Sony snubbed Planetside 2 for PS4 in E3 so no hype!!!!!. RIP PS2, no more getting saved via PS4!!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by G.O.A.T, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. K2k4

    I've always been surprised that this game doesn't get more ads and media facetime. So many people don't even know it exists, and when I tell people about they seem genuinely interested. Then again, I was never able to recruit somebody just on this premise.

    I think if SOE just got steam to put it on their main store page one or two weekends during a steam sale, we'd see a huge influx of players. Hell they could advertise 'Play it before it's on PS4' so PC gamer players on steam already will feel like they're getting a special experience.
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  2. Yaesu

    I hope they do something. I remember the days you'd log on and on the map screen, 5 to 7 BIG battles. Lately, you're lucky to see 3 or 4. Maybe a tad more on the weekends. I've been on on my days off, around noon, to continents with no fighting at all with no squad grouping at all. Not gonna scream as to WHY, but something needs to happen to boost population.
  3. G.O.A.T

    I thought about this, I mean...They delayed Hossin a lot...Im guessing they were trying to get a great workable version for E3 but failed? in the end they didn't get to show it on E3 and hossin still got delayed.
  4. TriumphantJelly

    Higby Higby TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR Higby TR

    The content of that video was somewhat uninspired. ):

    Nah, just joking.
  5. Blue Ice

    So.... if you watched this @4:20 mark Higby says, "After we launch on the PS4 we are going to try to maintain parority on the versions as much as possible. So new features in that are going the game are going into the PS4 in line with the PC game."
    To me this means more delays in releases of new content.
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  6. Isokon

    Nothing in your post has anything to do with whether the world is persistent or not.
  7. Thardus

    They won't, but Planetside 2 hasn't had much in the way of advertisements. A plug at E3 and availability on the PS4 would be great to boost awareness.
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  8. Silkensmooth

    Thats an opinion. I'm of the opinion that lattice made the game significantly less fun so...
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  9. DevDevBooday

    Im actually agreeing with G.O.A.T...

    These are dark times indeed.
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  10. Pelojian

    Need to face facts SOE is a scrooge when it comes to advertising their MMOs at least. their idea of advertising is by chance get some new players, those that like the game advertise for SOE for free to their friends.

    Of course we know how this turns out. They get a few new players while people that don't like the game are very vocal with their friends how bad it is.

    SOE is too busy counting their money to spend some of it on advertisements.
  11. Jbrain

    I wish Microsoft would make a clone of ps2 for the xbox one and PC.. Say what you will about Microsoft but at least they care about the games they make.. Anyone remembers asheron's call ? and Ashersons call 2 back when mmos were more like EQ. Well asherons call was fantastic in that Microsoft kept adding content all the time.. the only reason it died out at all was because at the time it had to go up against dark age of Camelot and EQ original and it wasn't advertised as much. But if we were all super lucky and some ms game dev decided to 1up sony here.. just imagine the awesome... In my mind I am thinking a MMO with call of duty infantry play, dark age of Camelot style siege, smashed together with Tribes 2 bases... remember tribes 2 and bases with proper defenses ?
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  12. LucasPiazon

    If you are constantly redeploying and hopping around the map, without fights flowing from one base to the next with the space in between being used as a tug of war over territory, the game doesn't feel persistent even if it technically might be.
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  13. NC supporter

    SOE is a branch of Sony. This game is barely on the minds of the people of Sony because besides from this meager source of revenue, they still have PS4 and TV's to sell. Both of those sources require payment in order to own which is better than slowly milking money from a F2P game in a business sense.
  14. Goden

    The PC version of PS2 is already falling apart. The devs are handling the game and community so poorly that it is falling to pieces. How much worse could it get?

    It is very rare to see a developer put so little self pride into their products. The effort (or lack of) in PS2 is just incredible.
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  15. Crator

    *NOTE: I can't watch the video right now at work to confirm if that's what Higby actually said.

    What? A long while back Higby was asked why they would not have the console and PC players on the same server. The answer was that they wanted to keep them separate because they could put out updates quicker for the PC then they could for the console...
  16. Niamar

    If they figure out that the ps4 version won't work in such a massive scale..., I wonder who is getting fired.
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  17. MajiinBuu

    Planetside 2 makes more money for SOE than all of their other PC games
  18. DxAdder

    E3 is for games that have been hyped and will make Sony $$$$

    Planetside 2 is free to play game and quite honestly most people at Sony probably don't even know what it is.

    Now if PS2 was making significant revenues I'm sure it would have gotten more coverage.
  19. Eyeklops

    lolwut? Got source?
  20. MajiinBuu
