Remove Thermals from Vehicles and the Infantry Thermal scope.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Jun 14, 2014.

  1. Halcyon

    Thermals are fine.
  2. Scr1nRusher

    just like tank HE rounds and liberators right?
  3. harmypants

    Vehicle thermals I don't have too much of a problem with, but I only really use them on the Marauder-H and the lib bulldog; everything else is zoom.

    Infantry IRNV could do with a bit of a spanking though. If I were going to nerf it I'd have it necessary to hide muzzle flash (so either a flash suppressor or regular suppressor) lest the scope blooms out and obscures the vision of the user.

    Not like it would change too much; I'm pretty sure most weps have access to at least 1 of them, but at least it gives it some sort of 'downside' and if nothing else, a barrier to entry.
  4. PWGuy93

    You need to go up on the test server and try Hossin.
    On Hossin without thermals, no one is going to be playing for very long.
  5. Scr1nRusher

    because they would actually have to have situational awareness and figureout where the enemy is and how to engage them/spot the enemy?

    Thermals are a crutch.

    Especially on vehicles.

    And the Infantry thermal scope outshines the other scope options to a point where why would you even use the other scope options?
  6. iller

    I'm completely torn on this ....

    On one hand, there's the frikkin Vanu who are mostly smoke gray and hard as heck to see anywhere but the bright white salt-flats. On the other hand... I've actually Bulldogged / Dalton'd with the Thermal scope against the poor TR who stick out just fine and are easy enough to see without it.

    ...And then there's us NC Infiltrators who glow in the freakin' dark while wearing a white Bra & Stockings....
    We might as well be full Lumafiber

    I kinda think there really need to be a Universal Visibility/Contrat pass before we talk too much about radically changing scopes
  7. Cab00se187

    This. Since thermals were brought in I have never used any other scopes. There is zero point to any of them unless you're sniping
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  8. phreec

    That would fix a lot of the ezmode explosive spam farming this game is plagued by without nerfing a single weapon. Too bad most of the spammers don't want their easy kills removed.
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  9. Zapon

    Thermals have been nerfed more than any other item in -game- furthermore

    they should be buffe-d they've been hit far too many times- and there is a severe lack of appeal in not having modern technology

    I have a extremely detailed argument for them, but i'll just link to the thread detailing the nerfs

    But after loosing the color palette- 2-3 + range nerfs, highlight nerfs, stability nerfs-

    Seriously, if any item has been overnerfed, the night vision optics are good contenders- heck, one is now completely useless due to it not doign any actual amplification and due to the revised decision to keep brightening the game as the devs decided on Amerish

    Check here- AND you'll also see a little of how they used to be, and should be

    /the ARMAs and SOCOM confrontation shut down all arguments that the most advanced night visioncan't be used in a game
  10. FailasaurusRex

    Ahhh... someone inform codex561 the community has found its next nerf target.

    Fun tip for all the libtards out there.
    Max hunting machine = Shredder, full magazine cert-line, and the pièce de résistance Thermal! Given a competent bellygunner he should kill more infantry(per reload) with this setup than with a thermal Zepher(as similarly certed as possible). All while retaining full anti-armor and anti-air capabilities. For which certed 1.25/1.50 zoom of any kind is not needed. Also recommended Marker implant.
    Go forth and farm everything at your hearts content.

  11. Shadoiex

    You forgot...
    By detecting heat (or whatnot) from your body using the scope, you can see more or less through the smoke.
    Now you know.
    And knowing is half the battle.
  12. NC supporter

    The more you nerf and get rid of in this game, the more this game turns into a butchered port of COD. Nerfing doesn't really help, all it does is remove stuff that makes the game unique. TF2 never got rid of rocket jumping even though it never made sense but the rocket jumping was a highlight and quirk of the game. It made the game standout. Buffing helps though. If something is too lets say OP then buff all the things that can counter it.
  13. Shadoiex

    We would end up with 1-shot weapons...
    *cough* "rocket-primary OP! nerf now!"
    *ahhurhur* -All weapons 1-shot-

    I do mostly agree with your idea....Just minor nerfing involved. ;)
  14. Inex

    Speaking of which, where are my IR smoke grenades?
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