Game is dying, SOE do something !

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Merlock, May 30, 2014.

  1. Merlock

    If you think the game died due ESF's you're ******** as hell.. If anything from vehicles did it it must be liberators
  2. hawken is better

    You can feel it on Connery, too. It's slowly turning into Waterson/Mattherson in that unless you play for the 3-4 hour "prime time" period, the fights are gonna be few and far between. Of course, the SOE Defense Force will tell you that you should only be playing during prime time anyway, so meh. Looks like SOE's incompetence/laziness is finally catching up to them. Oh wait, it already has.
  3. JackD

    Its spring and soon summer. The game isnt dying, people are just outside.
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  4. BreakingGame

    Less people playing is less people playing. They would rather do something else, that is the problem.

    This game does not have a sufficient population to sustain a 40% exodus, for any reason.

    Don't assume they will come back.
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  5. Ikissyourface

    The game is dying because devs have lost passion and become lazy to get anything done. There I said it, hate me.
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  6. LordMondando

    Oh good, has anyone kept count, is this the 11,034th or 11,035th game is dying thread?

    Indarside sucks, cont lattice will fix it. If your disenchanted with the game take the end if nigh sign off and take a break, the melodrama is just lulzy,
  7. Tuco

    Attacking Indar Excavation for the 500th time, and parking in the exact same spot for the 500th time, gets a little boring after a while.

    And no the problem isn't Indar. If everyone hated Indar then it wouldn't be populated now would it.
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  8. Cinnamon

    They really need to do something fairly urgently to make it so people can actually find good infantry fights that are not the same one or two bases on indar all the time.
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  9. Kerplunk

    I still love the game and see tons of good battles every night on Mattherson. Granted it's on Indar unless an Alert elsewhere.

    To improve the game further and reduce the frustration, I think the biggest improvement that NEEDS to be done is... somehow stop the battle between shields. It's not so fun to be camping on one side of a shield you can't fire through. Remove the shields around bases also, let enemy vehicles come through. In order to balance it, change where the infantry spawn starts. For instance at a tech plant they should spawn in the main building, not some far off hut then run to the main building/Vehicle HUD.

    My biggest gripe. I'm sure newcomers would find it fail mechanics also.
  10. KodiakX

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  11. IamDH

    At this point im guessing all planetside servers are indar 24/7. Merging all the servers would not be a good idea
    The best bet is hoping that hossin will break the Indarside cycle
  12. Codex561

    Transfer Briggs to cobalt!
  13. Pikachu

    Yeah 400ms ping would be so awesome for those Australians.
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  14. Govedo13

    I personally find it quite funny that only Indar is playable. I dos not like the other two "remade" continents. The same Indar that is hated by many because it has beta bases where vehicles can actually be useful in base capture.

    Compare the new Howling pass with the old one. The new offers fragmented infantry play, it is chaotic and offers no reward for team play based pushes or for big fights because there are no more such intensives.
    The old Howling pass used to have 3 mini-games inside.
    1: Shield gen- if the defenders kept it on they had the chance to use vehicles to suppress and push out the enemy.
    2: Defenders could prevent being spawn camped by spawing and parking their own sundies inside the towers.
    3: The base was open to air assaults, if the defenders organised their AA turrets survivability combined with AA MAX/Skyguard they wiped air at the place creating nice no-fly zone.

    Have you ever good long hard fight at Howing Pass after the base change? I haven't, it was mostly ghost cap or fast not so good fight.

    I wont even start comparing the old Crown madness with the current one.

    Both Esamir and Amerish new bases are made to cater infantry fights inside the bases only, cutting the link between vehicles and infantry. This fragments the game play totally killing the combined arms aspect.
    Esamir have some really nice fog effect sometimes, if I was dev I would had implemented it everywhere on Esamir.

    Amerish is absurdly stupid because you cannot go anywhere on foot, and vehicle connections and pathways are plain idiotic.
    If you does not have some good ESF pilots to protect some good liberator and galaxies you are pretty much screwed. Fights on Amerish are so broken there is no flow between one battle into another, the whole lattice system is so fragmented and idiotic. I hate it more then other 2 continents.

    Esamir is tragic as well, the white is pathetic badly made that makes eyes to hurt. All types of thermal and IRC scopes are severely nerfed. All bases are walled in idiotic way, there is again no coordination between vehicles and infantry.

    Better "flawed" designs according to MLG players and Devs that are popular to the masses then the current idiocy in base design department. "Flawed" and hard to take bases create hotspots and fun fights.

    Next planned idiocy is to kill the defenders potential of Biolabs- so the overpopulated zergs can steam-roll them more efficient. Biolabs are the last place where infantry tactics and coordination actually work.
  15. Yuukikun

    I didn't mean esfs in particular, more like vehicles in general
  16. Govedo13

    You have 2 vehicle banned continents why you does not play there?
  17. SpcFarlen

    On the double xp weekend not being that fruitful. Many higher BR characters (supporters since day one) don't need to grind certs to get what they want, they have it. Was playing with my friend who was sitting at cert cap, double xp isnt an incentive for him to play.... lucky SOB lol.

    So if you want more players to come in, have a double xp weekend for all players. It well get low BRs a boost they need to feel accomplished. Give older players that may have not had a reason to get on, to get on. Cause low population hours to actually have decent amount of players on. Show people that this game is fun and give them a little boost. Those who have already subscribed are usually the ones that do not need a kick out the door, so to speak. New players, or those semi interested DO.

    On Indarside, or Windar which ever you prefer, well there are a lot of reasons why it is the way it is. For one it was teh first continent we got our hands on. Has some hometown vibe to it. Its also the most balanced in terms of combined arms, each part can do their role (i dont understand all the QQ about vehicles, i play infantry >90% of the time). Its also a bit of circular reasoning: People only play on Indar because people only play on Indar because people only... you get the idea.

    After an Alert people start heading back to Indar, rather than staying on the other continents. Some stay but of course its a minority. Also goes back to the circular reasoning rationale. The cycle continues. New players see the battles only on Indar, so they stay there for the big fights promised by SIZE. ALWAYS. MATTERS. Really odd slogan...
  18. CactusLynx

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  19. Niamar

    Players come and go in all games. I don't believe this game has peaked yet, when the planetary capture is implemented you will see a surge in player numbers and retention.
  20. Morchai

    Higher populations would definitely improve the game for me. I have to have the worst ISP in the country. Every evening between 8 PM and midnight my bandwidth craps out and my latency shoots through the roof. Trying to play during prime time is futile. Anywhere there is a decent battle I have players teleporting hither and yon while tanks and sunderers fly around spinning as if caught in an invisible tornado.

    As a result, I'm only able to play during off hours when the pop is low and big battles are scarce.