Give Infiltrators More XP Incentive For Sniping?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SiosDashcR, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. Sulsa

    The first year of PS2 for me I was sniping 90% and loved it but...

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  2. Klashed

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  3. iller

    ....uh huh.... Overpowered Longshot makes every other rifle "Fine".

    if you say so fella
  4. Trebb

    As someone who only part time plays Infil, but maxxed his recon probe thing(not the dart), you're WAY more useful to your team close to the battle, reaping nice exp for radar points. Face it, having your platoon know where the enemy is coming from, what direction they're facing really does make a difference in the flow of battle.

    The only time I made a notable difference while stationary 'sniping' was when, while my team was being camped as attackers in a bio-dome, I was able to sneak up on top of the tower (yay jumping puzzle) and with a silenced Rams .50 took out half a dozen AV turrets and their medics. It was like one-shotting non-stop NPCs in single player Call of Duty campaign, and it was glorious, I just started with the rear of the platoon and worked my way up front.

    My team made it out after that ;P (maybe they would've without me, who knows)
  5. Eaderout

    how is the longshot overpowered?
  6. CactusLynx

    IF your an infiltrator and you want XP, you're doing it wrong.
  7. Rhumald

    As a sniping infiltrator myself, I take some offence to that. I am your sunderer's last line of defence against normal infantry units, weather it be through information, or personal interferance, it's my job to keep the forces supply lane open against flanking units, and I take that job seriously.

    You didn't know I was there? good, you shouldn't, my priorities are not your priorities, I get that, but you'll sure as hell feel the concequences when I'm not.
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  8. RenegadeHelios

    Well, it's one of those things where there's sniping, and then there's sniping.

    My thought would be to give points for 'priority targets'.

    I.E., any medic, an engineer in a turret, an engineer repairing a vehicle, or a character who just dropped C4 in proximity of a friendly vehicle.

    Think of it as a second version of 'extreme menace' kills (to which this day, after all the time I've played, I still have no idea what constitutes extreme menace versus normal, halp), where snipers who know how to prioritize targets to stop pushes far more effectively are given more credit.

    Think about it, a large infantry push. Ten snipers helping counter said push. All are aiming for priority targets. What happens after a few good shots from each of them?

    No revives. No health regen save for personal reserves. No AV/AI support from engineers. No extra ammo support. Possible failed attempts at C4'ing vehicles. So on and so forth.

    It helps stop the push far better than somebody who aims for easy kills, dropping a LA or infie right next to a medic who proceeds to revive them, cutting about a second off the push and giving the medic easy XP.

    Reward prioritization, keep normal target kills as they are. Marksman ribbons would reward those who help support at range either way, although you might be able to put an "advanced marksman" ribbon out for priority target kills at range, giving a bit more xp.

    Just a thought.
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  9. NahumLudd

    I also take offence from those comments. A sniper's job isn't generally seen by those he supports.

    The front-line fighters only see that they managed to break up the enemy line in an heroic push. Oh, and those two medics reviving all their forces? Gone.

    The immortal MAX that gets repaired faster than damaged now suddenly died? The enemy engineer didn't get bored of repairing. He got a round through the skull.

    The enemy infantry pumping out new vehicles or aircraft from a terminal nearby? Bang, headshot. No more enemy vehicles. Faster and cleaner than with three MBTs or heavies.

    Half the enemy force diverted from the front line to hunt a lone infiltrator who is having fun? That helps the front line fighting too.

    I could go like this all day...
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  10. NahumLudd

    In any case, I also think that there is no need for additional rewards.
  11. M4gn1

    Sniper like you should get more experience, yes. Sniper who just sit there waiting for easy shots, no not so much. If they could give you more experience for shooting a medic that just got a revive ribbon or an engi that resupply their friendlies. Engi that pops out of a vehicle that got air deterrent or anti vehicle idk what kind of ribbons there are. Should be possible as you already get extra exp for stopping someone's streak.
  12. Nerazim

    100% agreed. People in this game seem to hate on snipers because they think all we do is sit 200m away from a fight and miss every shot. I'm usually in the fight at the back somewhere, or on some high ground, but not in the next hex! I've been in decent positions and quickly racked up 15 kills or so in the space of a few minutes. I can kill other snipers who have found a good farm spot, which stops them killing 10+ allies. I can bring down half of an Engi-Max team. Prevent revive spamming. Protect tanks from heavies that are pounding them with rockets. Remove stubborn "dug in" opponents from capture points.

    Anyway, I don't really care what people think I am or aren't achieving. I'm having fun, and doing plenty to help out my faction. I've been kicked out of clans because they don't think snipers are useful, even though I'm scoring highly, putting down enemy after enemy. If they don't value my support, they can carry on without it. They'll be getting sniped and stomped by maxes more often though.

    People have a tendency in this game to try force you into playing how they want you to play. I've had random pugs shout at me threatening to boot me because I'm not following orders. If I want to fly lib, I will. If I want to snipe, I will. If I want to heal your max suits, I will. Tell me the plan and I'll help out, my way.

    This is why I tend to lone wolf or play with small groups of friends. I don't care about recognition, being a good soldier is reward enough.

    Edit: Sniping nets me good exp already, It's usually how I'll farm the most certs. I wouldn't say no to a bonus for extreme range kills, but long range fighting is low yield anyway, so I'd still avoid doing it.
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  13. NahumLudd

    Most squad leaders don't know how to use us. Neither we can lead an assault force from our far position (or behind enemy lines). I also go lone wolf all the time, helping assaults, defending positions or just harassing the enemy my way.

    EDIT: Besides, killing random grunts is ok. But a sniper's true job is killing those few but high priority targets (medics reviving, engies repairing, flankers, AT mines, beacons, heavies threatening our sunderers...). Sure we don't kill many enemies (I only shoot oportunity targets if I have nothing else to do and I'm not relocating). But we affect the outcome of the battle far more than any front-line machinegunner.
  14. plumloko

    They should just fix sniping period. 300m is crap thats a hair under 1k feet. when you should be able to snipe 1600m easy
  15. NahumLudd

    Then, non-sniper rifles, carbines...etc should have an effective range of around 400m. To compensate, and to be closer to those real-life values. I can't agree with that idea without this part. But it would be interesting to try these values.

    What I would do is increase EVERY projectile speed at least +50%. It's stupid to have to compensate for gravity when shooting within 100m. And the silencers. Oh God the silencers. How to ruin a weapon... My rifle feels like a bow when silenced (firing at 45° and all)....
  16. Eaderout

    I enjoy shooting a good AT/AP mine from time to time. My fav move is laying AT mines on air pads. They almost ever see it coming
  17. Luighseach

    Didn't they add a marksman ribbon?
  18. Goden

    Never in my 2 years of playing this game have I ever seen a sniper actually make ANY noticable impact on a battle. I have never seen them do anything but pad their stats by shooting unaware people standing still with headshots. I have never seen priority targets taken out by snipers.

    They are a waste of bandwidth and team slots as far as I am concerned.
  19. NahumLudd

    Last week I deployed to one of those bases in indar located in a narrow valley. My team (2 lightnings 2 sundies around 15 inf) assault stagnated by lots of enemy inf and 2 manned AV turrets. The vehicles were deployed behind some rocks and the infantry was dying on the open field between the sundies and the enemy wall. No air support for any side.

    From behind their lines (drop pod deployment) I got the medic reviving the casualty here and there my team managed to cause. I got the AT mines planted behind the shield (and the sapper with them). And a couple of grunts who were standing still, just to pass the time. A few seconds after that, I see through my sensors that around 5 or 6 people are coming for me (people not shooting my team anymore). Then I cloak, evade, get into their base. Pistol in hand I manage to hack both turrets, killing the gunners and planting claymores nearby, and evade again. Before i got killed I gunned another one down.

    And those 5 or 6 guys still looking for me at the other side of the base. I guess they were really pissed off. I bet they were illuminating every possible hiding place with their darklights.

    A minute after all that disruption and chaos I caused, my teammates were inside the base and the sunderer deployed near the wall. I only killed 7 guys (would have killed more with a MAX or Lib), but I handed the Republic the base.

    If that is not having an impact on the battle, tell me what it is.

    PS: This is one of my PS2 moments I'm most proud of.
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  20. NahumLudd

    Of course, I guess that the HAs, MAXes, LAs...from the front line didn't notice any of this. Only that suddenly the turrets went silent and the enemy infantry was more and more scarce. They made it to the base entrance, spread out and capture. Of course they did the "real job" of pushing and capturing...but not without a little help from the shadows.
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