Emerald - Pilots List (Mattherson)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xxNinjaPowersxx, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. Typhoeus

    QRY and BWC's Task Force Dragon squad are pretty beast. As individual pilots they are all very good but what makes them beast is how they work as a team. Friednug and Jaamaw lib duo are beast as well. A few other names I can think of but I'm pretty certain they've retired :(
  2. Ribero

    Does he say the "a"?
    I always thought he just drunkenly slurred "I'm pilot."
  3. GrenadeShark

    Its either IMA or I'm A. No way to discern.
  4. iflybad420

    TIW are boss on the ground, but.... saying that TIW has even one ace pilot would be stretching it.
  5. doombro

    Eh, they're a lot better than me. :p
  6. iflybad420

    hence the problem with threads like these. Depending on your skill level, everyone might seem like an ace, or a complete noob.
  7. AngryPlayer

    My Grounder disagrees with all lists posted.
  8. iSMG

    Not sure if serious,

    Naterian (spelling??)
  9. DQCraze

    What about,

    Nightbird he's shot my lib down more then any other pilot. I would throw phaeton evil up there also matty.
    • Up x 1
  10. xxNinjaPowersxx

    Nightbird? Could be just me but all I see him doing is picking off VERY easy kills. Smoking Lib, dead. Me almost at burning? Dead. Its truly all I see him doing.
  11. NinjaTurtle

    If you needs a pilot to crash into something I'm your man :p

    If you want a pilot that makes it back.... you may want to ask someone else
  12. Luighseach

    C150 have some good pilots.

    TIW has a couple good pilots but we are not PREY and most of our pilots are not dedicated air anyway.

    There are a lot of good pilots from Waterson but I wasn't a pilot so I couldn't list them.

    you arent wrong. all nightbird does is fly around with an airhammer and run from everything unless he has an advantage.
  14. Ownasaurusrex

    shz is a good pilot
  15. dstock


    Real pilots come from Jaeger..
  16. Axehilt

    I dunno, if the OP makes his own list then going just by Das Anfall stats I would make the list too. I consider myself a good, but not great pilot, with 3-4 K/D and ~2 VK/D (which is about where the OP is.)
  17. Champagon

    Is this seriously an ****** thread? You are kidding right? you DO know that anyone can pilot at any time right? Wow, never seen a "pat yourself on the back" thread. I want to use another "description" of this but it isn't exactly work safe
  18. Badname707

    You are seriously the most bafflingly angry person on forumside. Loved your posts on the PPA thread.
  19. Llamar

    Any time I run into a dalton lib it's a free kill. Shredder libs are the scary ones.
  20. xxNinjaPowersxx
