The Ultimate Thread for calling out the flawed arguments used when talking about C4 Vs. MBT's

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EliteEskimo, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. Epic High Five

    Would you be in favor of giving up a large portion of a tank's AI potential if you were given top armor that allowed you to absorb an extra C4?

    The way C4 interacts with tanks is core to the dynamic between the three facets of battle, just like things being balanced around the availability of free rockets to all players. If C4 were to be weakened against tanks, then so would tanks have to be weakened against infantry. If we're talking double the amount of C4 faeries to do the same job as now, we're talking AI potential of tanks being halved, including secondaries.

    Liberators are horse**** and frustrating for everyone. Just wait until Hossin drops though, then they'll just be skimming tree tops desperately trying to poke through to find targets while everything on the ground finally gets to enjoy itself :cool:
  2. VirtualGuerilla

    I like my MBT. I like killing other vehicles with my MBT. What I like even more is killing C4 fairies throwing sandwiches at my MBT.

    I also like C4ing MBT's. Sometimes when my MBT's health is really low I magburn at the enemy MBT's, plop out and blow them up with my own C4.

    The end.
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  3. Liberty

    The irony of course being, I have a much higher vehicle kill per hour with my AV / Non HE weapons (sometimes double and then some) meaning my "farming" involves wiping out enemy armor.

    The double Irony being you have a whopping 1% higher ratio of vehicle kills to infantry kills with your prowler heat. I have 22.8% vehicle kills, you have 23.8%.

    The triple Irony is you say I only pull tanks under "ideal" circumstances e.g. when a force multiplier is needed to clear out armor or break infantry stalemates. And you pull nothing but armor, all the time, no matter what the situation calls for and see that as a good thing.

    Boom, I'm out.

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  4. MostlyClueless

    4 2/2 Magriders isn't even a full squad. Against GOKU, who'll have nearly a full platoon. Most of them awful pubbies and the wonderful BuzzCatPsycho (Best pubbie in the world) sure but still. Your odds ain't good here.
  5. Vixxing

    So 7.52 k/d is to little for you? If someone is dedicated enough to take an ESF and a LA just to take your tank out you should feel flattered... you just have to deal with the fact that sometimes you dont die because you did something wrong... but because somebody else did something RIGHT!
    What hard counters does infantry you shell with your mighty Prowler deployed on a hilltop 250m away have? (they try to go to (A) and *BOOOM* killed from out of nowhere!)

    If your tank gets C4'ed a few times a day, its nothing compared to the hundreds you kill with no way to fight back... so stop crying!
  6. EliteEskimo

    Well I'm glad you're doing a service by wiping out armor too, but that doesn't change the fact you are typically doing it under ideal conditions which inflates all your scores by a fair margin. Why wouldn't you have a have a higher VKPH with your AV weapons compared to non HE weapons if that 's what the purpose of pulling AV tanks are for in the first place?

    I play on the front lines with my Prowler, and I specifically target battle critical Sunderers and then kill whatever gets in my way which is typically infantry. I typically face far more infantry than tanks when taking out Sunderers but when there are tanks I gladly kill them. I don't get how this is irony either, as I've stated countless times that my favorite and number 1 role is hunting Sunderers. Important Sunderers are normally surrounded by infantry so naturally after I blow up the Sunderer I then have infantry kills to wrap up afterwards.

    I pull nothing but armor because I'm a Tanker, a member of BWC's specialized Rampage armor task force, and probably couldn't be much else and actually be a decent player while playing with an average of 17-20 FPS with 500 render distance and the lowest possible settings. I never said pulling armor no matter the situation was a good thing, I find it hilarious you would suggest I said that though, I merely am saying I do accept the challenge of doing so and make the best of it. I was also saying that you stating that tanks have few weaknesses was a load of crap though and I stand by i statement.

    You think you're so slick haha:p
  7. Irathi

    Well this is turning out to be a fun thread.

    I would propose a couple of ways to "balance" the situation a bit without buffing the tanks overall;
    1. limit the range of the trigger for the C4, forcing the LA to be closer to the tank or any other target perhaps within 50m radar to detonate C4.
    2. give tanks an EMP ability with a short uptime and decent cooldown that could disrupt C4 and perhaps also tank mines or even gate shield diffuse ability? It would have to be something that you selected instead of such as smoke or vehicle repair.
    3. remove the C4 entirely from the LA and let the HA be the main anti vehicle class. Give the LA an anti-infantry / anti-max sandwich instead and let them carry more than just 2.
  8. EliteEskimo

    I'm actually a front lines tanker typically within 150-100 meters of infantry while trying to blow up an important Sunderer. I"m not the sit back at 250 meters away and shell type which I find incredibly dull and boring. Please stay on topic which is addressing the points I'm refuting, and at no point in my first post am I acting sad or am acting angry so to suggest I'm crying is childish.
  9. Atis

    Tanker ace in vanni can keep killing stuff for hours, with rare runs to ammo sundie. LA just makes 1 try, gets 1 tank kill per run at best and often dies after that with empty jets. Simply incomparable things. Only seems unfair if you look from 1v1 point of view.
  10. Vixxing

    You just have to deal with the fact that sometimes you dont die because you did something wrong... but because somebody else did something RIGHT! is still valid...

    And as a sniper im really the tankers best friend... they just never know it... killed countless LA/HA/medics running/flying for clueless tanks/sunderers without they even realizing it... saved countless more by spotting them (often gets run over as a "thank you!")

    And the fact that C4 you cant really defend against, happens at maximum a couple of times per day/takes alot of effort/skill (alot more than shelling from a deployed tank at least) means this is such a minor problem its not even worth dealing with...
  11. Cinnamon

    There are two a couple of issues to consider I think with one being cost mainly in terms of time and resources. The other being risk/reward in how easy it is to c4 a tank.

    Resource cost for the 2 c4 is always 200 but you don't get a perfect return on that so you could spend 500 infantry resources to blow up a tank in a sticky situation. More for a sunderer obv. The relative value of resources is relative for different people. If you mainly play infantry you have many different demands on infantry resources and you have to be constantly monitoring them and stockpiling supplies compared to pulling vehicles which honestly is a case of always bouncing around 750 for air and ground and being able to pull whenever you want.

    In terms of time it takes that depends on how close the tank is to a spawn. If a tank is hanging around an air tower then you have to have a very odd perspective on the game to think that it deserves anything else other than a quick death. But even in that ideal case there is a good chance that a light assault would be shot multiple times trying to get in position or that they would drop one c4 then get shot. Sometimes c4 just fails even if you see it connect on your screen.

    Prowlers are the easiest tanks to c4 as they have no real defence. But if a vanguard sees you they have the additional defence of shielding which saves them. Magriders are the hardest because if they keep moving as they should it's almost impossible to connect with c4.

    If a tank is in a more defensive or situationally aware position then there are ways to c4 them but most require more planning or teamwork than you might think. And they are not guaranteed to be mission success.

    If there is one thing that I think is currently imbalanced for light assault c4 then I would say that it is the galaxy with all the changes to it. You now have something that can be used aggressively as a ground attack vehicle flying around the battlefield without being in too much danger. As a light assault you can spawn into, man a gun then jump out when you are over a tank. Too easy and convenient compared to other methods.
  12. Ragmon

    You know, reading this thread make me feel good, knowing that tankers are ******** their pants at the mere mention of C4 and LAs.

    I play LA mostly and love to hunt those spam-tank with my C4 blocks.

    Some times I just run (jet pack) towards tank in front of them just to scare them off, when I run out of C4, one of the funnest moments in Planetside 2 for me (stupid tankers :D ).

    In the end, keep ******** your pants tankers, cause the thing you can one-shot from a mile away can one-shot you and be bad-*** about it.


    Deal with it tank spammers your not above LAs anymore. :D
  13. Vixxing

    This i agree too... a hovering galaxy with mass LA spawning inside it with drifters just going for tanks is a bit cheesy...
    But then again Galaxys are pretty big targets and not very hard to bring down....
  14. Irathi

    Thats the berserker galaxy as we call it, effective if you want to stop zerging armor held up at a choke point.
  15. \m/SLAYER\m/

    maybe, but there difference between AP tank, that comes to defend against enemy armor (not farming infantry).
  16. Cinnamon

    I'll admit that sometimes I equip my medkit and run right at tanks to spook them.
  17. Vixxing

    Probably, and fun but say 10 ppl do it... it would be far more effective with 5 dalton libs... ;) (less fun though and less whiny tankers!)
  18. 0utrider

    C4 is kind of annoying in that the infantry will charge at you because they know they can do large amounts of damage if they get close enough.
    I don't like it because there's nothing I can do about it.
    It's a bit like the bad physics in that I'll die before I know what's going on, or Aircraft where I can see them but I can't touch them.
  19. Serafine

    I would be totally okay with a C4 damage reduction but ONLY when damage of tank mines and AT-rocket launchers will be doubled (at least). The damage of those weapons is ridiculously low, most of the time you can't even kill a single tank with them because get one-shotted or you run out of ammo.

    Have you ever seen what an AT rocket like the Javelin does to a tank? Planetside "AT" rocket launchers are just plain silly.
  20. Stargazer86

    It's called the 'S' key. Press it, hold it down, and the infantry magically get farther away from you.

    On a further note, if you're in a spot where infantry can consistently charge at your tank and threaten you with C4, you're doing it wrong.

    On a further, further note, use proximity radar if you have the situational awareness of a turnip. It helps.