Hossin delayed to next month

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chipay, Jun 11, 2014.

  1. PWGuy93

    I think the PS2 folks could take some feedback from the Landmark team, RadarX knows these guys was there so probably understands and could relay the positive message as intended, "be more transparent".
    Devs on the Landmark teams talk about the issues, the roadblocks and come across as pretty open. The audience there might be of a different nature (uh ya are of a different nature) but typically the players are pretty understanding - when they hear the what, the why and when and what it's going to take to get there.

    The roadmap section since my time playing has undergone revamps, most of those related to timelines. As mentioned above Hossin was supposed to be out a long time ago. Heck I still have about a half a dozen bonus XP rewards sitting there in my notifications section from my testing on Hossin last year. That was last year...

    I too am frustrated with the lack of progress on the roadmap section, not so much Hossin as the resource revamp which would bring with it the beginnings of the real meta game but if I sit back and think about it, I'd much rather wait for something that works out of the gate than have to go through minipatches on a near daily basis we had a couple of months ago.
  2. eldarfalcongravtank

    ok who actually WANTS hossin now? it would get boring after 1 week anyway. and even if it was released tomorrow, you would not have fun playing it with 1/2 of the population since the other half stays on indar anyway
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  3. UberBonisseur

    I'm starting to believe EQN is going to be great because no one in the PS2 team is working on it.
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  4. MorganM

    ...except that you can actually log in on test and play it so... yeah... not vaporware.
  5. Stopper

    I'm totally disappointed but not really surprised.

    Awesome bases / continents are what we need the most.

    Amerish is great but it's still "Indarside" and, as somebody said, even on it some bases aren't occuped for days (apparently). I think it's bases around the warpgates.

    I don't like tank's spam but it's a combined arms game and, if we want populated continents, we need to have a landscape that is fun for vehicle's lovers, even if the bases are (and should be) protected against ground vehicle's spam.

    We also need less bases on each continent and remaining bases should be awesome. So, less dilution of players and better fights (even on Amerish, even there, some bases have no interest, like the satellites of the eastern Bio labs, while some bases are truly impressives, like Mekala Cart mining or Deepcore Geolab).

    So, I hope Hossin will be in these direction. With the fix of the numerous bugs and game crash remaining ; unacceptable one and a half year after the release by a professional company like Sony.
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  6. PlatoonLeaderG

    And what if Indar is locked? How people will play there if its locked? Thats where the other continents come into play....
  7. Pikachu

    Da locking!
  8. GaBeRock

    I do. many of the bases are really claustrophobic, but everything looks really pretty and there are a surprisingly large amount of places where I can see open field battles happening.
  9. NinjaTurtle

    Hang on. Are you saying the merge is thanks to VS Derp?!?!?!?!?! :eek: Seriously?

    Someone buy that man some new spandex he deserves it
  10. Gammit

    = increased probability of canceling subscription

    These content delays are just about the same as PS1's no content patches after a year or so. I had better hopes for this. :(
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  11. EliteEskimo

    VSderp is a cool guy, but sadly one of us always dies before we see eachother in battle lol.
    He was trying to get in touch with him for awhile, and finally got a tweet in. Sadly it took a single tweet and not thread after thread on the forums or Reddit to cause a change. Which brings me to my next point.

    Which apparently doesn't count for much Radar X , since Higby just posted this Gem on Twitter. PS2OfficialForumsWhatisThat? Apparently 58 pages of Official Forums Feedback count weren't read, that or Higby didn't even know this topic existed on the official forums in the first place. If he is keeping up with the discussions why isn't 58 pages on the forums and numerous threads on Reddit/Planetside 2 Official forums enough? Almost everyone who has really cared about this topic has already chimed in. I mean I literally don't know what feedback he is possibly hoping to get that he hasn't already had access too through the Official Forums and Reddit since Friday.
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  12. DK22

    Just spent about a hour there, it ain't ready guys.
    reported a generator half in a wall, I dunno if this is the kind thing they want people to look for,
    because I haven't spent alot time over there.
    I could do about hour a day looking for stuff like that and reporting it because right after work
    I just can't play (fight) so just practice driving flying than go eat and really play later.
  13. IberianHusky

    Every month SOE says they are going to release it, only to delay it ad infinitum. That is the very definition of vaporware.
  14. RadarX

    I think his goal in that (and I'm far from psychic) was to touch base with the community while he was E3 and let you know he hasn't forgotten about the issue. Internet at E3 is abysmal and posting to the forums from a cell phone is challenging at best. I can assure you he has a handle on the general sentiment.
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  15. Mastachief

    Its already 14month overdue whats another 3 months(converted higby time for you.) Its not like the populations are dropping like stones and people are fed up.
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  16. -Synapse-

    Eh, I don't really care. It's done when it's done, let's just hope it's somewhat worth the wait.
  17. DK22

    K, I won't bother then. sorry to take the devs time. get back to work slackers
  18. Codex561

    Flying rocks? Oh wait its a feature for live, my bad!
  19. Imthehunter

    I'm sure Hossin will breathe some life back into the game, no doubt about it. You guys seem to be doing a great job with it and it's turning out to be a whole new kind of continent with clearly different quirks and features.

    I have one concern, however.

    Even on peak times, the bleeding of players is clearly visible on Miller, as well as many other servers I'm sure. And Miller is the most populated EU server, probably due to having a large portion of PS1 veterans willing to keep playing the game.

    It's hard to find decent fights on any other continent than Indar unless there's a continent-specific alert. I imagine this'll be even worse when Hossin comes out, with the pop cap per server raising again and spreading the players thinner and thinner.

    Unless there are server merges in the EU. (My vote goes for Ceres-Cobalt and Miller-Woodman. I think it's doable. Also saves SOE money on server space!)
  20. DaMann22

    While the rest of the forums enjoy posting like bi-polar, psychopaths allow me to at least say thanks RadarX and dev team for the hard work you guys are doing. Yes I am very much disappointed that Hossin is again postponed but I am not basing my life around whether it comes out or not. Right now I am still really enjoying Amerish after months of its release, and at times Esamir along the most southern lattice. And even though I would like to have Hossin right now I know that releasing it in its current state and refreshing the smaller bases once a week from the stock bases would not make this a customized experience. I would rather get something at least 90% finished later than 50% finished now. So it will come out hopefully very soon so we have something to tide us over while you guys work on the resources revamp.

    Also I second a couple EU server mergers. As a player solely on Waterson, I understand that there are many times during the early morning and afternoon where there are only a few good fights on Indar and so everyone stays on that continent all the time.