. Msixty

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and say your positioning/movement/lack of movement and awareness are contributing to many of your deaths. It appears that there are streaks where you're just getting farmed; dying 20 seconds or less after the previous death. If you're playing medic and dying a lot, don't be so eager to run out and "save" everyone. Play hardier classes like HA or MAX, they tend to live longer than infiltrators and LA's, until you run into people that know how to ruin a MAX in about 2 seconds or less. Then you'll rage and pull a tank then find out that the same LA/HA that killed your MAX just killed your precious tank with relative ease. Ok, tangent over.
  13. Verviedi

    I get 30-45 FPS average on High.
  14. Liberty

    My frames bottomed out at 26 last night on Hossin :(
  15. IamnotAmazing

    chill on the suicides? 230 isn't really that much
  16. Jalek

    You're using an NS-11 when most VS on Emerald seem to be using rockets for primaries, even at short range.
    Someone once said the VS only used the OP stuff.
  17. maudibe

    My theory is the high K/D players use vehicles a lot. Start with learning to be an average fly boy and take out a ESF, then take out a Tank, they take out a Max and look on your message board and see how many kills you got compared to deaths and I gauantee an average player will have a much higher K/D ratio using that, except......people like playing infantry and so you will get farmed by guys in vehicles and lose alot. I know I do. I always try killing tanks with HA rocket launcher and that is improbable at best. If alot of teamates are also zeroing in on the same tank then yes, but 1v1 forget it.
    Sniper will also get a much higher K/D ration if you know how to do it, but it's boring. Why do you care about your K/D ratio? I care about having fun doing what i want when i want.

    most important is headphones and reading the map/minimap properly. the first thing you should do when you enter a fight is trying to find out where the enemy is coming from, as in knowing their spawn point(s), which allows you to predict which routes they will take to get to whatever objective there is nearby and set up an attack/defense. you fight over positions in this game and it's important to identify and take control over key positions before the enemy does. be it just a rock that provides decent cover. be there before the enemy takes control over it and use the terrain to your advantage. that also includes flanking. there's so many flanking opportunities in this game, the least thing you want to do (as a solo player at least) is cluster with your team at a chokepoint and leave all flanks unused. w/o the element of surprise you'll have a much harder time progressing/winning/killing foes.
  19. Kerempooh

    What's wrong wih Serpent? It's my fave auraxiumed weapon on my engi... I tend to play very situational and supportive and most of my engagements are at close ranges, usually when someone sneaks up on me. In these situations it pays to have TTK that will see me through even if the other guy gets off the first shot. At medium and long ranges I don't really hope it'll kill anything - I use it for suppressive fire mostly - annoy the opponents and break their formation/aim so again it's defensive type of fire.

    As to OP... Well what does it mean "play badly?" If you're enjoying yourself and contributing to the faction, you're doing it right. If you're the selfless medic who keeps the whole squad going through thick or thin, no one is going to ask you what your K/D is. Different classes and different playstlyes have different KDRs and XP/hr rates... Imo it's best to specialize a certain class/role or two, preferably support if you're not the twitch type, but stay flexible enough to pull an alternative when a clear oportunity presents itself.
  20. Vikingo

    Higher than mine, PS2 was my first FPS in 10 years. I didnt get a positive KDR untill my late 50s in battleranks.

    You are not "bad", you seem to be avarage compared to the time you put into the game. Going easy mode farming like has been suggested earlier in the thread will increase your stats but not make you a better player. Just keep playing and keep learning, there is no easy way or shortcut to get good.