Double exp weekend for 4th of July with New Confirmed Knowledge

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SuperLexatron, Jul 3, 2014.

  1. SuperLexatron

    Does anyone know if this is happening? Did it happen last year?

    It definitely feels like a non-member double exp weekend is long overdue, hell the last one we got was just a last minute band-air for a week or two of unplayable performance.

    Higby pls.

    Edit: This is not SuperLexatron speaking but the person confirming Double XP this weekend.
  2. Plunutsud pls

    I'm expecting a big sale.
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  3. SuperLexatron

    Ahh of course, the only true way to celebrate America - capitalism.

    I would be quite disappointed if this is the case.
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  4. Huxer

    seems unlikely, the reason for doing that is to draw in players, if you don't announce it, it's not really doing what they need it to.
  5. crocosoborizobaur

    will see, i have some nice money on credit card special destinated for 4 july - if no sale, no money from me at all, i can waste it in thousands other places without problems...
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  6. Kunavi

    ...Or if you were saving spare $ specifically for PS2 without cutting on something else, you can amass even more and go for the 99% sure to happen XMass stuff? ;) And there could still be a Summer Sale during August? Not sure.
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  7. crocosoborizobaur

    i want to purchase more camos and other vehicle cosmetics but prices are expensive in this game, so i can have what i want only with sales ;)
  8. JibbaJabba

    No. Next double XP weekend is July 18th.

    Get a membership and support the game.
  9. RadarX

    Double XP is this weekend and yes I would expect a sale.
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  10. NCDaniel

    Thank you.
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  11. SuperLexatron

    Thank you very much for the response RadarX - much appreciated. It's a shame, but as I was informed on reddit - we are due a non-member double exp on 18-20th so I can't complain :)
  12. NinjaTurtle

    It's how people fish for views. It's one reason why people use PSA instead of Suggestion as a tag or fail to use a question mark (?) which would have made the thread clearer.
  13. NinjaTurtle

    The non member double xp is due for 18-20th. Would it not have made more sense to do it over the July 4th weekend?
  14. SuperLexatron

    Yeah it may or may have not been intentional :p

    However, we got the answer we needed - even if the method to obtain it was slightly questionable.

    I can just imagine RadarX looking at the title thinking 'Wait what? There isn't a double experience weekend'... if it was simply a question title perhaps it would have been overlooked? Guess we'll never know :)
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  15. Fenrisk

    By sale do you mean 1 SC items such as the firework guns? ;)
  16. NinjaTurtle

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  17. JibbaJabba

    How about:

    "Local Mom discovers this one simple trick for double XP weekend! You'll be SHOCKED at what Sony did next..."

    (almost forgot to put some bold and color)
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  18. SuperLexatron

    The true question is: Did the means justify the end? ;)
  19. Huxer

    You're like the supervillan who is about to get caught monalogueing...
  20. RadarX

    Correction I mixed up my weekends. This weekend is double XP. Sorry for the confusion!
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