Do you have a "why did I never use this before" gun?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vertabrae, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. Nakar

    Stock T1 Cycler and AF19 Mercenary. I had Alpha Squad and 3x SC so I ended up owning all sorts of other TR ARs and NC carbines. In hindsight, I don't know why I even bothered, because those two guns are perfect. Genuinely, truly perfect, good at everything, never let you down.

    Also the T32 Bull, but to be fair, I never really tried to use it until after the latest round of buffs. But it's really good now. It's like the T5 AMC's big brother.
  2. eldarfalcongravtank


    the only assault rifle a Vanu medic ever needs:

    dead accurate
    35-rounds per mag
    low recoil
    0.75x ads multiplier
    great attachments including softpoint

    when i finally unlocked it, i was like "where have you been all my medic career?:("
  3. Liberty

    I just started on the Phantom. After a rocky start and me raging after non heavies can sometimes soak 4 body shots at close range, (Which they shouldn't) I've started to get the rhythm of 1 head shot, quick drag down for one body shot for the kill. I thought it was going to be a massive slog to get through this one, but tonight at one point I was on a 60 - 1 streak (thanks to 2 medic revives, one from a TK).
  4. DrPapaPenguin

    The m14 banshee. The first time I bought it, I was apalled by 25 rounds tiny mag and absolutely massive spread, and mothballed it in disgust. However at some point after I bought rocketpods I decided to revisit it, and stuck thermal optics on plus 2 ammo upgrades and it blew my mind. To put things intp perspective - since then I have just broken the gold medal on the pods, while the banshee is past auraxium now. In fact Ive dropped pods for Hornets practically the day theh came out.
  5. Clay

    Most of the default weapons. Especially Solstice VE3 and Trac 5. These things are absolutely great.

    C75 Viper before the nerf
  6. phreec

  7. gregfox89

    I gave the God Saw another chance and it's just deliciously evil when you use 2 or 3 shot bursts. And the reload, what reload?
  8. GaRiPeTo

    So much this. I only did it for a few spawns and felt like a piece of **** about it.

    I haven't bought very many weapons at all, but thinking of buying the Corvus despite hearing a lot about it being awful.
  9. thingymajigy

    Yes, me too:D . Except they were my first cert purchase that wasn't 1 cert.
  10. Zorro

    No recent weapons for me, but when I switched from Solstice SF to the regular Solstice, this was my thinking. I had previously thought underbarrel attachments and a burst mode made it superior. I was mistaken.
  11. RenegadeHelios

    I kinda use everything, but I picked up the A-tross a while back, when it was released... And never really did anything with it. It's the whole 'ehh, I've got the reaper' kind of thing.

    And then I threw some certs into it. And it's like a baby Gauss SAW. D:

    It is definitely amaze.
  12. Schwak

    AMR-66 is surprisingly really good. I thought I would do terrible with it given my playstyle but it turns out it's incredible at both mid/long and CQC.
  13. Hatesphere

    as a main VS medic i can highly recommend the Corvus. you shouldent be solo as a medic, so its laser like accuracy is great for supporting friendlys with consistent DPS, that accuracy also makes it great for suppressing snipers.
  14. bubbacon

    Sorta have a few...

    The BULL, after PU2 and another recent twitch by Higby...its become my most reliable "every situation" LMG

    TRAC5 S was already good for me back when UBGLing was in. That got nerfed and I put it down for a bit, but when I started using later, I changed the UBGL out to a FG and was quite surprised.

    T1 Cycler S is good and becomes amazing fully outfitted with FG, SPA, and Comp. Sweet sounding AR as well.
  15. cruczi

    Kind of, yeah. T5 AMC is quite a bit more stable though. If only Bull had directional vertical recoil and access to Adv. grip, I'd never use another LMG.
  16. JazzaW

    NS-11A. Does surprisingly better than I thought it would. I am a terrible shot, but this weapon seems to improve my accuracy a bit.
  17. RHINO_Mk.II

    Gonna steal your quote and misuse it in my signature for a week or so. Muah ha ha.

    On topic, when I first started using the Anchor as my all-around LMG instead of the SAW, the difference was incredible. I still love the SAW for longer ranges and wrecking light vehicles, but the Anchor can actually be hipfired outside of knife range!
  18. Silus

    Carnage: People said it was one of the better Medic guns, and I was all "Eeeeeeeh". Then a buddy of mine was like "Put this stuff on it and try it again". I did and now the only issue I have with it is that it eats through ammo WAY too fast (30-round mag, 180 reserve, chews through a mag in like three seconds).

    Anchor: With the advent of SC-buyable weapon mods, I thought "Why the hell not, let's see what this thing can do". Silencer, IR Scope, Soft Point ammo and Advanced Forward Grip and I have a fun little toy for bushwhacking as a HA.
  19. Erendil

    Underboss: I bought this pistol when it came out but was underwhelmed with what I thought was a finicky and erratic CoF compared to ES pistols, so I went back to the Beamer/Manticore. On a whim I stuck it in an Engie loadout last week, and discovered the if I timed the shots correctly it's incredibly accurate during hipfire.

    It's already saved my butt a couple of times when I've been caught mid-reload on my primary. I was sold when I resecured a base on Hossin the other day by killing the 3 NC I saw in the cap point room w/ my Orion but got jumped during the long reload by a 4th, Shielded HA NC who had followed me unnoticed into the room from behind.

    When he opened fire I quick-drew my pistol while spinning around and strafing right. Then it was "BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM!" and he was on the floor and I was left standing over him w/ a huge grin on my face. :D No way I could've survived that with a mere VS pistol.

    I then switched all of my loadouts to the Underboss as soon as the resecure went through..
  20. Alectfenrir

    The TRAP-M1

    Everyone hated it when it came out, so I told myself "maybe I shouldn't buy this gun"

    A few months later, it was on sale and I picked it up, and it was AWESOME, I got a large kill streak out of it and damn that 3 round burst works well. I even managed to destroy an entire squad with it, only then they came back to me saying "how the hell did you kill us with that cr@ppy gun?".

    I honestly don't know why people hate this gun so much, its like a straight upgrade from the NS-30 vandal and corresponding semi-auto rifles.