Medics, heal after reviving!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Codex561, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. Zorro

    I only play as medic when I am ordered to; otherwise, I would have upgraded my applicator to the max. As it is, for support I prefer being an engineer, and currently I am putting certs into the 100mm AP Python. Still, proper mentality is required to be a successful medic, as it is a hectic profession.
  2. maudibe

    Wouldn't help you anyway. I believe what your talking about it how easy you get killled directly after being revivived but you fail to take into account every factor. Your health gives you 500 units and your shield gives you 500 units. If you've just been killed your shield is 0 and health is 0, so even if your health went back up to 500 you would still be any easy kill cause your shield is down AND are more than likely in a compromised position where the guy that killed you is watching that green beam just waiting to shoot you again.
    I play medic often and have my healing gun at the highest level which heals the max in a blistering few nanoseconds. If you play medic get the highest level, its worth it. The other thing is get your suit slot highly certed in advanced shield capacitor to get your shields up very quickly after being shot. And, be sure to run back to cover after being revived and it may take a couple of revives to get to safety. I usually keep the revive gun on the down player to give him a little exta health if he was foolish enough to leave himself open while spawn camping the enemy. If your in a room with lots orf down teamates you dont have time to help eveyone back to full health unless your gun is maxed out. I always go in with my shottie looking for baddies first then revive cause theres no point in getting shot.
  3. LibertyRevolution

    Healing doesn't pay enough XP for them to bother.
    Just use a medikit when a low level medic rezes you..
  4. Canno

    Dear OP:

    Stop getting killed.

    -Sometimes play a medic
  5. Corporate Thug

    Really? You have a medic avatar, so how about you play medic and AOE heal yourself if it's that big of a problem. You can't expect people to get you 100% battle ready when lots of other friendlies are down, who might respawn and not be able to help with your immediate situation that got you killed in the first place if he/she does.

    For me, I don't expect revives since most medics are far behind my SoloLeroySwag, but when I do get revived, I appreciate them just taking the time to come pick me up. Be grateful that people are even playing medic.
  6. Obstruction

    Wrel pulled this same crap on his youtube about a year ago. he made a video where all he did was get up with like 8 bars missing and spam the V-heal macro a few times, then shot some poor BR15 guy in the back for not healing him up. he then proceeded to bully the poor kid in yell and then post his name all over youtube by zooming to the chat.

    he eventually privated that video because it was losing subscribers and he was having to ban people from comments over it. well, over that and over how he tried to defend it in the next video by saying Lance Armstrong used steroids or something. i didn't really understand that part, it was too ridiculous by that point.

    anyways the OP here is just as idiotic as that was. this is the kind of thing that really hurts the game more than anything else.
  7. Zorro

    I cannot seriously believe that Wrel would do something like that.
  8. Keldrath

    But if you just die again, then they can rez you again and get even more points! plus it's faster than healing you!
  9. Obstruction

    you can google it. the video still exists on some archive sites. "How not to be a medic" or something like that.

    and now that i watch it again it's even more ridiculous. he was auto healing from the biolab effect. and the base was capping in 20 seconds.
  10. FieldMarshall

    Thats a really dick move against "new" medics/players who are trying to revive everyone with their slow med tool, while also probably trying their best to learn the class/game.

    Med tool was one of the first thing that i max certed. Though i probably wont revive you if i see you.
    Ill probably toss you a rez grenade or something. Bonus points if you died near a bunch of enemies.
    I also run grenade bandolier. For you.
  11. Munq

    Kids these days.. Can't you just play nice? Don't accept the revives if it bothers you so much. Or use those healsticks.. Whatsitcalled.

    Also the game can be quite an assault on the senses. In largest fights there's so much noise, spamming, shaking, explosions, colors and all other kinds of **** going on the screen, you can't really blame someone for not waiting and focusing on you to get your litlte princess behind up, ready to be wiped clean.

    Jesus. It's a game. Someone needs to make you do hard labour to calm you down. Get some perspective.
  12. Munq

    Least he could've done was ask/instruct him nicely by whispering him. I never realized he was such a dick. Unsubbed.
  13. Codex561

    Medic is my 2nd most played class. infact today I only played medic.
  14. DragonOps

    You say that innocents should be extremely sorry and caring for raging idiots running into our line of fire, yet it is perfectly fine to team kill a busy medic who revived you? YOU SIR, ARE A HYPOCRITICAL FOOL!
    • Up x 2
  15. Inex

    Well, strictly speaking the least he could have done is shrugged and gotten on with his life.

    I mean, it almost seems reasonable at the time. This was long before the 30s corpse decay, so taking a second out of your day to heal won't prevent you from reviving. But on the other hand, the base was basically empty: who was he so worried about being shot by that he needed the extra 100 HP? The base is yours, if you're that hung up on getting some heals just find a terminal and do it yourself.
  16. Codex561

    Get outta here! The information you take on one thread needs to be utilized on THAT thread not mixed and matched with others.
  17. Canno

    So as a medic that can heal themselves (if you're geared out that way) you'd shoot another medic for not healing you? That makes your original post that much worse...
  18. Chioxin

    Nope, I am too. It's worse when they call out "Medic" over the mic... And then get all whiny about not being rezzed. Just because there is a cross running around on your death screen doesn't mean that medic sees you. Or hell, in some fights they may not even be on the same floor as you! People just need to cool it and respawn, or wait and hopefully get rezzed. I got so angry at someone who was yelling at medics being terrible at their job when it was a freaking mess. I mean, I was getting shot at. I'm going to return fire before I pick your *** up off the ground.
  19. Codex561

    Yes, when I am a medic I heal myself; no harm done.
  20. Munq

    If you watch that video, you can see the medic pulling his medgun out before Wrel kills him off. Chances are the player was listening to music and couldn't hear his call out. Or just didn't realize it. Game doesn't exactly give you icons that are easily recognized and stand out from rest of the surroundings. So imo it wasn't reasonable even then. I've sometimes shot a medic couple times to get his attention but never killed. They've always realized what I wanted. Now I just carry that medkitthingy or just try winning firefights with 50% hp. It's more exciting anyway.